* Skin: {|{{Header|[[Skinning]]}}|-| None* Meat: |-{{Header|[[Butchering]]}}|-| None* |-{{Header|[[Butchering|Skull: Extraction]]}}|-| None|}
* Brass Gear* Brass Nail* ; Level 60 65 Equipment{||{{Loot|Saltpeter}}[[Category:Construct]][[Category:Labyrinth Creatures]]|}
{{Quote|Resolving Intrusion.
{{MOB infobox
| title = Constructed Myrmidon
| type = Construct
| armor health = 218415403| health armor = 142743328| rage = 31053004| effective = Piercing, Nature| ineffective = Slashing
| vineffective = Crushing
| immune = Psychic
[[Constructed Myrmidon]] s are massive golems deployed as deterrents by the [[Crone Hegemony and other groups]]. These Thickly Armored stalwart stone beings behemoths can deal out a wicked Disabledisable the use of any and all abilities.
== Locations ==
{{MOB Location
| area= Labyrinth| location= Patrolling the bottom floor.Fourth level of [[Labyrinth]]| health = 1427415403| armor = 21843328| rage = 31053004
==Combat Abilities==
'''Elite, ; Thick Armor, ; Immune to Knockback; Highly Resistant to Stun and Knockback'''
==Reported Loot==