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Khyrulek's True Form

34 bytes added, 15:39, 5 May 2023
Fixed combat abilities
| image = [[File:Khyrulek's True Form.jpg|300px]]
| type = Undead
| health = 61634662| armor = 6101782| rage = 950831
| notoriety = 600
| effective = Crushing, Fire, Nature| vineffective = Poison, Darkness, Trauma| immune = Darkness
| curse = {{Disease|Darkened Heart}}
| area = Serbule Crypt
| location = Encountered on the lower level, behind the magical wall at the end of the hallway it blocks off.
| health = 61634662| armor = 6101782| rage = 950831| lootlevel =35
==Combat Abilities==
''Boss'Immune to Knockback and Fear'''* Ranged Fire Dmage* [[Image{{:AIP:Rage-icon-20px.gif|Rage]] Heavy Ranged Fire DamageKhyrulek}}
==Reported Loot==
* Equipment
* {||{{Loot|Symbols of Darkness}} - Item used to unlock the [[Necromancy]] combat Skill requirements.|}
[[Category:Bosses]][[Category:Serbule Crypt Creatures]]