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Silvonis Forum Posts

56,371 bytes added, 00:18, 4 February 2023
Reverted edits by DylanRules (talk) to last revision by BetaNotus
===== The Current Forum =====
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The following are not all of Silvonis's posts, just those that answer important questions, not related to tech support. Silvonis answers tons of tech support related questions, and the majority of those responses have been skipped over in this archive. Please note that newer posts are listed higher in this list. Older information may be outdated.
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:: Source
==== Ambient Sounds ====
: A lot of games consider the sound of footsteps to be 'ambient sounds' and that sort of sound generally meets the definition of the term. That said, we really appreciate your thoughts and suggestions.
:: 7/19/2022
==== Constructive Feedback ====
: It would be more helpful if you tried to propose a solution, a middle ground, or even just a way for the system to work that wouldn't revert to the old system but would be an improvement to your perceived flaws to the current system.
:: 12/1/2021
==== Trade VIP Tokens? ====
: Yes they can be traded, but they are extremely rare and there's no reliable way to farm them. A couple examples of how they are obtained are: winning a major in-game event or winning a (truly difficult to achieve) jackpot in the casino.
:: 5/24/2021
==== Connect Old Account ====
: Have you opened the game and continued through all the prompts? You should see a prompt asking if you want to connect an old account.
:: 4/15/2021
==== Live Testing ====
: It's important to remember that you are currently testing Project: Gorgon as it's currently in the beta phase of development. If a guide tells players to do (or not to do) something, it could be for testing purposes or it could be done to deter people from taking advantage of an unintended game mechanic.
: Just keep in mind, there's many reasons why a guide could say or do something. If you think it's something nefarious, you can send us an email at support(@)
:: 12/7/2020
==== Giving Feedback ====
: Thank you for posting about your experience. Have you also filled a report, in-game? If not, please do as they are logged automatically whereas forum posts are not.
:: 9/29/2020
==== Camera Lag ====
: It's a bug with the game engine Unity so, unfortunately, it's out of our hands. That said, we are working on an update that includes an upgrade to the Unity Game Engine, so it may be resolved with that.
:: 7/9/2020
==== Custom Support Time ====
: There are rare occasions when something can fall through the cracks and we apologize if that's the case.
: We have had longer than anticipated wait times when we are waiting on a third party response, typically when the player didn't follow through with the instructions that were sent out after the Kickstarter and Indiegogo Campaign(s).
: Information related to campaign rewards and a 'last call' was issued years ago, but we still try to work with the player to resolve the issue.
: If you are still having an issue, please send a detailed email to our support email address. If the issue is related to either Kickstarter or Indiegogo, then yes - we'll need the full details of your pledge - including the confirmation number and email address used.
: As we won't be able to go into further specifics here, we will be closing this thread. Thanks for sharing your feedback.
:: 4/28/2019
==== Choices ====
: We do everything that we can to warn everyone that permanent means permanent in Project: Gorgon. If we declare something permanent, please understand that it's permanent. There's no ifs, ands, or buts.
:: 4/8/2019
==== Pay to Win ====
: There's a difference between 'Pay to Win' and 'Pay for Convenience' and we haven't changed our position regarding our stance. These packages have been offered previously and have been detailed quite extensively for quite some time. We are not going to get into a back and forth over the definition of 'Pay to Win', but I'll just be really clear in saying that we believe in keeping 'Pay to Win' out of Project: Gorgon and that we will focus on convenience with the Gorgon Shop.
:: 3/21/2019
==== Gorgon Shop ====
: The official shop for Project: Gorgon, the 'Gorgon Shop', is now open!
: This is the perfect time to support Project: Gorgon while securing some great in-game perks for doing so.
: Please help us spread the word on social media, your favorite gaming websites and forums.
:: 3/20/2019
==== One-Hit Kills ====
: I see a lot of people saying that they were "one hit" killed, but not much more in terms of details. If possible, please give specific examples and the full details involved. Character specs, health, armor, etc. What mob killed you? What were the specifics of the encounter? The more information, the better. Thanks for the feedback, keep it coming.
:: 3/19/2019
==== Camping Mobs ====
: If you are loading into an area and are getting killed by mobs because they are spawning too close to that area, please send in a detailed bug report (include the mob name) because that's not intended.
: There is a distinction though and that's if the mobs were pulled to an area by a player. If that's the case, then it is unfortunate but not necessarily a design issue. You can tell the difference simply by the rate of occurrence, in other words: if it happens rarely or all the time.
:: 9/9/2018
==== Free Trial ====
: There are many things that need to be considered when looking to create a free trial for an MMO and it needs to be done correctly in order to preserve the balance of the game and to protect the community.
