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Goblin Shockmaster

676 bytes added, 20:07, 5 March 2023
Reported Loot
{{MOB infobox
| title = Goblin Shockmaster
| type = Goblin
| armor health = 31378| health armor = 39044| rage = 448436
| effective = Cold, Nature, Electricity, Darkness
| ineffective = Poison, Trauma
 [[GoblinShockmaster]] s are mages that blast you with magic from afar. They pack quite a punch. ==LocationLocations ==; [[{{MOB Location| area = Boarded up Basement]]: All throughout | location = Near the first corridorsentrance corridor.| health = 378| armor = 44| rage = 436}}
==Combat Abilities==
* Burst Electricity Damage* Ranged Electricity Damage* Crushing Damage* [[Image{{:Rage-icon-20px.gif|Rage]] Heavy Ranged Electricity DamageAIP:GoblinDeathMage2}}
* Level: ?
* Skin: None
* Meat: None
==Reported Loot==
* ; Level 15 - 30 Equipment; Level 2 - 50 Calling Cards* Level 15{||{{Loot|Metal Claw}}|{{Loot|Good First Aid Kit}}|{{Loot|Simple Armor Patch Kit}}|{{Loot|Good Armor Patch Kit}}|-|{{Loot|Armor Potion Extreme}}|{{Loot|Healing Potion Extreme}}|{{Loot|Power Potion Extreme}}|{{Loot|Coinpurse}}|-25 |{{Loot|Springs}}|{{Loot|Brass Gear}}|{{Loot|Tin Gear}}|{{Loot|Red Game Chip}}|-|{{Loot|Stunning Painting}}|{{Loot|Shoddy Forgery}}|{{Loot|Saltpeter}}|{{Loot|Guava}}|-|{{Loot|Goblin Breastplate}}|{{Loot|Goblin Leggings}}|{{Loot|Goblin Gloves}}|{{Loot|Ring of Arrows}}|-|{{Loot|Amulet of Competent Lycanthropy}}|{{Loot|Belt of The Wraith}}|{{Loot|Goblin Cutlass}}|{{Loot|Goblin Dirk}}|-|{{Loot|Unidentified Poetry Book}}|{{Loot|Shock Dust}}[[Category:Boarded up Basement Creatures]]|}