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Boss Gauntlet

390 bytes added, 10:27, 17 November 2022
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{{Quote|source=[[Game updates/2022-11-15]]|
For high level players, the game's in an awkward spot of development: we're not ready to introduce higher-level content yet. And when we do raise the level cap, we'll take that opportunity to do a bunch of gear rebalancing at the same time, like we've done in the past -- in other words, nerfs. So what are high-level players supposed to do right now? What's the point of getting better gear?
PPS - the curses you receive from these bosses are shared with the "real" version of the boss. If your party is wiped and you're left cursed, you can either defeat the Gauntlet version of that boss or the regular version (which might be much lower-level).
===== Targets =====
*[[Ciervos The Shadow]]
*[[Forgotten Loading Golem]]
*[[Mother Snail]]
*[[Tolmar the Snake Master]]
*[[The Shower Slime]]
===== Titles =====
{{:Boss Gauntlet/Titles22}}
==== Event Time ====

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