→Notable Mentions
{{Guild infobox
|title = Animal Town X-Force
|image = [[File:Animal_Town_X-Force_1_136x127.png]]
|caption = A secret society hidden deep within Alharth
|guildtype = Social, LGBTQIA+ Friendly
|guildlevel = 10
|comms = [https://discord.com/invite/JZAbu4ybW8 Discord]
|officers = Lollipop, (Guild is not as active anymore in game, but still exists and is on discord)
== Focus ==
Animal Town X-Force is a level 3 10 secret society hidden deep within Alharth! We are mainly made up of animals that originally originated from Animal Town in Sunvale.
However, we come in all kinds of shapes and forms all possessing many abilities both magical & non-magical abilities in which we use for either our own purposes or for others in Alharth.
Keep in mind, while many of us are indeed animals. We are not an animal only society and we are also made up of many druids and other unique creatures that we deem powerful enough to join our ranks.
Therefore, while all animals are indeed encouraged to join us, we do not discriminate against non -animals. Simply, if the X-Force chooses you, then your obviously meant to be here.
However, We are indeed a very casual society made up of very powerful new and advanced disciples who seek to create an environment, where we all can learn and enjoy themselvesourselves. Thus, We are known to run many dungeons & events as well as provide guidance to those that seek it.
== Backstory ==
Animal Town X-Force was founded on April 1st, 2021 by the Rakshasa Plaximos. Plaximos is a powerful fire mage and druid Ice Mage & Druid as well as a shapeshifter Shapeshifter, who originally came from the desert lands of llmaridangerous desolate known as the Kur Mountains. Although, particularly Amulna. the reason Plaximos left the Kur Mountains was because he was sick tired of living so isolated having already mastered his craft of the desert life Ice Magic and thus sought out the tropical island of Sunvale, as a new way to life live his life. He created mainly chose Sunvale as it was much more inhabitable than the Kur Mountains as well as he was very interested in the druidic people that lived there. Nonetheless, He ended up becoming a Druid and eventually became a very powerful one in which he was able to become a master shapeshifter. Eventually while living on Sunvale, His curiosity led him to stumble upon Animal Town in which he decided that this would be his new sanctuary as he was very much indeed fascinated by the many intelligent animals that dwelled here. In which some time later, He actually ended up creating his own society partly because he was living undercover in Animal Town for quite some time as a shapeshifted druidic spider and thus wanted a new community of animals that didn't particularly identify with the original rules of Animal Town. Therefore, he created separated himself from Animal Town ultimately creating this new secret society that allowed both animals, non -animals and all creatures to come together as one aka the "X-Force". As mentioned previously Although after some time within ATXF, Plaximos is a Rakshasaended up disappearing entirely under mysterious conditions. In which he was never heard from again. After Plaximos disappeared, who came to Animal Town as a means A Giant Bat from the Fae Realm called "Lollipop" emerged and took the guild under his own "Wings" and now ruins the guild in the shadows of curiosity as well as a new way of life after hearing Alharth in which not much is known about the intelligent animals that dwelled hereATXF these days.
So what does the X in Animal Town X-Force stand for?
The X in our name stands for Xaroncharoo, which is a smart person word that means we are brilliant, maybe evil, and a little insane. It is simply the characteristic that we embody and is also one that we look for in future members. Animal Town X-Force as a whole are considered outcasts in Alharth as many citizens don't understand us or are simply afraid of us. Therefore, we are very powerful but misunderstood by many because most of us are animals and . Also, the same rules apply to others that are associated with animals within our society. Thus, animals and anyone associated with animals are looked down upon entirely within Alharth for the most part.within Alharth!
== Organization ==
Animal Town X-Force is organized by many different ranks. It starts off with "Sleeping Disciple", which is a new disciple who has just joined Animal Town X-Force but is not known to the society that well and needs to show their devotion in order to rank up. Then, "Awakened Disciple" who has proven themselves to Animal Town X-Force in some form and thus has been "Awakened". Then, "Crystallized Disciple", which is seen as a disciple that has shown a great amount of loyalty and respect to Animal Town X-Force in which all disciples should shoot to eventually become.
From Crystalized Crystallized Disciple Onward, There is then a "Crystalized Crystallized Council" which is made up of typically 6 different disciples, including Plaximos it's current leader "Lollipop", in which all have their own unique titles to distinguish them from regular disciples. The Crystalized Crystallized Council runs Animal Town X-Force collectively. However, each disciple that belongs to the council may might out rank another council disciple depending on when they were put into the council. Please see below for ranking of the council disciples.
