:Hello, BetaNotus here. The website update has rendered me unable to access [[User:NotesOfNotus]], so I'll be using this account now. :I'm fascinated with the Lore of the world, and have some maps to add soon. The [[Council Lands]] page is my baby right now.__NOTOC__
:- Begin construction on the [[Register of Lore]].:- Update Myconian Cave map and post. -Done. Everything?Event:- Finish mapping all other dungeons, from easiest to hardest.The Errana Bunny's Egg Hunt
includetrim include = true{MOB infobox}:effective,{MOB infobox}:veffective,{MOB infobox}:ineffective,{MOB infobox}:vineffective,{MOB infobox}:immune table = class="sortable table" style="width:50%wikitable",SkillName, Effective, Very Effective, Ineffective, Very Ineffective,DescriptionImmune tablerow columns = style="font-weight:bold"¦%%,1
→To-Do List
== To-Do List ==
==Quick Reference LocationsPages needing deletion =={{#dpl:| category =Candidates for deletion*[[Item Icons Guide]]| columns = 3* | format = <ul>,<li>[[ItemT_Template_Demos%PAGE%]]*[https:,</li>,</web.archive.org/web/20131216075027/httpul>}}<!--===== Basic Armor Reference ====={||'''Equipment'''|'''Total Bonus'''|-|{{Item|Basic Helm}}<br>{{Item|Basic Breastplate}}<br>{{Item|Basic Gloves}}<br>{{Item|Basic Pants}}<br>{{Item|Basic Boots}}|{{Attribute|MAX_ARMOR|+00}}<br>{{Attribute|COMBAT_REFRESH_HEALTH_DELTA|+00}}<br>{{Attribute|COMBAT_REFRESH_ARMOR_DELTA|+00}}<br>{{Attribute|COMBAT_REFRESH_POWER_DELTA|+00}}<br>|}-->=== Animal Handling Test Chart ===<dpl>category = Animal Handling Creaturesnotcategory = Formatting templatesmode = unorderedcolumns = 1include ={MOB AH}:level to tametable = class="sortable wikitable", Creature Name, Taming Level<//projectgorgon.com/moredpl>==== Ability Test ====<!-info/lore/toks-letter/ Tok's Letter]Ranged Abilities that are not AnatomyCriticals.{{#dpl:[https:| category = Ability/Ranged| notcategory = Ability/webAnatomyCriticals| columns = 3}}AnatomyCriticals that are ranged.archive.org/web/20131116062754/http{{#dpl:| category = Ability/AnatomyCriticals| category = Ability/projectgorgon.com/moreRanged| columns = 3}}--info/lore/sylvia><!-in-halvue=== Weapon List ===<dpl> category = Items/ Sylvia in Havule]Sword reset = categories include = {ITEM infobox}:[[Templateskillreqs,{ITEM infobox}:Gear_table_row]]basemods columns = 1 allowcachedresults=true table = class="sortable wikitable" style="width:100%", Name, SkillReq, Base Mods</dpl>-->=== Food List Testing ===[[EquipmentPantry]]: [[Special Behavior Badges]]<!--=== Items Sold by Vendors ===<dpl>Alamyneth category = elven runes on a chain.Shopkeeper category = Serbule NPCs include =#Sells table = Code reference class="sortable wikitable",Name, List columns =1<spoiler show/dpl>="Text for the spoiler box goes here"== Fae Realm Health list===<dpl>Yeah category = Fae Realm Creatures reset = categories columns = 1 include = {MOB infobox}:health mode = userformat format=<ul>, type everything you want here<li> %PAGE% - <span style="padding:0 1em 0 . Remember this5em">[[Image:Health-icon-30px.gif|Health]],</span></li>, </ul> allowcachedresults=true</spoilerdpl>== = Rowspan Abilities ===(abilities json, ability_13302){||-|rowspan="3"|{{Combat Ability icon |BearBite}}|'''Bear Claw (Pet)'''|-|Slashing Damage|-|Base Damage: X|}=== Lenta Test ===
category = Beast Forms include = #DescriptionFungoid
reset = categories
=== Timeline ===
{| {{STDT|sortable}}
|- style="text-align:left;"
! | Year || style="font-weight:bold;"|<span style="cursor: pointer;">'''Event'''</span>
| The Autumn Felling
| Ascension of an unknown race into multicosmosal traveling "Glowing Spheres"
| Crones populate much of Alharth and establish rule over other races.
| Humans and Orcs begin learning magic.
|'''- 20,002 years'''
| The Summer Court takes control of the Fae Realm.
