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Project: Gorgon Wiki β


Revision as of 17:42, 29 October 2014 by Gorgonzola (talk | contribs) (WIP.)





This template has several purposes:

  • Makes some item icons link to relevant article pages instead of the default "File history" page (eg. Saltpeter).
  • It can save many edits in the future, for example certain foods that have the same icon now (banana & lemon), could have a unique icon later. The article refers to the individual foods, so the article won't need updating.
  • Adds mouseover title.
  • Reduces custom mediawiki code in the articles.

TODO: later, this template could automatically add a javascript popup to show the full item name.


parameter 1
Name of the icon. See Item Icons Guide for available icons (eg. "firstaid"). If not provided, an empty box is shown.
OPTIONAL. Changes the size of the icon (default is 32px).
OPTIONAL. Give the mouseover tooltip text, for items that have the same icon.


Default 32x32px icon. By default the capitalized icon name becomes the tooltip: "lemon" => "Lemon".


Smaller inline icon.


Provide the full name for items that have similar looking icons with label parameter.

{{icon|genericpot|label=Advanced Holistic Ink}}