: That said, we understand the role that a free trial plays in the market and we can envision a time when there will be one available; unfortunately, it's not currently at the forefront of the development schedule.
:: 7/18/2018
==== Instanced Dungeons ====
: We've talked about instances several times already, but outside of instanced housing and guild halls it's not going to happen. There are several reasons, but for one it's not in the game design and two it's not feasible based on the engine.
: We see people say things like 'it would only take a day' or 'it should only take a few weeks' and it's extremely frustrating because 99% of the time it's just not true. It's particularly untrue in this case as instances (separate channels or otherwise) would be a large undertaking and would take far more time than just a couple days or weeks.
: We appreciate the discussion, but after reading through the comments I thought that it was important to reemphasize our position.
:: 6/28/2018
==== Sending Ideas ====
: We love reading new ideas and suggestions so please don't hesitate to make posts like this! As to this particular idea, we don't have any plans to allow the unique boss curses to be lifted via an ability.
:: 6/11/2018
==== PVP Toggle ====
: If we were to add a PVP on/off option, people would assume that we were a PvEvP title and would post about wanting more PVP content and how PVP was insanely unbalanced, etc.
: As we have said, Project: Gorgon is a PvE title and we don't have plans for additional PvP content and/or settings.
:: 5/28/2018
==== Instaned Servers ====
: In addition to the above, outside of the housing system, we don't plan on having instanced servers.
:: 5/14/2018
==== Code of Conduct ====
: The Code of Conduct and Terms of Service dictate our policies on a range of issues including community standards.
: We are not going to go through each possible scenario and create precedent for the various provisions. The bottom line is that we have full discretion in preventing conduct detrimental to Project: Gorgon and the community.
: Each situation is different and when we are using our discretion, we are looking at the totality of the circumstances involved. The Code of Conduct and the Terms of Services serve as the foundation.
: Since the issue has been addressed, I am going to close the thread. Please feel free to email support if you have any specific questions. Thanks.
:: 5/8/2018
==== Game Engine ====
: Unfortunately, changing the engine would be a massive undertaking which would essentially equate to starting over. It's not on the table and even if it was, it wouldn't necessarily equate to a better product.
: As far as Unity itself, we are progressive in updating Project: Gorgon to the latest version(s).
: When you look at the crux of the issue, it's boils down to optimizations.
: Typically, mainline optimizations come later in development - once you've finalized game systems. That said, now that we have a more sizable population, we've been identifying areas for improvement and have implemented several optimization related updates.
: We will continue to monitor and make improvements, but it's something that will be improved in increments as there are no 'quick fixes'.
:: 5/7/2018
==== Guild Sizes ====
: You can look at this a couple different ways. Guilds could simply have a hard cap of 150 and that's that, or they could have a cap of 150 that can be raised by the combined initative of the Guild.
: If you're looking for increased capacity, it's possible in our current system.
: We don't have any plans to remove caps or significantly increase them without some initative from the members of the Guild itself.
:: 5/1/2018
==== Merchandise ====
: We currently don't have any merchandise for sale, but we appreciate the interest.
: We don't allow the use of our intellectual property (i.e. logo) without our expressed written consent. If we do decide to offer merchandise, we will be sure to make an announcement.
: Thanks again for your support.
:: 4/30/2018
==== AMA Announcement ====
: We will be answering your questions during a Reddit AMA hosted by the subreddit /r/MMORPG on Monday, April 23rd at 3:00PM EST.
: You can currently read their ANNOUNCEMENT THREAD, but remember to look here, on their subreddit, and/or our social media pages on the day of the event for the actual AMA link.
:: 4/19/2018
==== Vampirism Release Date? ====
: Vampirism is indeed going to be in the game, but we currently don't have any specifics to share.
:: 4/2/2018
==== Release Date? ====
: Thanks for your interest. While the team is founded by a husband and wife team, our team consist of several individuals. Still, we are indeed a small team.
: As for a release date, we don't have anything to announce at this time. We will be sure to make an announcement once we have a release date to share.
:: 3/31/2018
==== Wiki Issues ====
: The wiki information is provided by the players, so if it is incorrect - it can be updated. As far as the in-game information, please be sure to submit a detailed in-game report. Thanks.
:: 3/22/2018
==== Forced Name Change ====
: We don't currently offer a name change service and, as you've noted, your name change was the result of your name being in violation of the Terms of Service. When accounts are disciplined, discussion or appeals should be emailed to support(at) instead of posted on the forums.
