Presumably brought in as protection for [[Sherzat]]. ==Location==; [[Under the Hand]]: Found on the second level. ==Combat Abilities==* Slashing Damage* Crushing Damage* [[Image{{:AIP:Rage-icon-20px.gif|Rage]] Crushing Health DevastationBear}}
* {||'''Skin''': |{{Item|DecentAnimal Skin}}| {{Item|Crude Animal Skin}} (Bonus)* |-|'''Meat''': Cheap Meat* | ???|-|'''Skull''': |{{Item|Impressive Animal Skull}}|}==Reported Loot==* ==== General Loot ====; Flower Seeds{|[[Category: Under the Hand Creatures]]|{{Loot|Grass}}|}==Animal Handling Stats =={{MOB AH| name = Poorly-Trained Bear| level to tame= ?| max level = 80| max bond level = 100| max happiness = 100| max enthusiasm = 100| bonus =| weaknesses = Electricity, Acid| resists = Crushing, Trauma}}{{MOB AHVital| vital level= 30| health = 158| armor = 190}}
no edit summary
{{MOB infobox
| title = Poorly-Trained Bear
| type = Bear and Bugbear
| armor = 297329| health = 341354| rage = 522559
| effective = Electricity, Acid
| ineffective = Crushing, Trauma
[[Poorly-Trained Bear]]s were presumably brought in as protection for [[Sherzat]].
== Locations ==
{{MOB Location
| area = Carpal Tunnels
| location = Found on the second level.
| health = 354
| armor = 329
| rage = 559