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185 bytes added, 20:16, 24 March 2018
Spoiler tag'd the level that gives access to Myconian Caverns and updated the requirements to speak with the Myconians to be more precise.
This skill can be obtained early on while exploring [[Anagoge]]
==Unique features or unlocks=={{spoilers|Myconic language based unlocks|At level 10, you can Touch the Tall Mushrooms around Serbule to lead you to the Myconian Dungeon for "Kill the Myconians" quest given by Jack the mushroom guy. At  Within the dungeon are several sentient mushrooms, which starting at level 13-ish , 10 Myconic you may can speak to the residents of the cave.[[Poe]] requires level 11 Myconic and [[Way]] requires level 13.}}
[[Category:Skills]][[Category:Other Skills]]