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Magic Tooth

1,014 bytes added, 00:09, 6 March 2023
Updating drops, v380
=== Drops ===
<!-- Include items dropped from monstersTo add drops, modify the relevant mob page and it will automatically be added to the following table. --><dpl>noresultsheader = This item has not been submitted by an editor as well loot, or may not exist as those obtained through skinninglootcategory = Loot/Magic Toothmode = unorderedcolumns = 1include = {MOB Location}:areatable = class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed sortable", butcheringMonster, skull extraction, etc.LocationExample section:</dpl>;Mobs from which a [[EltibuleMagic Tooth]]can be obtained include:* [[Fire RatInsane Werewolf]], sometimes drops 1 in [[Fire DustKur Mountains]](drop)* [[Fire SpiderMot-Urak]], often drops as much as 3-5 in [[Fire DustGazluk]].-->skinning
=== Gathering ===
<!-- Include items obtained from ground spawns such as fruit
===Using in Recipes===
<!-- v337 v353 -->
<!-- This section has been added automatically by a bot. Please contact [[User:Alleryn]] (check page history for link to user page with contact info) if you believe this section is in error. -->
{| {{STDT|mw-collapsible mw-collapsed}}
! Lvl !! Name !! Ingredients !! Results
| 35 || Wolfen Speed Juice || <span class="extimage32px"></span>&nbsp;[[Tuft of Fur]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span>&nbsp;[[Magic Tooth]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span>&nbsp;[[Bottle of Milk]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span>&nbsp;[[Salt]] x1 || <span class="extimage32px"></span>&nbsp;[[Wolfen Speed Juice]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span>&nbsp;[[Empty Bottle]] x1
| 40 || Superjump Potion || <span class="extimage32px"></span>&nbsp;[[Thick Cranium Lotion]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span>&nbsp;[[Magic Tooth]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span>&nbsp;[[Sardonyx]] x1 || <span class="extimage32px"></span>&nbsp;[[Superjump Potion]] x1
| 45 || Blood Seeker Ointment || <span class="extimage32px"></span>&nbsp;[[Fire Dust]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span>&nbsp;[[Magic Tooth]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span>&nbsp;[[Dog Meat]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span>&nbsp;[[Giant Spider Leg]] x1 || <span class="extimage32px"></span>&nbsp;[[Blood Seeker Ointment]] x1
{| {{STDT|mw-collapsible mw-collapsed}}
! Lvl !! Name !! Ingredients !! Results
| 50 || Secret Calligraphy: Resilience || <span class="extimage32px"></span>&nbsp;[[Expert Holistic Ink]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span>&nbsp;[[Magic Tooth]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span>&nbsp;[[Tuft of Fur]] x1 || Gain insight: '''-5% Crushing Vulnerability'''. (Stacks with regular calligraphy effects)
{| {{STDT|mw-collapsible mw-collapsed}}
! Lvl !! Name !! Ingredients !! Results
| 0 || Beginner's Augury || <span class="extimage32px"></span>&nbsp;[[Salt]] x5<br>[[:Category:Items/CorpseTrophy|Corpse Trophy]] x1 ||
| 0 || Basic Augury || <span class="extimage32px"></span>&nbsp;[[Salt]] x3<br><span class="extimage32px"></span>&nbsp;[[Incense]] x1<br>[[:Category:Items/CorpseTrophy|Corpse Trophy]] x1 ||
| 0 || Advanced Augury || <span class="extimage32px"></span>&nbsp;[[Incense]] x3<br>[[:Category:Items/CorpseTrophy|Corpse Trophy]] x1 ||
| 0 || Expert Augury || <span class="extimage32px"></span>&nbsp;[[Incense]] x6<br>[[:Category:Items/CorpseTrophy|Corpse Trophy]] x1 ||
| 0 || Perceive Spawn Premonitions (3 2 secs) || <span class="extimage32px"></span>&nbsp;[[Incense]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span>&nbsp;[[Topaz]] x1<br>[[:Category:Items/CorpseTrophy|Corpse Trophy]] x1 || Perform a mind-altering ritual so that you can perceive newly-spawned monsters 2 seconds before they actually appear.<br>The effect does not wear off, but whenever you die there's a 5% chance that it will end.
| 0 || Perceive Spawn Premonitions (5 4 secs) || <span class="extimage32px"></span>&nbsp;[[Incense]] x3<br><span class="extimage32px"></span>&nbsp;[[Topaz]] x2<br>[[:Category:Items/CorpseTrophy|Corpse Trophy]] x1 || Perform a mind-altering ritual so that you can perceive newly-spawned monsters 4 seconds before they actually appear.<br>The effect does not wear off, but whenever you die there's a 5% chance that it will end.
<!-- v337 v338 -->
<!-- This section has been added automatically by a bot. Please contact [[User:Alleryn]] (check page history for link to user page with contact info) if you believe this section is in error. -->
{| {{STDT|mw-collapsible mw-collapsed}}
| [[Kelim]] || Amulna in [[Ilmari]] || Likes ([[:Category:Items/CorpseTrophy|Corpse Trophies]])
|- style="background:#9EF24A;"
| [[Percy Evans]] || Northeastern [[Eltibule]] || Likes ([[:Category:Items/MagicTooth|Magic Teeth]]: 400*)
|- style="background:#9EF24A;"
| [[Ashk]] || Rahu City in [[Rahu]] || Likes ([[:Category:Items/Tooth|Teeth]]: 350*)
|- style="background:#9EF24A;"
| [[Ragabir]] || [[Red Wing Casino]] || Likes ([[:Category:Items/AlchemyIngredient|Alchemy Ingredients]])
| [[Jesina]] || Sie Antry's Farm in [[Eltibule]] || Hates ([[:Category:Items/CorpseTrophy|Corpse Trophies]])
<nowiki>*</nowiki>[[Magic Tooth]] has an effective value different from its base value (200) when gifted as a member of this item category.
=== Bartering Uses ===
Give 3-4x {{Item|Brain Bug Lobe}}, along with 2-3x {{Item|Brain}} to [[Zeratak]] in exchange for a choice of equipment.
[[Percy Evans]] will give a {{Item|Fae Animal Nexus Key}} in exchange for one.
=== Selling ===
<!-- Include information for npcs who buy this item at full value with sufficient favor. Do not list general vendors; instead include the line {{General Buyers}} at the bottom of the list.

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