|'''- 18,000 years'''
| Dreva defeats Tast's faction at the conclusion of the God War.<br> Creation of the Chalice Gods.
| Ascension of human painter Dale Renthian as a Nature Spirt.
|'''- 15,000 years to -10,000 years'''
| Ascension of Janice Alberith as a Nature Spirit.
|'''- 3,000 years'''
| Jake the Buckler becomes cursed by a spellcaster and is lost in a void.
|'''- 1500 years'''
| A group of Dwarves stage the Serbule Revolt and construct the City-Fortress of Borghild.
|'''- 1000 years'''
| Mages from the top magical schools align themselves together as The Council of Thirteen in opposition to the Crone rule over Alharth. <br> Queen Hegata declares the Crone Hegemony is at war with the humans. <br> The Council of Thirteen defeats the Crone Hegemony, pushing them north.
|'''- 1000 years'''
| Decline of the Dwarven Stalwarts.
|'''??? (D1)'''
| The Council of Thirteen reforms into The Council of Eight.
| Torsagar the Regent Retires
|'''??? (D1+103)'''
| The Council of Eight renames itself The Council of Five after 103 years.
|'''??? ("Centuries Ago")'''
| The Crone Hegemony attempts to conquer the fertile land of Ilmari for access to precious metal discovered underground. <br> The Crone Hegemony is defeated and the Great Weather Machine is activated upon their retreat. <br> Two-years of storms transform Ilmari into a barren desert. <br> The city of New Argolis sinks into the sand.
| Elf-Dwarf Wars
| War of Froliac (Elves)
|'''- 500 years'''
| Dwarves retake control of Borghild. <br> Dwarven Culture Group censors the poet Gammo.
|'''- 244 years'''
| Khyrulek attempts to conquer the Serbule region without success.
| The Council moves out of Ema, constructing the capital of Statehelm.
|'''- 180 years (minimum)'''
| The Council of Five rebrands as The Council.
|'''- 150 years'''
| Elven art historical "New Revisionist" period begins.
|'''"Hundreds of years after the Great Weather Machine Breaks"'''
| Rakshasa from the realm of Ravana invade Alharth, arriving in the Ilmari region. <br> Rahu City is constructed as a staging ground for the colonization. Cross-realm portals are established and older Crone Hegemony magical devices are recovered from the sand. <br> The Council declares war on the Rakshasa, starting the Rakshasa War.
| The Rakshasa War ends with the Battle of Rahu. Druids of Dreva destroy the city as the Weather Machine activates again. <br> Druids destroy most of the Rakshasa, leaving only the injured or weak. These remaining Rakshasa are transformed by Dreva's magic. <br> Storms from the Weather Machine, now lost again in the sand, turn Rahu into a rocky wasteland.
|'''??? ("A few decades ago, but right after the Rakshasa War")'''
| The Sand War begins immediately after the end of the Rakshasa War. <br> Aided by the Crone Hegemony and Orcs, the Rakshasa win provisional control over Ilmari. <br> The Crone Hegemony betrays the Orcs to The Council, leading to many dead Orcs.
| Orcs fleeing Ilmari regroup and establish the City of Gazluk above a much older Orcish fortress. <br> The Formian King attacks Gazluk and is swiftly defeated. <br> Gazluk Orcs go to war with nearby Dwarves and annihilate the dwarven fortress of Gribnik Hill.
| While working for The Council as a University Teacher, Dalvos develops crystal walls to prevent invasions from other realms.
|'''- 51 years (minimum)'''
| Landri the Cold is sentenced to 50 years imprisonment.
| The Crone Council is formed by a group of the Crone Hegemony dedicate to reconquering their homeland.
| Anagoge and the Council University facility under the island are abandoned by The Council.
|'''??? ("decades ago")'''
| Dalvos begins enslaving Giant Mantis for experiments and creates the Brain Bugs on the abandoned Anagoge Island.
| Gazluk Orcs conquer the Elven region of Fern Glade.
|'''??? ("Many years ago")'''
| Gazluk Orcs defend themselves against attacking Rakshasa mages. <br> Gazluk Orcs issue a pronouncement to delay Rites of Passage for orcish mages from 15 to 17.
|'''- 26 years'''
| James Eltibule II is born.
|'''- 24 years '''
| Dwarves begin working under Eltibule Keep.
|'''- 22 years'''
| 'Fangy' Lim becomes Mayor of Povus.
|'''- 20 years'''
| Lord James Serbule II vanishes on an expedition into Borghild.
