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Example Dyed Armor

826 bytes added, 05:11, 22 January 2019
Added example dye images for the orcish leather set
== Leather armor ==
Examples to show which parts of the armor use first, second and third (if given) color.
=== Nice Leather set ===
<gallery widths="200px" heights="150px">
File:Dye.png|Nice Leather Shirt - dark violet, red, light-gray. Nice Leather Pants - pale marigold, tomato red, purple
=== Orcish set ===
Note that the cap is Orcish Gladiator, as the plain Orcish cap does not have a skin that matches the rest of the set.<br>
Dyes were placed in the dye slots in RGB order from top to bottom. The middle set simply left out the red.
== Werewolf armor ==