:: 3/21/2018
==== Key Email Delays ====
: I just wanted to reiterate that we are in the process of sending out keys to all backers, that includes Kickstarter, Indiegogo, and the Gorgon Shop. Please be sure to keep an eye on your inbox, but please also look in the SPAM and/or promotion folder. Thanks for your continued support and patience as we process all the emails. As a reminder, we are allowing a two week grace period for use of our standalone launcher to accommodate those waiting for their keys.
:: 3/15/2018
==== NPC Gossip Package ====
: Steam Early Access is considered Beta, so the reward still is applicable. We will work with our Grand Duke Supporters, if needed, to make sure that the gossip is relevant to the players reputation/experiences.
:: 3/15/2018
==== Package Shop ====
: The package rewards will be made available at launch. We are discussing allowing supporters to activate certain rewards, as they become available, but at the very least they will become available at launch. As far as availability, as long as they are still listed on the 'Gorgon Shop' you can secure the tier of your choice. Thanks for your interest, and continued support of Project: Gorgon.
:: 3/15/2018
==== Steam Launch ====
: We don't have an exact day to announce, but it's currently going through the Steam process and we are expecting that to be complete this upcoming week.
:: 3/2/2018
==== Anagoge Size ====
: Anagoge Island was originally designed for the Steam Early Access release in mind and was tested at around 250% normal player capacity. With that in mind, we've seen areas that needed improvements due to a surge in population and have already made changes and have tools in place to make further adjustments.
: As for instancing, no there won't be any instances in this regard.
:: 2/16/2018
==== Wipe Update ====
: I want to follow-up on Citan's statement on the wipe, particulary the statement that 'we're wiping items, not skills' because 'only a Sith deals in absolutes'. I just want to reiterate that while we do not plan on wiping skills, it could happen if we determine that it is necessary due to an overarching need (example: major skill redesign that requires it). To that end, here is the 'offical' statement on wipes: "There will not be a complete wipe at launch. That said, we will be wiping some aspects of your character including but not limited to: items, currency, NPC favor levels, and favor-quests. However, we don’t plan on wiping most skill levels. Please note, this is subject to change as we progress through development."
: Also: once we are on Steam we will be moving to 'beta', and that means we are in-development and not a released game. You may see some titles using 'beta' as a trial and not an actual beta - but we are truly in-development and those participating should view it as testing and not playing early. We truly need testers, more so than just 'players'. If you are confused on the difference, I would encourage you to check out the PROJECT: GORGON TESTING GUIDE!
:: 2/15/2018
==== Bug Reporting Repository ====
: While we understand where you are coming from, I would like to point out that the amount of interaction we have with the community is a point of pride and is far greater than most similarly situated studios. While it is true that we don’t have a public ‘central repository’ for known bugs, we’ve discussed the reason(s) why previously.
: It is up to the individual person to report bugs and submit feedback. If you are participating in an Alpha and/or Beta and not doing so then you are doing a disservice to yourself, the community and the development team. I mean, that’s the entire point of participating in an in-development game.
: We encourage people to submit bug reports and their feedback regularly. The problem with ‘rewarding’ players for submitting reports is that it will cause a situation where people will spam the system just to get the reward. To that end, we do have titles for those who participate in testing – some players have earned the title more than others. So, while we don’t have plans on introducing titles or other rewards to encourage reports, we will continue to encourage feedback regularly.
: That said, we have rewarded individuals who have been outstanding members of the community (i.e. through reporting bugs, feedback and helping the community as a whole) with special rewards such as enshrining their character names forever with an in-game item. If you want that type of honor, we are always on the lookout for long-term, outstanding, members of the community.
:: 2/13/2018
==== Who are you? ====
: I've been involved for several years and if you haven't seen my name then you're ignoring major announcements and specifically, in this case, the support sticky which you are supposed to read prior to posting support issues.
: I've been involved specifically with the network infrastructure and CDN, so I can confidently say that I have an understanding of the issue.
: We've explained this before, but I'll reiterate. We have a worldwide CDN with servers located throughout the world. When we push out an update those servers receive the necessary files to distribute via the launcher. Your launcher will connect to the closest CDN server and download the files.
: There can occasionally be an issue where a server has a temporary issue updating the files on it's end. When that occurs, and a player tries to update from that server, it will cause an error because it's trying to provide the wrong (old) file(s). It's usually an issue that resolves itself, but it can take time.
: Hence, if you use a VPN, you will be able to choose your location and the launcher will connect to a different server and that should resolve the issue. So, all that said - no, it's not an issue with the launcher itself. It's an issue with the server closest to your location. When this happens it's usually an issue with servers outside the United States; therefore, using a VPN to connect to a US location should resolve the issue.
: I've personally tested the VPN that I linked and it worked fine. I went out of my way to find, and test, free VPN services just to find a free temporary solution for your issue. There are, of course, paid VPN services that offer better options and functionality but, for a free solution, it's not bad.
