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Basic Caustic Ink

208 bytes added, 00:26, 6 March 2023
Updating drops, v380
=== Purchasing ===
<!-- This table is pulled directly from the use of Template:Vendor Item Row. -->Sellers Include:<dpl>category = Sold/Basic Caustic Inkmode = unorderedcolumns = 1includesubpages = no* [[Sir Arif]] in [[Serbule Crypt]] for 22 councils. Requires {include = {Favor|ComfortableNPC Infobox}}.:zonetable = class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed sortable", Vendor, Location* [[The Wombat]] in [[Sun Vale]] for 60 councils. Requires {{Favor|???}}</dpl>
=== Drops ===
<!-- To add drops, modify the relevant mob page and it will automatically be added to the following table. -->
noresultsheader = This item has not been submitted by an editor as loot, or may not exist as loot
category = Loot/Basic Caustic Ink
mode = unordered
table = class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed sortable", Monster, Location
=== Gathering ===
<!-- Include items obtained from ground spawns such as fruit