| health = 340
Use If necessary, elaborate on the creature in a second paragraph. If NPCs mention lore about the creature, talk about it here. Feel free to add quotes.== Locations ==<!-- Now, add the locations of the mob using the MOB Location template. Usually try to keep locations in ascending order of levels, so for Deinonychus that are found in both low and high-level zones, Serbule Sewers would be be listed before Winter Nexus. --><!-- In situations where both a male and female version of the mob exist, and those have different vitals (but not effective/ineffective damage types), you can also use this template. Just add the mob's name and gender to the optional variant row. For more details, see Template:MOB Location -->{{MOB Location| area = Serbule| location = Description of whereabouts.| health = 90000| armor = 85| rage = 999999| time = Appears during [[Template:MOB_infoboxHalloween 2016]] . <!-- Optional. use for all events or summons -->| weather = Appears during heavy rain. <!-- Not used yet -->}}{{MOB Location| area = Eltibule| location = Found in the infobox lowlands around Eltibule Keep.| health = X| armor = X| rage = X}}{{MOB Location| area = Dark Chapel| variant = Maronesa (Summon) <!-- Optional. Used here to identify a difference in stats-->| location = Scion's cavern.| time = Summoned by the right. (From [[SherzatScion of Discord]])<!-- Optional. use for all events or summons -->| health = 4110| armor = 446| rage = 730}}
Optional == Miscellaneous ==<!-- This section is used for listing other info things about the mob. For now, it lists items that can be created when the creature is butchered, skinned, or has its skull extracted. If the creature can be butchered but does not produce meat (Treant), replace "Meat" with "Butcher"NOTE: All instances of Item templates in the Miscellaneous section should be written as Loot template calls. They are not displayed correctly on this page to prevent it from populating into tables across the creaturewiki.-->{|{{Header|[[Skinning]]}}|-|{{Item|Crude Animal Skin}} (Eltibule)|-|{{Item|Great Animal Skin}} ([[Rahu]])|-
<!-- Usually try to keep them in ascending order of levels, so for Deinonychus that are found in both low and high-level zones, Serbule Sewers would be be listed before Winter Nexus -->{{MOB LocationHeader| location1 = Serbule[[Skinning#Skinning Mechanics| desc1 = Description of whereabouts.Skinning Bonus]]}}| location2 = Eltibule-| desc2 = Description of whereabouts.{{Item| location3 = Winter NexusWool}} (Bonus)| desc3 = Description of whereabouts.}}-
==Curse=={{Header|[[Butchering]]}}Curse description exactly as seen from the curse icon popup in|-game.<br>Use multiple lines for multiple effects |{{Item|Sinewy Beast Meat}} (as inEltibule)|-game|{{Item|Beast Meat}} (Ilmari).<br>No fancy formatting here as it is included in the [[Curse]] article's boss list.|-
==Combat Abilities==''Extreme Armor Regeneration'' <!-- Any special traits that are listed for a mob, such as Self-replication -->* {{Header|[[Image:Rage-icon-20px.gifButchering|RageSkull Extraction]] Heavy Crushing Damage}}* [[Image:Rage|-icon|{{Item|Orc Skull}} (Kur Mountains)|-20px.gif|Rage]] Personal Healing{{Item|Impressive Orc Skull}} (Gazluk)|-== Miscellaneous ==|}
|Skin:|{{ItemHeader|Crude Animal Skin}}[[Butchering#Butchering Mechanics|{{ItemButchering Bonus]]|Wool2}}
If the mob is a GorgonThe infobox, if filled out properly, will add [[Category:GorgonHas curse]]if needed.The infobox will also add the proper tag for the monster's anatomy type, if filled in.
→Miscellaneous: Added more notes on usage.
This page provides an almost complete example of a creature/MOB. For an easily copied layout, see: [[Creature Template/Blank]].
<!-- Use [[Template:MOB_infobox]] for the infobox. Make sure to fill out at least the creature's title (name) and type. -->
{{MOB infobox
| title = Creature Template
| type = Arthropod
| health = 340
| armor = 261
| rage = 328
| notoriety = 400
| curse = {{Disease|Not So Smart Anymore}}
| effective = Cold
| ineffective = Slashing, | vineffective = Nature (Very)
[[Creature Template]] is/are a ... description of the creature in question.