:: 1/28/2018
==== Early game trouble ====
: Welcome to the Project: Gorgon Alpha. I would encourage you to utilize your resources starting with the Testing Guide. As for in-game related resources, the Project: Gorgon Wiki is a fantastic resource. You can also utilize the in-game 'help' chat channel for additional assistance.
:: 1/21/2018
==== Do I have to use Steam? ====
: Yes, the quote from the wiki is still accurate. Steam will be required to play Project: Gorgon during early access (beta) and at launch but we hope to offer an alternative sometime post-launch. While we understand some hesitation toward Steam, it shouldn't stop anyone who is interested in Project: Gorgon from playing.
:: 1/19/2018
==== Trapped Items ====
: I think that a good lesson was learned here: don't pick up items that you don't know what they are. It's obviously a risk/reward proposition and unfortunately, you lost on that one. I was thinking of another example, which is if someone places a spooky punch bowl down. If you drink it, you are in for a 'treat' (a treat being that you just flagged yourself for open world pvp). The overall lesson is that we don't hold your hand in Project: Gorgon. Please use your resources for help. We have a wonderful community and a fantastic resource in the way of information is the Project: Gorgon wiki.
:: 1/11/2018
==== Update Schedule ====
: We just released a 'snapshot' update on December 29th and typically release an update or two per month. We don't typically post firm timelines, but we do give approximations such as we plan on releasing on Steam Early Access within the next couple months. In addition, it was a milestone to release our new UI prior to moving to Steam and we released that update within the last month - which was a complete redesign of our old UI. You can keep an eye on the forums and social media for updates on coming updates.
:: 1/2/2018
==== Winter Event Length? ====
: Through the end of the New Year. Just to advertise: be sure to check out our social media tabs at the top of the website for those insights.
:: 12/21/2017
==== Linux Launcher ====
: We are happy to announce the release of an experimental Linux Launcher for Project: Gorgon!
: While Project: Gorgon is still not yet officially supported on the Linux platform. players have been able to play Project: Gorgon on many different distributions of Linux for quite some time. We plan on supporting Linux in the future and this is a step in that direction. Please download the launcher and try playing Project: Gorgon. Please report back here your experiences. If the launcher works, great! If it doesn't, please let us know that too. If you could also include your distribution and version number that would be helpful. Thanks for your continued patience and support!
: (Edited to link to newest version of the linux launcher.)
:: 12/4/2017
==== Delete Character ====
: The 'delete character' button requires a very clear user confirmation after it's pressed, so there's no real danger.
: As for the low resolution that you mentioned, there are minimum system requirements that we'll publish in the future.
:: 12/4/2017
==== Gifting a Package ====
: If you are interested in gifting a package, please send us an email at support(@) and we can discuss the specifics. Thank you for your support.
:: 12/2/2017
==== New UI settings ====
: You should take some time, if you haven't already, to experiment with all the settings as that should be part of the testing experience anyway.
: You won't be able to modify every single piece of the UI as to keep the overall aesthetics and design choices in place.
: As to whether you can do something, if you've looked into it carefully and can't find the option then it's not there.
:: 11/20/2017
==== Animal Form Curses ====
: As you already said, it's been a few years in ALPHA. Usually players aren't involved in this early of development and it's just something you'll need to wait on as we don't have anything new to announce at this time. It's not as if it's been a few years post launch. Just hang in there. If you're bored with them then focus your game time elsewhere until we have more to announce or until those changes are actually in game.
: This is one of the reasons that they are considered curses. There's always going to be drawbacks to these cursed animal forms, if there weren't then they wouldn't really be curses.
:: 10/20/2017
==== Reuse of Game Assets ====
: Regarding third party use of our UI design elements: Short answer no. Long Answer: No, unless given expressed written consent on a case by case basis. Specific requests can be sent to our support email.
: Regarding UI color customizations: we don't have plans for that.
:: 10/19/2017
==== New UI? ====
:When it's ready.
:: 10/17/2017
==== Temporary Changes ====
: We don't plan on committing development time on temporary changes like this for a multitude of reasons. Mainly, because we are in active development.
: That said, we have asked for in depth reports regarding issues specifically related to AH but said reports have been far and few in between. If you can capture video to include with your very detailed reports, even better.
: Also, as a rule of thumb, when someone says 'xyz shouldn't be time consuming or hard to code' it's a lot more difficult than they think.
:: 10/6/2017
==== New Game Systems ====
: We need some applicable examples. Sure, there are examples but it needs to be applicable so that it could work with Project: Gorgon and it can't be fundementally flawed. What's fundementally flawed? Examples: Systems that are easily abused, systems that require significant moderation, etc.
