To aid communication between [[Animal Husbandry]] players, a system of genetic notation is used which identifies a gene or group of genes through '''Chromosome''' (row) and '''Group''' (column) positions. The maximum number of genes a creature using the [[Genetics]] system may have is 400. The following These examples are all based on [[Arthropod Genetics]], which only uses 238 genes. :{| class="wikitable"| '''Notation'''| '''Meaning'''|-| CR1A4: | The identified gene is the 4th gene in Chromosome 1, Group A.|-|CR6C2: |The identified gene is the 2nd gene in Chromosome 6, Group C. |}This system is expanded to identify multiple genes in the same '''Chromosome ''' or in the same '''Chromosome Group'''.:{| class="wikitable"| '''Notation'''| '''Meaning'''|-|CR7A4B2D1: |The 4th gene in Chromosome 7 Group A, The 2nd gene in group B, and the 1st gene in Group D.|-|CR2C23: |The 2nd and 3rd genes in Chromosome 2 Group C.|-|CR5A1-4: |All four genes in Chromosome 5 Group A.|}Gene notation allows for genes to be marked as '''Dominant''', '''Recessive''', or '''Mixed'''. [[Animal Handling|Animal Handlers ]] tend to use their own symbols or the text-file symbols preferred [[Genetics/Basics#Terminology|notation style]] for this purpose.:{| class="wikitable"| '''Notation'''| '''Meaning'''|-|CR5A3R or CR5A3o: |The 3rd gene in Chromosome 5 Group A is recessive. |-|CR5A3R4D or CR5A3o4X: |The 3rd gene in Chromosome 5 Group A is recessive and the 4th gene is Dominant. |}Entire '''Chromosome ''' rows can also be written using gene notation.:{| class="wikitable"| '''Notation'''| '''Meaning'''|-|CR1A1x2R34xxB1R2D3x4RC1D2R3x4R = |A list of Dominant, Mixed, and Recessive genes in Chromosome 1 using text-file style notation.|}Listing entire a handful of genes in the same '''Chromosome rows ''' row can quickly become complicated to read, so they are usually written in full using '''Dominant''', '''Recessive''', or '''Mixed''' symbols instead, using . This is generally written in either ''text-file notation'' or ''player notation''.:{| class="wikitable"| '''Notation'''| '''Meaning'''|-|CR1xRxx RDxR DRxR DRRR RRxD RDRD RRDD RDDR DDDD Rxxx: |A complete Chromosome row written using text-file style notation. Putting everything together, entire genomes can be written. Below is an example of a Wasp genome using player notation, then the same wasp in text-file notation.|}
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Creatures in Project Gorgon using the [[Genetics]] system have genes which control their physical appearance, stats, and abilities. These attributes can be modified by either one gene or a collection of genes. A single gene can also influence multiple types of attributes. <br>
A creature’s genes are organized into ten chromosome rows, each with up to ten groups of four genes. All creatures of the same anatomy type share a map of possible genes and numbers of groups per chromosome.
=== Terminology ===
'''In-Game Notation''': How genes appear in-game. Uses <three symbols here>.
'''Text-File Notation''': How genes appear in exported text files. Uses <span style="{{ItemColor|0}}">'''D'''</span>,<span style="{{ItemColor|0}}">'''R'''</span>,<span style="{{ItemColor|0}}">'''x'''</span>.
'''Player Notation''': A method developed by Animal Husbandry players. Uses <span style="{{ItemColor|0}}">'''X'''</span>,<span style="{{ItemColor|0}}">'''o'''</span>,<span style="{{ItemColor|0}}">'''t'''</span>.
===== Genes =====
Genes are two-part genetic markers which influence the attributes of a creature. Every gene can be '''Dominant''', '''Recessive''', or '''Mixed''' based on its two halves.
'''Dominant''' genes: '''Dominant''' genes influence the attributes of a creature by <this>. '''Dominant''' genes can also be called '''Double-Dominant''', because both parts of the gene are '''Dominant''' parts.
* '''Dominant''' genes are notated by a <solid circle symbol> ''in-game'', a <span style="{{ItemColor|0}}">'''D'''</span> in ''text-file notation'', or an <span style="{{ItemColor|0}}">'''X'''</span> when using ''player notation''.
'''Recessive''' genes: '''Recessive''' genes influence the attributes of a creature by <this>. '''Recessive''' genes can also be called '''Double-Recessive''', because both parts of the gene are '''Recessive''' parts.
* '''Recessive''' genes are notated by a <empty circle symbol> ''in-game'', an <span style="{{ItemColor|0}}">'''R'''</span> in ''text-file notation'', or an <span style="{{ItemColor|0}}">'''o'''</span> when using ''player notation''.
'''Mixed''' genes: '''Mixed''' genes are genes which <do this>. '''Mixed''' genes have a '''Dominant''' and a '''Recessive''' half. '''Mixed''' genes usually behave like '''Dominant''' genes for purposes of influencing attributes of a creature.
* '''Mixed''' genes are notated by <target symbol> ''in-game'', a an <span style="{{ItemColor|0}}">'''x'''</span> in ''text-file notation'', or a <span style="{{ItemColor|0}}">'''t'''</span> when using ''player notation''. ===== Chromosomes Identification =====To aid communication between [[Animal Husbandry]] players, a system of genetic notation is used which identifies a gene or group of genes through '''Chromosome''' (row) and '''Group''' (column) positions.
'''Chromosome''': A term used to describe a row of genes. Arthropods have 10 '''Chromosome''' rows.
=== How to Read & Write a Genetic Map===
Putting everything together, entire genomes can be written. Below is an example of a Wasp genome using ''player notation'', then the same wasp in ''text-file notation''.:{| class="wikitable"|01 tott oXto Xoto Xooo ootX oXoX ooXX oXXo XXXX ottt |-|02 toXo ooXo ttXo ooot tXXo |-|03 oooo Xooo ottt oooo ooot tXXo XoXX otto oXXX oXto |-|04 Xtoo ooXt XXot ooXt XXXX |-|05 toot oXto oo|-|06 XXoX XXXX Xt|-|07 XXXX XtXX oXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX |-|08 XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX |-|09 XXXX XXXX XXoo Xott oooo |-|10 oXto ooto Xooo XX|}:{| class="wikitable"|01= xRxx RDxR DRxR DRRR RRxD RDRD RRDD RDDR DDDD Rxxx |-|02= xRDR RRDR xxDR RRRx xDDR |-|03= RRRR DRRR Rxxx RRRR RRRx xDDR DRDD RxxR RDDD RDxR |-|04= DxRR RRDx DDRx RRDx DDDD |-|05= xRRx RDxR RR|-|06= DDRD DDDD Dx|-|07= DDDD DxDD RDDD DDDD DDDD DDDD DDDD DDDD DDDD DDDD |-|08= DDDD DDDD DDDD DDDD DDDD DDDD |-|09= DDDD DDDD DDRR DRxx RRRR |-|10= RDxR RRxR DRRR DD|}