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Opportunistic Blinding Wasp

100 bytes added, 13:54, 9 May 2022
Reported Loot
| title = Opportunistic Blinding Wasp
| type = Arthropod
| health = ?3381| armor = ?604| rage = ?2025| effective = ?Crushing, Fire, Cold| ineffective = ?Psychic, Nature| immune = ?Poison
[[Opportunistic Blinding Wasp]]s are wasps with '''High Evasion.'''
== Locations ==
{{MOB Location
| area = ?Fae Realm| location = ?west of [[Ogamboe]], by giant red rose| health = ?3381| armor = ?604| rage = ?2025
== Combat Abilities ==
'''High Evasion'''
==== General Loot ====
|{{ItemLoot|Giant Insect Wing}}|{{ItemLoot|Fae Wasp Stinger}}