:'''Thick Armor'''{{Combat Ability|Crushing Damage}}:{{Combat Ability Rage|Crushing Damage and Self-HealAIP:Hippo}}
|'''Skin''':|{{Item|Great Animal Skin}} or {{ItemHeader|Trophy Hippo Hide[[Skinning]]}}
==== General Loot ====; Level 60 EquipmentJewelry
no edit summary
| title = Endangered Cave Hippo
| type = Non-Ruminant Ungulate
| health = 9891461| armor = 10551384| rage = 13421700| effective = Piercing, Electricity, Acid
| ineffective = Fire, Cold, Nature
[[Endangered Cave Hippo]] s can be found on the bottom floor of the [[Rahu SewersSewer]].
== Locations ==
{{MOB Location
| area = Rahu Sewer
| location = Bottom FloorNorthwest area of the second level of [[Rahu Sewer]]| health = 9891461| armor = 10551384| rage = 13421700
== Combat Abilities ==
== Miscellaneous ==
|'''Meat''':{{Loot|NoneGreat Animal Skin}}
{{Header|[[Skinning#Skinning Mechanics|Skinning Bonus]]}}|-|{{Loot|Trophy Hippo Hide}}|- {{Header|[[Butchering]]}}|-|?|- {{Header|[[Butchering|'''Skull''':Extraction]]}}|None-|?|}{|{{Header|[[Butchering#Butchering Mechanics|Butchering Bonus]]|2}}|-|{{Loot|Heart}}|{{Loot|Stomach}}|-|{{Loot|Spleen}}
== Reported Loot ==
|{{ItemLoot|Explosive Runestone}}|{{ItemLoot|Lost Notus Record}}|{{Item|Hatred Oil}}
|{{ItemLoot|Uncrossing Oil}}|{{Loot|Fear Oil}}|{{ItemLoot|Uncrossing Hatred Oil}}