'''[[Preserved Polar Bears ''' Bear]]s are reanimated Polar Bears. It can be very scary to get hit by the rage attacks of a group of them!== Locations ==
* Slashing Damage* Crushing Damage* [[Image{{:Rage-icon-20px.gif|Rage]] Crushing Health DevastationAIP:Bear}}
Level when Tamed: 43:259 Armor:288 Health:113 Power
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{{MOB infobox
| title = Preserved Polar Bear
| type = Bear and Bugbear
| armor health = 4031044| health armor = 720643| rage = 8261043
| effective = Electricity, Acid
| ineffective = Crushing, Trauma, | vineffective = Cold (Very)
{{MOB Location
| location1 area = Goblin Dungeon| desc1 location = Found in Green annex.| health = 1044| armor = 643| rage = 1043
==Combat Abilities==
* Skin: {{Loot|Nice Animal Skin}}* Meat: Cheap {{Loot|Beast Meat}}* Skull: {{Loot|Astonishing Animal Skull}}
==Reported Loot==
* {{Loot|Oregano}}
* Seeds
==Animal Handling==
{{MOB AH| name = Preserved Polar Bear| level to tame= 43| max level = 80| max bond level = 80| max happiness = 100| max enthusiasm = 10| bonus =| weaknesses = Acid, Electricity| resists = Crushing, Trauma| profile = AIP:Slashing DamageBearPolar Pet}}{{MOB AHVital| vital level= Tamed:Crushing Damage| health = 288*Grant Owner Cold Mitigation +15| armor = 259*Slashing Damage and Taunt +180}}
[[Category:Goblin Dungeon Creatures]]