List Combat abilities using == Miscellaneous ==<!-- This section is used for listing other things about the templatemob. For a list now, it lists items that can be created when the creature is butchered, skinned, or has its skull extracted. If the creature can be butchered but does not produce meat (Treant), replace "Meat" with "Butcher"NOTE: All instances of abilities, check Item templates in the Miscellaneous section should be written as Loot template calls. They are not displayed correctly on this page to prevent it from populating into tables across the wiki. -->{|{{Header|[[Skinning]]}}|-|{{Item|Crude Animal Skin}} (Eltibule)|-|{{Item|Great Animal Skin}} ([[List of Combat Ability IconsRahu]])|-
Some Combat Abilities have more than one possible icon. If you need to use one of the alternatives on "List of Combat Ability Icons", add"Combat Ability = X{{Header|" to the template usage.[[Skinning#Skinning Mechanics|Skinning Bonus]]}}|-|{{Item|Wool}} (Bonus)|-
-->:{{Combat AbilityHeader|Heavy Crushing Damage[[Butchering]]}}:|-|{{Combat AbilityItem|Combat Ability=Piercing Damage 3|Heavy Crushing DamageSinewy Beast Meat}}(Eltibule):|-|{{Combat Ability RageItem|Personal HealingBeast Meat}}(Ilmari)|-
== Miscellaneous ==<!-- This section is used for listing other things about the mob. For now, it lists items that can be created when the creature is butchered, skinned, or has its skull extracted. -->{{Header|[[Butchering|'''Skin''':Skull Extraction]]}}|{{Item|Crude Animal Skin}}-|{{Item|Great Animal SkinOrc Skull}}([[Rahu]]Kur Mountains)|{{Item|Wool}}
|'''Meat''':|{{Item|Raw ChickenImpressive Orc Skull}}(Gazluk)
== Reported Loot == <!-- Don't go too crazy with this, we only need a few items listed per mob. 10 at the most, but feel free to add more if you want (Feral Cow). Try to balance the number of items in each row and column depending on the number of items listed. If a mob drops a particular item, or quest item, try to list that first! -->
==== General Loot ====
;Tailoring Recipe Scrolls
|{{Item|Orange}}Header|{{Item[[Butchering#Butchering Mechanics|Red Apple}}|{{ItemButchering Bonus]]|Wool2}}
|{{Item|Work Order for Ambient Magic Sponges}}
|{{Item|Small Dinosaur Scale}}
''I accept no blame. It's all his fault!''
→Miscellaneous: Added more notes on usage.
| rage = 328
| notoriety = 400
| curse = {{Disease|Not So Smart Anymore}}
| effective = Cold
| ineffective = Slashing
== Combat Abilities ==
'''Extreme Armor Regeneration''' <!-- Any special traits that are listed for a mob, such as Self-replication. The double tripple set of single quotes marks the trait in italicsas bolded. -->{{:AIP:Shark}} <!-- List Combat abilities using a transcluded AIP (AI Profile). For a list of profiles, check [[AI Profile]].If you need to add an ability set that does not appear as a Profile, manually list them using {{Combat Ability|SnailStrike}} and {{Combat Ability Rage|SnailStrike}}-->
|{{Item|Grass}}|{{Item|Raw ChickenFilthy Animal Fat}}|{{Item|Animal SkullHeart}}
|{{Item|Pork ShoulderStomach}}|{{Item|Spleen}}
== Reported Loot == <!-- Don't go too crazy with this, we only need a few items listed per mob. 10 at the most, but feel free to add more if you want (Feral Cow). Try to balance the number of items in each row and column depending on the number of items listed. If a mob drops a particular item, or quest item, try to list that first! -->
==== Quest Loot ==== <!-- If the monster drops an item for a quest, add this optional section. -->
{{Item|Chitterface's Mandibles}}
==== Rahu Loot ==== <!-- If there happens to be an item or two that only drops from the mob in a particular area, add it like this. -->
; Level 60 Equipment
|{{Item|Deinonychus Claw}}
==== General Loot ====
;Tailoring Recipe Scrolls
{{Header|Common|4}}|- <!-- Optional headers for rarity. Only use when there are 8+ reported drops in a section. Parameters are text and colspan -->
|{{Item|Fear Oil}}
|{{Item|Hope Oil}}
|{{Item|Hatred Oil}}
|{{Item|Uncrossing Oil}}
== Curse ==
<!-- If the creature does not have a curse, delete this section . If it does, the Curse must have a new page using the Disease template. The code here pulls the curse information from that page! -->Curse {{Disease|Spider Phobia}} - {{ #dpl: | title = Spider Phobia| include= {DISEASE infobox}:description exactly }}== Disease ==<!-- Some creatures, such as seen Anhinda, have temporary diseases instead of curses. If a creature does not have a disease, delete this section! The code here pulls the disease information from the curse icon popup ina page for that disease. --game.<br>Use multiple lines for multiple effects (as in{{Disease|Feeble Fever}} -game).<br>{{ #dpl: | title = Feeble Fever| include= {DISEASE infobox}:description}}No fancy formatting here as it is included in the [[Curse]] article's boss list.
== Lore ==
<!-- Often used if the creature is a boss, this section can be deleted on most creature pages. Only include or add if the creature is mentioned in a [[Lore]] item. See [[Khyrulek]] for an example.
''My bones have been shattered before, but I return, time and again.''