'''[[Haridius The Exemplary''' ]] is a distinguished [[Cultist Necromancer]] working under the influence of [[Gulagra]]. He was sealed inside the depths of the Chapel by [[Lord Sedgewick]]. ==LocationLocations ==; [[{{MOB Location| area = Dark Chapel]]: | location = Beyond the sealed doorway.| health = 9593| armor = 1268| rage = 1023}}==Combat Abilities=={{:AIP:Necromancer}}== Miscellaneous =={||'''EliteSkin''':* Ranged Electricity Damage| None* Ranged Root|-* [[Image|'''Meat''':Rage| None|-icon|'''Skull''':| {{Loot|Impressive Human Skull}}|}== Reported Loot =={{MOB First Kill|firstitem= Gulagra Orb|fktext = Several pieces of equipment.|rktext= No more than 1 piece of equipment.}}{|{{Header|Quest Items|4}}|-20px.gif|{{Loot|Rage]] Burst Darkness DamageSpoon of Necromancy}}|}==Reported == General Loot====* ;Level 40/-45 headgearEquipment{|* |{{Loot|Saltpeter }}|{{Loot|Fear Oil}}|{{Loot|Large Coin Sack}}|{{Loot|Gulagra Orb}}|}
[[Category:Dark Chapel Bosses]][[Category:Human]][[Category:Bosses]]
→Reported Loot
| title = Haridius The Exemplary
| type = Human
| armor health = 4139593| health armor = 53301268| rage = 11161023| notoriety = 300900
| effective = Poison, Trauma
| ineffective = Electricity, | vineffective = Darkness (very)