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Example Dyed Armor

71 bytes added, 01:14, 31 January 2019
Makes the helmet 2-color table collapsible, default collapsed
!rowspan="2" |Dye Color(s) <!-- These take up 2 rows to close the empty cells in the chart -->
!colspan="3" |Armor Type <!-- Armor takes up 3 columns to accommodate different armor types -->
|- <!-- Sub-Category Titles, second directly below the title bar -->
== Metal Armor ==
Metal Helmet 2-color examples{| class="wikitable sortablemw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="text-align: center; "!colspan="8"| Metal Helmet 2-color examples <!-- Title of chart -->
|| Aquamarine<br>Blue: || [[File:aquamarine_blue_metal.png|100x100px]]

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