:: 9/17/2017
==== Loot Frequency and Player Base ====
: Just to reiterate what we've said previously, we have no plans on adjusting the game based on the alpha/beta population(s). As for the group vs soloing experience, we are designing Project: Gorgon with the goal of grouping in mind. That said, please feel free to continue your conversation(s).
:: 9/14/2017
==== Bard Requirements ====
: We've already said that the pre-reqs will change further along in development and you know that so continuing to complain about it is unnecessary and not constructive.
:: 9/9/2017
==== Player Vendor Rent ====
: The problem with changing anything temporarily specifically because we are in alpha/beta can defeat the purpose of testing as we won't get accurate data because the changed systems are operating under temporary perimeters. It can result in inaccurate conclusions.
: Then an additional issue is those who become accustom to those temporary changes and those who've never known otherwise become frustrated when they change.
: For example, if we temporarily lowered the fees of stalls then people will become accustom to those fees and those who never knew otherwise will become frustrated once the temporary cuts are removed. It's something that we see all the time and no, it doesn't matter if we say it's temporary because we get the same response to a lot of changes even though we are in active development and changes should be expected.
: We've already said this, but just to reaffirm: the current market setup is temporary. It'll be addressed further along in development.
:: 9/8/2017
==== Druid Removal ====
: We have always said, "Accepting the mantle of Druid is a PERMANENT CHARACTER ALTERATION. Even though this is Alpha, YOU WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO REMOVE THIS CHOICE FROM YOUR CHARACTER." We have also always said that those who choose to become a Druid will need to heed the call of the wild, and that has always been the case.
: We are on repeat on this, but this is an Alpha. That means things are subject to change and if you choose a permanent alteration that is an inherit risk. Anything and everything is subject to change. We don't have any immediate plans for those who intentinonally skip Druid events, but that is of course something that could change in the future.
:: 9/4/2017
==== Test Server? ====
: The only test server is our current 'main' server. We no longer have the secondary test server, but it may make a return in the future.
:: 9/2/2017
==== Easy Island ====
: It might seem easier to a veteran who goes back and starts a new character because they know the 'tricks of the trade' so to speak whereas a brand new player is just learning everything for the first time. They don't know the best way to proceed and it's a completly new learning expereince. That said, the starting area requires a fine balance and we will continue to evaluate analytics and reports moving forward.
:: 9/1/2017
==== Zone Names ====
: Traditionally, in our real world, low lands doesn't necessarily mean the area is below sea level but generally the area is flat and has a country feel.
: That said, that's our world. We are crafting our own universe with Project: Gorgon.
: All that said, we are also considering Serbule Hills.
:: 8/8/2017
==== Unlimited Storage ====
: There won't be 'unlimited' storage because we are not designing the game with the intention that one character master every skill and collect every item along the way. You are certainly free to explore the skills but you will have to go about it in a way that makes sense for you with the storage limitations that are in place. Since we are in alpha, there are certain things not yet implemented related to the overall storage design that will ease some of the issues but it is safe to say that storage will be limited when compared to the number of skills availible in the game.
: Typically, an MMO will limit your trade skills (or skills in general) and you will only collect mats for those limited skills. In Project: Gorgon, we don't have a cap on the skills so a lot of people have the mentality that they want to max out everything and collect everything along the way. While that is fine, we aren't designing the game with those intenions in mind - so a by product of that will be the sense that storage is limited as you look to collect the numerous mats for the vast array of skills.
: TL;dr: As we progress through development, there will be updates that ease a lot of the current issues but storage will always be viewed as 'limited' when compared to the number of skills availible.
:: 7/31/2017
==== Player Mounting ====
: I've thought of similar ideas personally and I love to see peoples imaginations at work but, as of now, our only plans for mounts or 'mounting' are horses.
:: 7/23/2017
==== Playable Horses? ====
: Horses are mounts, so there are no plans for them to be playable.
:: 7/23/2017
==== Storage Limits ====
: Thanks for posting your feedback. As you know, this has been discussed many times and we have addressed it many times. The short and concise answer is that it is indeed a design decision. It's not intended that players max out every skill or collect/store everything along the way. There are many ways to increase storage but there will always be a limit. As for traveling, mounts will be introduced later in development which will help with travel and storage as they will have their own storage availability.
: The VIP subscription will add additional player storage and perhaps additional storage in general. Again though, storage is intentionally limited.
: Thanks again for your feedback!
:: 7/27/2017
==== Used Words of Power ====
: It's not that they are 'stolen' but rather that someone else did the same work that you did, discovered the word and used it. They put in the same amount of work and I think saying that they 'stole' it mischaracterizes the situation. I know the response did not say they were 'stolen'.
