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Sir Arif

4,330 bytes added, 26 March
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=== Small Talk [[{{msg:BASEPAGENAME}}/Small_talk|<span style="font-size:50%"><sup>[view/edit]</sup></span>]]===
[[Category:Favor/Small Talk]]
== Quests ==
== Training ==
  {| class = "sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"|+ style="white-space:nowrap; " | [[Sigil Scripting]]: ''Explosive ! Unlock! Skill Level! Cost! Favor {{NPC training unlock row |Icon=Unlock |item=Sigil Scripting{{pipe}}Sigil Scripting |favor=Comfortable}}{{NPC training row |ability=Explosion Sigil |skilllevel= 0 |cost= 245 |favor= Comfortable}}{{NPC training row |ability= Explosion Sigil'', ''Electricity 2 |skilllevel= 20 |cost= 1666 |favor=Comfortable}}{{NPC training row |ability= Explosion Sigil'', ''3 |skilllevel= 40 |cost= 4606 |favor=}}{{NPC training row |ability= Restorative Sigil'', ''Acid Sigil'', ''Explosive |skilllevel= 10 |cost= 686 |favor=}}{{NPC training row |ability= Restorative Sigil 2'' -- at '''Friends''': '' |skilllevel= 25 |cost= 2401 |favor=}}{{NPC training row |ability= Restorative Sigil 2'', ''3 |skilllevel= 45 |cost= 6811 |favor=Best Friends}}{{NPC training row |ability= Electricity Sigil 2'', ''Repulsion Barrier'', ''Acid |skilllevel= 5 |cost= 441 |favor=}}{{NPC training row |ability= Electricity Sigil 2'', ''Explosion Sigil 3'' -- at ''' |skilllevel= 25 |cost= 2401 |favor= Close Friends''': ''Restorative Sigil 3'', ''}}{{NPC training row |ability= Electricity Sigil 3'', '' |skilllevel= 50 |cost= 6811 |favor=}}{{NPC training row |ability= Acid Sigil 3'' -- at '''Best Friends'''; [[Necromancy]] |skilllevel= 15 |cost= 1421 : ''Free-Summon Skeletal Archer''| -- at '''favor=Close Friends''': ''Free-Summon Skeletal Archer }}{{NPC training row |ability= Acid Sigil 2'' |skilllevel= 35 | '''2254 councils''' at '''cost= 4361 |favor= Close Friends''': ''Free-Summon Skeletal Archer }}{{NPC training row |ability= Acid Sigil 3'' |skilllevel= 50 |cost= 7056 | '''6256 councils''' at '''Best Friends'''favor=}}{{NPC training row |ability= Repulsion Barrier |skilllevel= 35 |cost= 4361 |favor=}}: ''Free-Summon Skeletal Archer 4''| '''9016 councils''' at '''Like Family'''}  : ''Free-Summon Skeletal Archer 5''==== Interpretive Dance Variant ====[[Sir Arif]] is the teacher for [[Interpretive Dance| '''13662 councils''' at '''??'''Dance 4 (variant B)]]. At least three musicians must be playing instruments near [[Sir Arif]] to convince them to demonstrate their dance. 
== Services ==
==== [[Storage]] ====
|itemrestriction =
|neutral =0
|comfortable =08
|friends =8
|closefriends =168|bestfriends =248|likefamily =328|soulmates =408
(note the cumulative total is 8)
== Events ==
===== Winter Celebration =====
== Conversations ==
Uh, hi there. Watch out for the explosive runes. Heh. Guess you saw those? I made 'em.
'''What are you doing down here?'''
Been down here about a year now, I guess. I was part of the [[Council Corps of Engineers]] who came to build [[Serbule]]. We got called back real quickly, though, on account of the war, and so we rushed stuff...
:'''You rushed the development of Serbule?'''
:We had to get [[The Council|Council]]-quality sewer and water installed in five days. Five days! So we took some big shortcuts. The water's being portaled in from miles away. And we didn't have time for a sewer, so...
::So we diverted all the sewage into this ancient series of crypts. These tunnels are old, old, old, like pre-[[The Council|Council]] old. We didn't think any undead would still be able to hold their rage together, you know? But damned if they aren't really powerful here! And they weren't real happy about having shit poured on them, either. We kinda woke them from an ancient slumber.
:::'''So what are you doing here?'''
:::Well, we rigged up some portals to route the sewage out of here, but since it was already pouring in to here, it's now a complex mess or portals. And the undead like to jam them up and damage them. So, I stayed behind to protect the sewage system.
::::'''Isn't there a better use of you time?'''
::::It was only supposed to be for a few weeks! But I think it's been over a year, now. My team's forgotten about me, haven't they? I bet they were called to the front lines of the war, and they're all dead. And now nobody can relieve me. Nobody even knows I'm here, since we kind of left that out of the reports...
:::::'''Nobody knows you're here?'''
:::::Well we didn't want to get punished. So we reported [[Serbule]] as being complete. Figured we could sneak back to town in a while and finish everything up. I guess now I'm just screwed.
::::::'''Want me to get help?'''
::::::Well, who's stationed in town? They left a garrison? Who's in charge?
:::::::'''No garrison. Just [[Sir Coth]].'''
:::::::That jerk's the only guard in town?! Well... I'm screwed. Don't tell him about me, he's a moron and he'll get me in trouble. They stationed him out here to get him out of the way. Good with a sword, bad with a brain, as the saying goes.
::::::::'''So how can I help?'''
::::::::Stay alive. And if you meet any other [[Council Corps of Engineers]] members, tell them Arif needs their help.
:::::::::'''Okay. I'll do that. Bye.'''
=== Small Talk ===
{{Spoiler|Variation 1|
{{Quote|There was a second engineer with me originally. [[Lady Rasheen]]. She died after exploring a nearby room. She said a lich with the mind of a child was stealing her memories. She died slowly, horribly.}}
{{Spoiler|Variation 2|
{{Quote|Those little dinosaurs can rend flesh at an insane rate! But they have a hard time clawing through armor.}}
{{Spoiler|Variation 3|
{{Quote|Have you seen those dinosaurs down here? Yeah, that... uh... that was a council corps error. We portalled 'em in from hundreds of miles away! They can't hurt you much if you're wearing enough armor.}}
{{Spoiler|Variation 4|
{{Quote|I keep the place mostly safe with my runes and sigils. Was never really good with a sword, but I'm great at the lost art of sigil-scripting.}}

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