==Miscellaneous==* Skin: None* Meat: None* Skull: Impressive Orc Skull"This constant healing... I feel the best I have ever felt!"
== Reported Loot == <!--"I can't let Major Glofik know how powerful this is. I have to find a way to steal it..."{||{{Item| ? }}|{{ItemQuote| ? }}source=Note written in Orcish|"Argus" to "E:"|{{Item| ? }}|} -->I do not trust Glofik. We must make Red pay for their theft. I have a plan.
| title = Healing-Suit Tester
| type = Orc
| health = 51209| armor = 33586970| health rage = 533825085| rage notoriety = 3048| effective = Crushing, Piercing, Poison
| ineffective = Fire, Nature, Electricity
| curse = {{Disease|Stolen Healing Potential}}
The [[Healing-Suit Tester]] is a boss an orc in [[Gazluk Keep]]. His opponents may wish to target the [[Healing Crystal]]s his armor spawns.== Locations ==
{{MOB Location
| location1 area= Gazluk Keep| desc1 location = Found on Due east of the first level on the East sideentrance hall in [[Gazluk Keep]].| armor1 health = 335851209| health1 armor = 533826970| rage1 rage = 30485085
==CurseCombat Abilities=='''Boss, Auto-Healed by Healing Crystals'''{{: Some of your innate recovery potential is gone.AIP:OrcGazlukHealingSuitBoss}} == Miscellaneous =={|{{Header|[[Skinning]]}}|-|None|-{{Header|[[Butchering]]}}|-|None: Major Healing abilities used on you restore |-25% health.: This is a permanent curse; you must defeat Healing{{Header|[[Butchering|Skull Extraction]]}}|-Suit Tester to remove it.|{{Loot|Impressive Orc Skull}}|}
==Combat AbilitiesReported Loot ==''Boss, Auto; Level 70 Equipment== Curse =={{Disease|Stolen Healing Potential}} -Healed by {{ #dpl: | title = Stolen Healing Crystals'Potential| include= {DISEASE infobox}:description}}== Lore ====== Intuition Warning: Danger Ahead! Text ===={{Quote|"I'm Invincible"* Summon Electricity Sigil* Slashing Damage"We need more test subjects, but I can't take it out in the field like this."* Piercing Damage* [[Image:Rage-icon-20px.gif|Rage]] Brust Slashing Damage, Disable"I just need to figure out how to make this portable, and Curse..."
We will need the Healing Suit, so finish testing it. Do NOT alert the Majors! Keep it in the skunkworks area.