: Anyway, as far as 'compensation' - while we absolutely sympathize with situations like this, in cases like this we are unable to provide any sort of replacement. That's especially true during testing. While it's understandable there is frustration, you are testing the game and rooting out frustrating issues, bugs, etc is exactly what testing is all about.
: Finally, the in game reporting tool is not for asking questions but rather to report bugs, suggestions, etc. It's not intended for conversations. Generally, if you are unsure if something is a bug, you can ask in General chat or bring your questions to the forums. Of course, you can submit it as a bug but please remember the above. If you haven't already, check out the sticky Testers Guide as there may be helpful information there.
: Just to add, your feedback is appreciated. A note or warning that Words of Power can be discovered by others is a great suggeston.
: I understand that you are frustrated with the situation, but if we are being forthright in your original ticket you explained the issue and then asked if it was a bug or a feature. I responded that others could discover the same words of power and use them - thus the ones you were saving could become used.
: After that, you came on the forums to vent saying that the response you received was that you were 'out of luck' and that others 'stole' your words of power.
: I feel that is a mischaracterization as I never said either, in fact - I simply answered your question by explaining how others could research and find the same words. That doesn't mean I didn't feel bad for the situation, I was just trying to give you a straight forward answer to your question.
: The in game reporting tool is not designed for extensive conversations and I apologize if you took the response as short or without empathy. We are now making it clear that the in game tool is for bug reports and suggestions and that any questions not answered by the community should be posted on the forums (as stated in the testers guide).
: All that said, I'm going to close this thread as you've made your point clear. If you would like to discuss it further, then please feel free to email us at
:: 7/10/2017
==== Party Sizes ====
: I'm in agreement with Citan. Dungeons should have lower party sizes. These are dungeons, not raids. You're approaching 'raid' sized groups with an increase.
: Dungeons are intended to be difficult and there is a certain progression to them. You might have to work to better your self before going from one dungeon to the next. Simply looking at it from a skill level is not adequate when determing a characters ability. There's that of course but also player skill, gear, food, and other enhancements come into play.
: It's pretty common to see dungeon groups limited to 4 or 5 people, which I think is the 'sweet spot'.
:: 7/9/2017
==== Fishing Ideas ====
: The Fish God tolerates those who work for their catch, but those who take the easy road will find that he's not so forgiving. Those who push the limits will face his wrath and will be transformed into a fish for a select period of time. If your caught by another, your time of suffering will be extended!
:: 6/28/2017
==== Finding Apples ====
: It's not intended to be a trivial task, i.e. it takes time and effort to complete. If you play to play, instead of focusing soley on finding apples - you'll find plenty during your adventures. That said, we will continue to monitor and adjust accordingly.
:: 6/28/2017
==== Rabbit Event Feedback ====
: Thanks for posting feedback on the event. As always, please make sure you report any bugs in-game. As for the floating rabbits, we need reports for each specific area this occurs. If you can stand in the area, or the general area, and send in the report that would be really helpful.
: As for competition for kills, that is part of the event! That said, there are definitely areas that are less congested where the event can be easily completed.
:: 6/12/2017
==== Zerging ====
: Just a couple thoughts.
: First, zerging through dungeons/content was never intended and without instances it has to be controlled in other ways.
: Second, I know people are playing as if Project: Gorgon is a released title. I.E running dungeons with Op players. It would be much more helpful for testers to run dungeons with level appropriate players to help provide feedback.
:: 6/6/2017
==== Search Tools ====
: We are working on a new item search tool for the next game snapshot update! We also have more storage features in the works too.
: "Where did I put my pumpkin seeds? Hmm, well let's do a quick search! Oh, yeah! That's where I stored them."
:: 5/28/2017
==== Equipment Slots ====
: I believe I've mentioned this elsewhere, but we have given 'extra' slots to account for your equipment.
:: 5/24/2017
==== Graphic Updates ====
: As development continues we plan on updating other areas of the game and there will be optimization(s) along the way. There won't be an option to utilize the old graphics. It is unfortunate that you are unable to play but being a modern game there are certain system specifications required to play. The optimizations down the line might help, so you could keep an eye on that.
:: 5/20/2017
==== MAC Support ====
: We don't plan on eliminating support as this poll is just an informal method to gauge our community.
:: 5/13/2017
==== Do Devs read the forum? ====
: He does and I personally make an effort to read every single thread written here on the forums!
