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Marauding Hook Beast

No change in size, 13:54, 18 October 2022
Updated stats.
| title = Marauding Hook Beast
| type = Aberration
| health = 10451144| armor = 653782| rage = 10351101
| effective = Crushing, Piercing
| vineffective = Fire, Electricity
| area = Kur Mountains
| location = Surrounding the ravine and Syndra's cabin
| health = 10451144| armor = 653782| rage = 10351101
| time = Warden Alert
|{{ItemLoot|Stringy Beast Meat}} {{ItemLoot|Lumpy Animal Fat}} (bonus)
|{{ItemLoot|Impressive Animal Skull}}
==Reported Loot==
|{{ItemLoot|Bone Hook}}|{{ItemLoot|Nightmare Flesh}}
|{{ItemLoot|Pork Shoulder}}|{{ItemLoot|Spleen}}
|{{ItemLoot|Strange Dirt}}|{{ItemLoot|Sulfur}}|{{ItemLoot|Saltpeter}}