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Example Dyed Armor

338 bytes added, 21:48, 31 January 2019
Added undyed orcish magic trooper pics. GB and RGB will be added soon.
File:Clothpants-green-blue-salmon.jpg|Cloth pants dyed with drab grass green, deep sky blue and light salmon
=== Orcish Magic Trooper set ===
GB and RGB examples will be added soon.<br>
== Leather Armor ==
=== Orcish set ===
Note that the cap is Orcish Gladiator, as the plain Orcish cap does not have a skin that matches the rest of the set.<br>
Dyes were placed in the dye slots in RGB order from top to bottom. The middle set simply left out used the red2-dye recipe, green first and blue second.

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