|'''- 14 years'''
| James Eltibule II turns 12. After 10 years of excavations, arguments begin between Lord Eltibule and the Deftwhisper dwarves.
|'''- 12 years'''
| James Eltibule II turns 14. His sister Katarina Eltibule turns to stone.<br> Demon General Berelius sends Tok of the Eighth Pod to spy on Alharth. <br> Tok establishes an identify in Fallowglade.
|'''- 11 years'''
| James Eltibule II becomes Lord of Eltibule after his parents vanish on their way to Sedgewick Forest in search of a cure for Katarina.
|'''- 10 years'''
| James Eltibule II turns 16. <br> Lord Sedgewick sells his duchy to a Goblin clan and escapes into Eltibule. <br> Lord Sedgewick vanishes in the tunnels under the Eltibule region. <br> The hag Claudia is tricked into occupying the Ilmari Labyrinth by her sisters. <br> Sammie Grimspine suffers an accident while serving as a soldier. <br> A new fortress is built as a guardhouse in Eltibule by The Council, in preparation for a new trade route through Gazluk. <br>Demon Lord Destriel begins an invasion of the Council Lands.
|'''- 9 years'''
| Jarmanger uses Dalvos's crystal walls to contain Destriel's army.. mostly. <br>
Some of the demons reach the Vidaria region, and warfare begins. <br>
The Eltibule to Gazluk trade route is put on hold because of the invasion, and the guardhouse is deeded to Hogan. <br> Dalvos stops working for The Council and returns to Anagoge with the Naturesphere. <br> After failing to completely figure out the Naturesphere, Dalvos escapes Anagoge to evade capture by hags. <br> Dalvos releases his Brain Bugs into the tunnels leading to the mainland. <br> Yasinda's daughter vanishes.
|'''??? ("Years ago")'''
| The last appearance of The Council in public.<br> Elmetaph moves to Anagoge.
|'''- 7 years'''
| The Deftwhisper dwarves are kicked out of Eltibule by James Eltibule II.
|'''- 6 years'''
| James Eltibule II leaves Eltibule for Thentree in neighboring Sedgewick. <br> The Council dissolves the duchy of Eltibule after James II vanishes. <br> Dalvos successfully creates a Psilobe during experiments on the Giant Mantis of Eltibule and Sedgewick Forest.
|'''- 5 years'''
| Grackhaven begins protesting the High King of the Gob-Lands. <br> Goblins invade Sedgewick Forest. <br> Goblins attack Murdo. <br> Nelson Ballard's wife dies. <br> Jarmanger sends Commander Ferrows and the Second Column to liberate Eltibule Keep from the Goblins. <br> Dalvos grants intellect to the Mantises, then enslaves them. <br> Impressed by their willpower, Dalvos frees the Psilobe enhanced Giant Mantis before leaving the Serbule region.
|'''- 4 years'''
| Commander Ferrows and the Second Column vanish on their journey to Eltibule, never reaching their destination. <br> Jarmanger sends General Lavorel to capture Dalvos. <br> The Forgaxis hivemind develops. <br> A commander in Demon Lord Forthragar's army is summoned to Gazluk.
|'''- 3 years'''
| Povus reaches a population of hundreds. <br> George Madler escapes from goblin enslavement at Fallow Harbor. <br> The Red Wing Collective partners with the Fangblade dwarves to build a casino using goblin labor.
|'''- 2 years, 6 months'''
| General Lavorel visits the Myconians in Serbule.
|'''- 2 years, 1 month'''
| General Lavorel leaves the Myconians in Serbule, starting a civil war.
|''' ??? '''
| Fire bombardment of Dwyndarre.
|'''- 2 years'''
| The Winter Court takes control of the Fae Realms. <br> Dalvos enters a two-year contract with the Winter Queen. <br> The downfall of Povus begins after an environmental incident triggers an attack by nearby orcs.<br> Naurlok begins recruiting an Orc army to take over Gazluk.
|'''-1 year'''
| Settlers attempting to start a town in Gazluk are besieged by orcs and take refuge in a nearby cave. <br> The Council Corps of Engineers is dispatched to the Serbule region on a mission to convert Serbule Keep into homes for Dwyndarre refugees. <br> The number of mind-wiped people appearing on the beaches of Anagoge increases.
|''' ??? ("Many months")'''
| Psychic Mantis in the Serbule region detect Dalvos's presence in the region for the last time.
|''' ??? ("days")'''
| A Council-trained Prodigy and Demon Hunter washes up on Anagoge after a mind-wipe.