== Combat Abilities =='''Creature name here Extreme Armor Regeneration''' Description <!-- Any special traits that are listed for a mob, such as Self-replication. The tripple set of single quotes marks the creature in questiontrait as bolded. -->{{:AIP:Shark}} <!-- List Combat abilities using a transcluded AIP (AI Profile). For a list of profiles, check [[AI Profile]].If you need to add an ability set that does not appear as a Profile, manually list them using {{Combat Ability|SnailStrike}} and {{Combat Ability Rage|SnailStrike}}-->
|Meat:{{Item|Filthy Animal Fat}}|{{Item|Raw ChickenHeart}}
|Skull:{{Item|Stomach}}|{{Item|Spleen}}|} == Reported Loot == <!-- Don't go too crazy with this, we only need a few items listed per mob. 10 at the most, but feel free to add more if you want (Feral Cow). Try to balance the number of items in each row and column depending on the number of items listed. If a mob drops a particular item, or quest item, try to list that first! -->==== Quest Loot ==== <!-- If the monster drops an item for a quest, add this optional section. -->{{Item|Chitterface's Mandibles}}==== Rahu Loot ==== <!-- If there happens to be an item or two that only drops from the mob in a particular area, add it like this. -->; Level 60 Equipment{||{{Item|Deinonychus Claw}}|}==== General Loot ====;Tailoring Recipe Scrolls{|{{Header|Common|4}}|- <!-- Optional headers for rarity. Only use when there are 8+ reported drops in a section. Parameters are text and colspan -->|{{Item|Fear Oil}}|{{Item|Hope Oil}}|{{Item|Hatred Oil}}|{{Item|Animal SkullUncrossing Oil}}
==Reported LootCurse == <!-- Don't go too crazy with If the creature does not have a curse, delete thissection. If it does, we only need 5 or six per mobthe Curse must have a new page using the Disease template. 10 at The code here pulls the mostcurse information from that page! -->{{Disease|Spider Phobia}} - {{ #dpl: | title = Spider Phobia| include= {DISEASE infobox}:description}}== Disease ==<!-- Some creatures, such as Anhinda, have temporary diseases instead of curses. If a creature does not have a disease, delete this section! The code here pulls the disease information from a page for that disease. -->* Grass* Pork Shoulder{{Disease|Feeble Fever}} - {{ #dpl: | title = Feeble Fever| include= {DISEASE infobox}:description}}
== Lore ==
<!-- Often used if the creature is a boss, this section can be deleted on most creature pages. Only include or add if the creature is mentioned in a [[Lore]] item. See [[Khyrulek]] for an example.
The Intuition Warning sub-header should only be used on creature pages for Bosses with in-game warnings. -->
==== Intuition Warning: Danger Ahead! Text ====
''My bones have been shattered before, but I return, time and again.''
==Animal Handling Stats == <!-- Include this section if the mob can be tamed using Animal Handling. -->
| name = Ice Bear
| level to tame= 43
| max level = 70
| max bond level = 70
| max happiness = 100
| max enthusiasm = 10
| attack = {{Combat Ability|Slashing Damage}}, {{Combat Ability|Crushing Damage}}
| sic em = Grant Owner Cold Mitigation
| clever trick = {{Combat Ability|Slashing Damage and Taunt}}
| bonus = Damage Boost
| weaknesses = Electricity, Acid
| resists = Crush, Trauma, Ice (very)
{{MOB AHVital
| vital level= Tamed
| health = 413
| armor = 331
{{MOB AHVital
| vital level= 70
| health = 737
| armor = 662
{{MOB AHVital
| vital level= Max(70)
| health = 737
| armor = 662
If the monster is a boss (special elites, or obvious bossesany uniquely named monster), add the Bosses Category and the relevant zone Category. Example:[[Category:Bosses]][[Category:Sun Vale Bosses]]
[[Category:Template guides]]