→Points of Interest
| name = Serbule Hills Spider Cave
| connects = [[Anagoge Records Facility]], [[Serbule Hills]]
| arealevel= 5 05 - 10| pmapdesc= Map by SpiceWeaselBetaNotus (5/19)
The [[Serbule Hills Spider Cave]] is a cave system that can be reached by new players during their escape from the [[Anagoge Record Records Facility dungeon]]. It also has an exit to [[Serbule Hills]]. In [[Serbule Hills]] , the dungeon cave entrance will place can be found along the player in hillside just northeast of the north of Serbule Hillsregion's Inn. A player can enter that dungeon there alsoAs the name implies, the cave is infested with spiders.
A Warning sign in Serbule Hills reads:
==Points of Interest==
==== 1. Battered Shield====A quest item in the form of a battered shield can be looted from one of the rooms in the cave. It This shield can be handed in returned to one of the an NPCs in the Inn in Serbule Hillsto complete a quest. The shield is similar to some of the items on Anagoge Island as a copy appears for each player. If the shield is picked up then discarded somewhere without being used to complete the quest, a 22 hour cooldown begins before the shield can be gathered again.{{Spoiler|Location Spoiler (click Expand at the far right of the page)|From the Serbule Hills Entrance, take the first right, then the second right, then follow that all the way (there will be a forced left turn). It is the dead-end room near the center of the map.}}==== 2. Entrance from the starter island dungeon ====On the Anagoge Island a new player can find and travel the Anagoge Record Facility. A curious traveler may find the cave system link from the Anagoge Dungeon to this cave system. This At first glance, this connection seems to be a one way direction (Only from Anagoge to the Serbule Hills Cave), but a hidden lever may be found to open the passage from the other side. ==== Lost Literature ====The book '''101 Uses for Spider Legs''' is a valuable resource for a fledgling [[Alchemy|Alchemist]]. Hidden inside the [[Serbule Hills Spider Cave]], the book teaches recipes for:* {{Item|Healing Potion}}* {{Item|Poison Resistance Potion}}* {{Item|Spider Speed Potion}} == {{msg:BASEPAGENAME}} Inhabitants ======Friends==NPCs==There are no friendly NPCs in the [[Serbule Hills Spider Cave]].
columns = 3
===Harvestables===* <!-- List of harvestable items. Sort by type (Fish, Fruit, Plants, Wood, Mushrooms, Minerals & Metal, Miscellaneous. Miscellaneous includes graves, eggs, and other stuff. -->==== Mushrooms ===={||{{Item|Parasol MushroomsMushroom}}* |{{Item|Mycena MushroomsMushroom}}|}==== Miscellaneous ===={||{{Item|Basic Ink}}* [[|{{Item|Empty Bottle]]}}* Basic Ink, oak wood chips from |{{Item|Oak Wood Chips}} (broken barrels)|}* Various ; Found in intact barrels of liquid (most common: [[.{|| {{Item|Fire Resistance Potion]], [[}}| {{Item|Cold Resistance Potion}}| {{Item|Dirt Shield Potion}}|-| {{Item|Bottle of Whey}}| {{Item|Bottle of Milk}}| {{Item|Bottle of Sugar Water}}|}== Gallery==<gallery mode="nolines" widths=300px>File:Serbule Hills Spider CaveMobMap.png|A map of mob locations by SpiceWeasel</gallery>== Trivia ==* Before the [[Serbule Hills Spider Cave]], connected the [[Dirt Shield PotionAnagoge Records Facility]], to [[Bottle of WheySerbule Hills]], random other drinkables and potions)the South Serbule zone had a spider cave that reused the map of an earlier Tutorial Cave.
[[Category:Dungeons]][[Category:Serbule Hills Dungeons]]