: We have plans for the storage management in Project: Gorgon as we continue through development. That includes the ability to have all storage boxes in a particular land area (i.e. Serbule) accessible from a tabbed GUI interface letting you quickly manage all of your storage boxes in that area from a single location rather than having to run from box to box. There will also be an ability to search through your items to find its location - although that will likely be implemented as a receipe or accessible through an NPC.
:: 5/11/2017
==== Movement Re-work ====
: You have to remember that it is not really about being 'reworked' but rather allowing development to continue and progress the systems naturally. When mounts arrive I think it is safe to say that they will increase movement speed and make traveling less of a chore.
:: 5/8/2017
==== Volunteer Icon Artwork ====
: We don't have a standardized way to submit such items because it requires a formal agreement between the person submitting the art and us. If it is a situation where you would like to volunteer your time creating art you can contact us at [email protected] to discuss it further. Thanks for your interest.
:: 5/7/2017
==== Druid Events ====
: The druid events are a work in progress, as is the rest of the game, such is the way of life in a game that is still in development. We would love to hear ways on how to make the events more engaging and fun but they are intended to require your presence as a tradeoff for the benefits of the skillset. It's a permanent choice with serious consequences thus the reason for the in-game warning. We don't have any plans to change the requirement of being present at the events, but we would be more than happy to hear ideas on how to make them more fun and engaging.
:: 5/1/2017
==== Collision ====
: Since we are an indie development, we need to prioritize our development priorities and as I mentioned collision can cause many issues in an MMO. As in your response, there are ways to reduce those issues but that in itself takes a significant amount of time to theorize and code out. Even then, its an issue likely to go through multiple iterations which takes away from other areas of focus.
:: 4/25/2017
==== Character Wipe (Old) ====
: We allow open discussion, even after we have made an announcement. Since you've brought up storage in this thread, I will use that as an example. You’ve made your opinion known on storage, but you’ve continued to let us know your opinion even after Citan responded to you. We know that you have a strong opinion on this and other topics, but please allow others the freedom to express their opinion without the need for suggesting they shouldn’t.
: As for the official stance on character wipes, this is it: "Characters will not be completely wiped at launch. We will be wiping some aspects of your characters, but not everything. In particular, we will be wiping items and money, but we won't be wiping most skill levels. Please note, this is subject to change as we progress through development."
:: 4/8/2017
==== Alpha Testing ====
: We are currently in alpha and sometimes people forget that the reason they are in the game is to test various gameplay features and functions. If you encounter an issue, you submit a detailed description and move on. We are an indie production and have limited resource and we don't need testers who are actively causing issues either with the ticket system, in chat, or even on the forums. This is not a released game and you are a tester, it should be viewed as a privilege rather than a right and sometimes people come into this expecting it to function as it is a AAA released game - which it is not. Even those aforementioned AAA released games have queues for their ticket system.
: TL;DR: You are testing an indie game that is in development and if you cause trouble then we reserve the right to remove you as a tester. You agree to the EULA and Code of Conduct and we expect everyone to abide by the terms in which they have agreed.
:: 3/17/2017
==== On Required Skills ====
: A quick word to those comments who are suggesting that there is a ‘required’ skillset in order to be successful in Gazluk Keep: that is not necessarily a fair assessment as there are multiple viable skillsets that would be beneficial to a group progressing through the Keep. There will, of course, be certain skillsets that are more advantageous in certain areas of the game but the group composition does play a major role and just because a certain skillset is perceived as more advantageous does not mean it can’t be done or we are forcing you to use that skillset. Gazluk Keep is intended to be a difficult dungeon and should be a step up in difficulty. It should be to the advantage of the party to arrange a group composition and work through strategy to make progress. Simply looking to zerg with a giant group was never the intention of any dungeon or progressive content.
: All that said, if you feel things are unbalanced in certain areas (Gazluk Keep is freshly implemented, so imbalance is expected) then try and provide us specific examples of your critique but remember – this is intended to be a hard dungeon and group composition and strategy matters! If you can record your groups progression through areas and point out specifics that would be fantastic feedback. You can use a free program like OBS and capture your adventure and upload it to YouTube and send us the link along with your detailed feedback (ie group composition, areas of concern,etc.).
:: 3/11/2017
==== Adult References by NPCs ====
: When someone says ‘it shouldn’t be that hard to do XYZ’ it is one of those things that is commonly misunderstood by the players. That is especially true when you are talking about an MMO like Project: Gorgon, there are so many things that are interconnected that a single change could require a lot of backend work simply due to how everything is connected.
: As to the specifics of allowing players to disable NPC dialogue, well that has the potential to create a lot of trouble down the road. I can already see the accidental turning off of dialogue rage, the missing important information rage, etc. That’s not to say we won’t consider the suggestion, but with any suggestion – it needs to make sense for the overall experience that we are attempting to craft along with the expected functionality and development of the world.
