[[Zukelmux The Intransigent]] is a boss in the lower levels of Gazluk Keep.
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| title = Zukelmux The Intransigent
| type = Demon
| health = 53274| armor = 33547035| rage = 4859| health notoriety = 68993600| rage curse = 4129{{Disease|Woozy}}| effective = Cold, Acid, Darkness| ineffective = Electricity, Trauma(very), Sonic(very)| vineffective = Crushing| immune = Crushing, Slashing, Piercing}}[[Zukelmux The Intransigent]] is a [[Demon]] encountered in the lower levels of [[Gazluk Keep]]. He commands part of [[Lord Forthragar]]'s army, and can summon [[Gargoyle]]s to assist him in battle.== Locations =={{MOB Location| area = Gazluk Keep| location = At the end of the series of chambers in the southwest quadrant of [[Gazluk Keep]]'s second level. | health = 53274| armor = 7035| rage = 4859
{{MOB Location
| location1 altheader= World Boss: [[Zukelmux The Intransigent]]| location = [[Gazluk]], Spawns on roof of [[Gazluk Keep]].| desc1 health = Found in the Southwest corner of the second level.1325198| armor1 armor = 335471727| health1 rage = 6899360634| rage1 time = 4129Spawns during [[Invasion of the World Bosses]]
== Lore ==
A note in one of the rooms before Zukelmux reads:
: Personal Journal:
: This gargoyle, this Zukelmux, is a terrible mistake. This evening I overheard two of the gargoyles speaking together. Where would I be without my Floating Ear spell? Anyway... they are soldiers in an army of some sort, and Zukelmux is a general. The army ... the army is large. There are millions of these troops, and they may come looking for their lost general.
: [[Arkura]] laughs and says that all of the Council Lands are protected by the Council's wards against demonic invasion. I pointed out that the Council is busy fighting a war against demons... demons that invaded, despite these wards! But she insists only Destriels [[Destriel]]s demons could pierce their wards.
: I am much less willing to trust my life, and the life of my fellow Gazluk orcs, on human magic. But for now I will obey Arkura.
==== Intuition Warning: Danger Ahead! Text ====
''I will never bow to these worm-infested meatlings''
''They summon more and more of my troops... thinking they will control them...''
'' Me! A commander in Forthragar's army. Wait until [[Lord Forthragar]] hears of this outrage!''
== Curse ==
{{Disease|Woozy}}- {{ #dpl: | title = Woozy| include= {DISEASE infobox}:description}}
== Combat Abilities ==
'''Boss, Alarmer, Immune to Knockback, Stun, Mesmerize, and Fear'''* Crushing Damage{{:AIP:GargoyleBoss1}}* [[Image:Rage-icon-20px.gif|Rage]] Burst Crushing Damage, Stun, and Curse
== Miscellaneous ==
== Reported Loot ==
{|{MOB First Kill|{{Item| firstitem= Zukelmux's Insignia Ring |fktext = ???|rktext= ???}}|}