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Creatures in Project Gorgon using the [[Genetics]] system have genes which control their physical appearance, stats, and abilities. These attributes can be modified by either one gene or a collection of genes. A single gene can also influence multiple types of attributes. <br>
A creature’s genes are organized into ten chromosome rows, each with up to ten groups of four genes. All creatures of the same anatomy type share a map of possible genes and numbers of groups per chromosome.
=== Terminology ===
'''In-Game Notation''': How genes appear in-game. Uses <three symbols here>.
'''Text-File Notation''': How genes appear in exported text files. Uses <span style="{{ItemColor|0}}">'''D'''</span>,<span style="{{ItemColor|0}}">'''R'''</span>,<span style="{{ItemColor|0}}">'''x'''</span>.
'''Player Notation''': A method developed by Animal Husbandry players. Uses <span style="{{ItemColor|0}}">'''X'''</span>,<span style="{{ItemColor|0}}">'''o'''</span>,<span style="{{ItemColor|0}}">'''t'''</span>.
===== Genes =====
Genes are two-part genetic markers which influence the attributes of a creature. Every gene can be '''Dominant''', '''Recessive''', or '''Mixed''' based on its two halves.
'''Dominant''' genes: '''Dominant''' genes influence the attributes of a creature by <this>. '''Dominant''' genes can also be called '''Double-Dominant''', because both parts of the gene are '''Dominant''' parts.
* '''Dominant''' genes are notated by a <solid circle symbol> ''in-game'', a <span style="{{ItemColor|0}}">'''D'''</span> in ''text-file notation'', or an <span style="{{ItemColor|0}}">'''X'''</span> when using ''player notation''.
'''Recessive''' genes: '''Recessive''' genes influence the attributes of a creature by <this>. '''Recessive''' genes can also be called '''Double-Recessive''', because both parts of the gene are '''Recessive''' parts.
* '''Recessive''' genes are notated by a <empty circle symbol> ''in-game'', an <span style="{{ItemColor|0}}">'''R'''</span> in ''text-file notation'', or an <span style="{{ItemColor|0}}">'''o'''</span> when using ''player notation''.
'''Mixed''' genes: '''Mixed''' genes are genes which <do this>. '''Mixed''' genes have a '''Dominant''' and a '''Recessive''' half. '''Mixed''' genes usually behave like '''Dominant''' genes for purposes of influencing attributes of a creature.
* '''Mixed''' genes are notated by <target symbol> ''in-game'', a an <span style="{{ItemColor|0}}">'''x'''</span> in ''text-file notation'', or a <span style="{{ItemColor|0}}">'''t'''</span> when using ''player notation''.
===== Identification =====
To aid communication between [[Animal Husbandry]] players, a system of genetic notation is used which identifies a gene or group of genes through '''Chromosome''' (row) and '''Group''' (column) positions.