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174 bytes removed, 16:04, 2 May 2015
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; [[SerbuleMyconian Cave]]: [[Myconian Cave]] <!-- landmark page, or plain text description of whereabouts -->Go left after entering.
==Small Talk==
<!-- remember to update the categories below! -->
* Likes Plants
* Likes Raw Vegetables
; [[Mycology]] Recipes
: ''Spore Bomb 4/Malevolent Spore Bomb ''
: ''Spore Bomb 5/Horrific Spore Bomb ''
: ''Blood Mushroom Smoothie '' : , ''Coral Mushroom Smoothie '' ; [[Alchemy]] Recipes : ''Aiming Potion '' : ''Persona Reducer Potion '' : ''Persona Minimizer Potion '' : ''Acid Resist Potion '' : ''Acid Shield Potion ''
; [[Category:NPCsAlchemy]]: ''Aiming Potion'' : ''Persona Reducer Potion'', ''Persona Minimizer Potion'' : ''Acid Resist Potion'', ''Acid Shield Potion''  [[Category:FungoidNPCs]][[Category:Myconian Cave NPCs]][[Category:Plants]][[Category:Raw VegetablesFungoid]][[Category:Brass ItemsTalks to Animals]]