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1 byte removed, 09:07, 22 July 2017
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* [[Ratuk the Thinker]] also teaches specialized Teleportation spells such as '''Bind Alternate Circle''' and '''Recall Alternate Circle'''. Even a teleportation ability that can be used in combat: '''Organ Displacement'''!
'''[[Anagoge Island]]'''
* South on the map, between dungeon and obelisk
* Inside the northern gate of [[Serbule Keep]].
* To the Northeast, outside of [[Borghild]].
* Far south of [[Serbule Keep]], on a wooded hill.
* Inside the [[Myconian Cave]], behind entry portal drop close to Jaw and Voo
'''[[South Serbule]]'''
==Connected Skills==
You can how many unique teleportation circles you've already bound to in each zone by going to the Skills pane -> Teleportation -> List Used Teleport Locations. You can also see your currently bound Circle at Skills -> Teleportation -> Get Binding Info.
'''[[Anagoge Island]]'''
* South on the map, between dungeon and obelisk
* Inside the northern gate of [[Serbule Keep]].
* To the Northeast, outside of [[Borghild]].
* Far south of [[Serbule Keep]], on a wooded hill.
* Inside the [[Myconian Cave]], behind entry portal drop close to Jaw and Voo
'''[[South Serbule]]'''
{{:{{msg:BASEPAGENAME}}/Stat Bonuses}}

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