:: 3/9/2017
==== Download Issues ====
:Sorry to see that you are experiencing this issue. We use a worldwide CDN to distribute Project: Gorgon and the culprit is likely the server closest to you in Japan. These issues, albeit rare, are usually resolved automatically within 24 hours after an update goes live. If you continue to experience the issue outside of that timeframe, please let us know. Conversely, if it resolves - also let us know. Thanks.
:: 3/5/2017
==== Resource Management ====
:It is not about implementing code to inconvenience players, but rather eliminating a foreseeable source of abuse based on experience. That said, there are intentional checks and balances in order to maintain the development vision for certain skills and activities. An example would be strategic water source placement. We know that it would be much easier (for gardening) to have a well in the garden area but, in order to maintain the balance, there are requirements that must be considered in order to garden. That decision also has the foresight of potential abuse based on experience.
:: 2/21/2017
==== Old Forums? ====
:We hope to archive the old forums, but I am not yet sure how the public will have access. The links will likely change, thus the reason for my post about linking to certain threads on the old forum. I had previously posted that if you wanted to bring over old threads, do so because they may not be availible in the near future.
:: 2/19/2017
==== Bard Skill? ====
: We have announced that there will be a Bard skill as it was a Kickstarter stretch goal that was met. As far as when we don't have anything to announce at this time.
:: 2/17/2017
==== Steam Greenlight Ending ====
: Project: Gorgon has already been greenlit and will be released as an Early Access title. The changes to Steam Greenlight won't effect the Steam Early Access program. In short, we will move forward as planned.
:: 2/12/2017
==== Permanent Choices ====
: We need to gather data from players who make permanent skill choices and that data would be skewed if players could revert their permanent choices during alpha/beta but not at release. We don't have any plans to change that policy and we don't plan on offering a way to revert those choices at launch.
:: 2/7/2017
==== Exploits ====
: Another point of clarification: If you find an exploit/bug, you need to report it immediately and then cease taking advantage of that exploit/bug.
:: 2/4/2017
==== UI notes ====
: The 'new UI' picture posted in this thread is where we were several months ago, but since then we've went in a different direction with a newly design GUI.
:: 1/31/2017
==== Do devs play the game? ====
: Basing an argument on this statement: "Developers don't really play their game" when it is not true certainly detracts from your overall message. I plan on responding further at a later point, but I thought it was important to nip that in the bud sooner rather than later.
: I do want to mention, (plyer), that I often notice that in-game chat you are mostly negative and harsh on the game in general. It is one thing to have constructive critisism but is totally another to be cynical and I think that sometimes you skate that line too much. Why am I bringing this up? Just because, to me, it taints feedback when someone seems to be negative on almost everything while never really highlighting anything they like. Are there areas that you do enjoy - if so, what? I'd love to know more so I can get a better understanding where these other criticisms are coming from.
:: 1/27/2017
==== Youtube Gaming Category? ====
: It's typically a long tedious process, at least it was with Twitch. It will take some time, so please be patient. In the meantime, we are listed with Twitch.
:: 1/22/2017
==== Screenshot Thread ====
: This is the official thread for all of your great Project: Gorgon screenshots! We ask that you use this thread for your screenshots that really show off everything that Project: Gorgon has to offer. We know that everyone wants to share the unusual and funny aspects of the game, but we ask that you keep those in a seperate thread as this thread is intended to show off the best of what Project: Gorgon has to offer. If we need screenshots for publicity and/or other official uses, this is where we will look first!
: If you would like to have your image used, be sure to turn off your GUI in-game. Also, screenshots without any player characters have a greater chance for being selected due to the wider array of uses that they provide.
: If you would like to show off all of your crazy, funny and weird screenshots please do so in this thread.
:: 1/21/2017
==== Supporting the Game ====
: There will be a way to donate purely to support Project: Gorgon and there will be a way to donate and receive perks. The perks packages will be limited, but there will be four options.
:: 1/11/2017
==== New Forum Font Change ====
: BetaNotus, Greyfyn I've updated the default font for readability - thoughts?
:: 12/25/2016
==== New Forum Accounts? ====
: This forum and the registration information is not tied to the game. You can make an account from the game itself or you can create an account at our old forums here.
:: 12/23/2016
==== New Forum FAQ ====
: We will be updating the FAQ section of the website with both website and in-game related questions soon. In the meantime, we wanted to ask the community what questions they think would be appropriate for that section. It may be helpful to think back to questions that you may have had when you first started playing or maybe you've seen recurring questions in chat - either way - we would love to hear your suggestions!
:: 12/23/2016
===== The Second Forum =====