→Reported Loot
{{MOB infobox
| title = Human Berserker
| type = Human
| armor health = 10131185| health armor = 11871128| rage = 10471121
| effective = Poison, Trauma
| ineffective = Slashing, Fire, Cold
[[Wolfen Berserker]]s are werewolves that haven't quite gone mad yet. Many can be found in humanoid form.
== Locations ==
{{MOB Location
| area = Wolf Cave
| location = Found everywhere.
| health = 1185
| armor = 1128
| rage = 1121
== Combat Abilities ==
== Miscellaneous =={||'''Skin''':|None|-|''Wolfen Berserkers'Meat'' are werewolves that haven't quite gone mad yet. Many can be found in humanoid form.:|None|-|'''Skull''':|{{Item|Impressive Human Skull}}|}==LocationReported Loot ====== General Loot ====; [[Wolf Cave]]Level XX Equipment{||{{Loot|Simple Armor Patch Kit}} x2|{{Loot|Good Armor Patch Kit}}|{{Loot|Good First Aid Kit}} x1-2|{{Loot|Silver Salad Fork}}|-|{{Loot|Shiny Plate}}|{{Loot|Spool of Wire}}|{{Loot|Magnifying Glass}}|{{Loot|Brass Figurine}}|-|{{Loot|Fear Oil}}|{{Loot|Hatred Oil}}|{{Loot|Crossing Oil}}|{{Loot|Uncrossing Oil}}|-|{{Loot|Shoddy Forgery}}|{{Loot|Stunning Painting}}|{{Loot|Phot Painting}}|{{Loot|Shovel}}|-|{{Loot|Small Prism}}|{{Loot|Medium Prism}}|{{Loot|Sulfur}}|{{Loot|Saltpeter}}|-: Found everywhere.|{{Loot|Guava}}|{{Loot|Dangerous Poisoned Knife}} x2==Combat Abilities==|{{Loot|Ring of Ferocious Clawing}}* Slashing Damage|{{Loot|Spring Fairy Leggings}}* [[Image:Rage|-icon|{{Loot|Thickened Chainmail Shirt}}|{{Loot|Hunter's Breastplate}}|{{Loot|Elven Officer's Helm}}|{{Loot|Elven Plate Leggings}}|-20px.gif|Rage]] Slashing Stun{{Loot|Elven Gauntlets}}|{{Loot|Idealist's Skirts}}|{{Loot|Claws of the Undone Beast}}==Miscellaneous==|{{Loot|Orcish Gladiator Cap}}|-|{{Loot|Ruined Shifter's Boots}}|{{Loot|Thentree Boots}}|{{Loot|Maiming Beaker}}|{{Loot|Elven Dagger}}* Skin: None|-* Meat: None|{{Loot|Basic War Claw}}* Skull: Impressive Human Skull|{{Loot|Elven Cestus}}|{{Loot|Blasting Hammer}}==Reported |{{Loot==|Cutting Crossbow}}* Level 35|-40 Gear|{{Loot|Trancelute}}[[Category:Wolf Cave Creatures]]|{{Loot|Work Order for Ambient Magic Sponges}}|{{Loot|Work Order for Masterwork Barbed Arrows (Fletching)}}|}