=== Crystalized Crystallized Council ===
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* "The Crystalized Chieftain'''"Alharth's Tastiest Treat" Plaximos/Lollipop -(April 1st, 2021) * "The PsychoPathic Porker'''TBD" Hamsteak/Lorelie/Mooren (April 24th, 2021) * "The Scholarly Cat Burglar'''TBD" Rastla/ShirleyNot/Pumpkinbee (April 24th, 2021)
* "The Luminous Moonstruck Wolf'''TBD" Idren (April 25th, 2021) * "The Calculating Meteorologist'''TBD" Nuka/Enda (April 25th, 2021) * "The Radiant Operative'''TBD" KoGenri (May 5th, 2021)
=== Leader of Animal Town X-Force ===
*"'''Alharth's Tastiest Treat"-Lollipop
=== Recruitment ===
If you are interested in joining Animal Town X-Force, Please contact the leader of Animal Town X-Force or any of the other active disciples in the "Crystallized Council" listed above! Although, if you do happen to run into any other disciples associated with "Animal Town X-Force". Then, you can simply just whisper them for an invite as well too.
You may also join our [https://discord.com/invite/JZAbu4ybW8 Discord Channel].
We also have an in game chat channel at `ATXF` you can join.
All animals, non-animals and creatures are all welcome to join Animal Town X-Force!
== Notable Mentions ==
Animal Town X-Force became a level 1 society! April 26th, 2021
Animal Town X-Force became a level 2 society! May 14th, 2021
Animal Town X-Force became a level 3 society! June 10th, 2021
Animal Town X-Force became a level 4 society! July 29th, 2021
Animal Town X-Force became a level 5 society! October 8th, 2021
Animal Town X-Force became a level 6 society! February 8th, 2022
Animal Town X-Force became a level 7 society! June 14th, 2022
Animal Town X-Force became a level 8 society! August 22nd, 2022
Animal Town X-Force became a level 9 society! November 28th, 2022
Animal Town X-Force became a level 10 society! April 5th, 2023
Animal Town X-Force Celebrated it's 1 Year Anniversary on April 1st, 2022
Animal Town X-Force Celebrated it's 2 Year Anniversary on April 1st, 2023
Animal Town X-Force Celebrated it's 3 Year Anniversary on April 1st, 2024
Animal Town X-Force Established it's Guild House on October 3rd, 2024 that was funded completely by "The Dedicated Loremaster" ShadowMoses
== Guild Colors ==
The colors for Animal Town X-Force are any kinds of purple dye, pink dye, black dye, blue dye or aquamarine dye. So if you want represent us in Alharth, just mix and match those dyes. This is completely optional of course, so only do it if you feel like showing off our guild colors!
== Confidants of Animal Town X-Force ==
The X-Force Classified them as "Sunvale's Swamp Titans"! To the rest of Alharth, they are known as the X-Force's Confidants or Close Allies!
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[[File:Sunvale_Swamp_Titans_136x127.png]]|*'''Tornadocholo'''*'''Shanarxi'''*'''WiccaDaSloth'''*'''Piptendo'''*'''Geophat75'''*'''Amret'''*'''n_ePiPen'''*'''Fleetwood'''*'''Alishana'''*'''Tinlaar Lorethiel'''*'''Amere'''*'''Elhion'''*'''GreveDuckula'''|} == Gallery ==<gallery mode="nolines" widths=300px>File:Fae Realm Chilling.PNG|"The Crystalized ChieftainCrystallized Cheiftain" Plaximos& "The Dedicated Loremaster" Handerdal/GnarlesSparkley doing some Fae Realm Chilling!File:Gilspro.jpg|"The Dedicated Loremaster" Gilspro at his forever home in Serbule!File:Werewolf.PNG|"The Dedicated Loremaster" Sereia hanging out in the mysterious Kur Mountains!File:Ben.jpg|"The Dedicated Loremaster" BenJoseph hanging out in the Fairy Realm.File:Katonya Fox.jpg|"The Dedicated Loremaster" Katoyna hanging out somewhere in Alharth!File:Odgarn Updated.PNG|"The Dedicated Loremaster" Azoren & "The Dedicated Loremaster" Odgarn defeating one of the more powerful enemies!File:JentheFairy.png|"The Dedicated Loremaster" JentheFairy hanging out somewhere in Alharth.File:Azoren Knife2.png|"The Dedicated Loremaster" Azoren hanging out somewhere in Alharth.File:Ahampt.PNG|"The Dedicated Loremaster" Ahampt hanging out in the mushroom patch of Povus!File:Kitten Soul Taker.PNG|"The Dedicated Loremaster" kittensoultaker hanging in Serbule with his boss pet Hissy!File:Vexilla.jpg|"The Dedicated Loremaster" Vexilla cooking up something delicious in the Casino! File:Shadowmoses.jpg|"The Dedicated Loremaster" Shadow Moses relaxing under the night sky!File:Thorz.png|"The Dedicated Loremaster" Thorz hanging out in Serbule!File:Dvorak The Duck.png|"The Dedicated Loremaster" Dvorak Hanging out in Duck Form at the Serbule Well!File:Zrikz.jpg|"The Dedicated Loremaster" Zrikz on his horse hanging out somewhere in Alharth!File:Soapman.png|"The Dedicated Loremaster" Soapman showing "The Black Hoof" JentheUnguided his Rollerblades in Serbule!File:Etum.png|"The Dedicated Loremaster " Etum hanging out somewhere in Alharth.File:