'''Deceased Guardian'''s are [[Undead]] Skeletal Warriors that guard the tombs of [[James Eltibule]] and [[Sarisa Eltibule]]. They have a relatively high health, and they build rage quickly. A player with around Level 30 gear should have no trouble defeating them. It is unknown if the Deceased Guardians were alive when sealed in the tomb. ==LocationLocations ==; [[{{MOB Location| area = Eltibule Crypt]]: | location = Along the entire hallway.| health = 684| armor = 464| rage = 823}}
* Immune{{: Darkness* EffectiveAIP: Crushing, Fire* Very Ineffective: Poison, TraumaSkeletonWarrior}}
→Reported Loot
{{MOB infobox
| title = Deceased Guardian
| type = Undead
| health = 684| armor = 291464| health rage = 823| effective = Crushing, Fire| vineffective = 415Poison, Trauma| rage immune = 495Darkness
[[Deceased Guardian]]s are [[Undead]] Skeletal Warriors that guard the tombs of [[James Eltibule]] and [[Serisa Eltibule]]. They have a relatively high health, and they build rage quickly. A player with around Level 30 gear should have no trouble defeating them. It is unknown if the Deceased Guardians were alive when sealed in the tomb.
==Combat Abilities==
==Miscellaneous==* Slashing DamageSkin: None* Meat: None* [[ImageSkull:Rage-icon-20px.gif|Rage]] Slashing StunRandom between Human/Orc/Elf/Rakshasa
==Reported Loot==
|{{Loot|Strange Dirt}}
[[Category:Eltibule Crypt Creatures]][[Category:Undead]][[Category:Eltibule Creatures]]