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Black Widow Spider

1,457 bytes added, 21:10, 8 January 2023
__NOTOC__{{MOB infobox| title = Black Widow Spider| image = [[File:BWSnight.jpg|300px]]| type = Arthropod| armor = 20| health = 73| rage = 119| effective = Fire, Cold| vineffective = Poison, Acid}}The [[Black Widow Spider]] is an agile and strong [[Arthropod]], equipped with a poison rage attack.== Locations =={{MOB Location| area= Serbule| location= Southeastern hills.| armor = 20| health = 73| rage = 119}}{{MOB Location| area= Serbule Hills Spider Cave| location= Deeper inside the tunnels of the cave| armor= 20| health = 73| rage = 119}}{{MOB Location| area= Serbule Hills| location= Scattered across the hills of the [[Serbule Hills]]| armor = 20| health = 73| rage = 119}}{{MOB Location| area= Serbule Crypt| location= Directly inside the graveyard entrance.| armor = 20| health = 73| rage = 119}}{{MOB Location| area= Borghild| location= Crypt corridors.| health = 73| armor = 20| rage = 119| lootlevel = 15}} ==Combat Abilities=={{:AIP:Spider Venom0}} == Miscellaneous =={|{{Header|[[Skinning]]}}|-|None|-{{Header|[[Butchering]]}}|-|None|-{{Header|[[Butchering|Skull Extraction]]}}|-|None|} ==Reported Loot==; Acid Pitted & Webbed series Equipment.{||{{Loot|Spider Leg}}|{{Loot|Spider Egg}}|{{Loot|Giant Spider Leg}}|{{Loot|Spiderweb}}|{{Loot|Ancient Silver Coin}}|{{Loot|Feathers}}|} [[Category:Serbule Creatures]][[Category:ArthropodSerbule Crypt Creatures]][[Category:Serbule Hills Creatures]] [[Category:Wide-Ranging Monsters]]