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Sluggish Brain Bug

397 bytes added, 10:24, 25 April 2022
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==Combat Abilities==
:{{Combat Ability|Crushing Damage}}:{{Combat Ability Rage|Crushing Power DebuffAIP:BrainBug}}
|{{Item|Sinewy Insect Meat}}None
== Reported Loot ==
==== Equipment ====
; Level 1-5 Skill Mods
|{{Loot|Moldy Ancient Shield}}
|{{Loot|Moldy Ancient Helm}}
|{{Loot|Moldy Ancient Shirt}}
|{{Loot|Moldy Ancient Gloves}}
|{{Loot|Moldy Ancient Pants}}
|{{Loot|Moldy Ancient Shoes}}
==== Consumables ====
|{{Loot|Healing Potion}}
|{{Loot|Armor Potion}}
|{{Loot|Power Potion}}
==== General Loot ====
; Level 0-10 Equipment
|{{ItemLoot|Brain Bug LobeAncient Bronze Coin}}|{{ItemLoot|BrainBasic Metal Slab}}|{{ItemLoot|GrassBroken Necklace}}|{{Loot|Coinpurse}}|{{Loot|Elven Verse}}|{{Loot|Empty Bottle}}
|{{ItemLoot|Parasol MushroomFire Dust}}|{{ItemLoot|Brass GearGenealogy Chart}}|{{ItemLoot|Power PotionGoblet}}|{{Loot|Large Strawberry}}|{{Loot|Piece of Green Glass}}|{{Loot|Plate}}
|{{ItemLoot|Glued CoinsRotten Strawberry}}|{{ItemLoot|Ancient Bronze Coin}}|{{Item|Piece of Green GlassRubywall Crystal}}
==== Book ====
|{{ItemLoot|Alchemy: Safe Brain Boosts For Beginners}}|{{Loot|Psychology: Mock 2}}
[[Category:Anagoge Records Facility Creatures]]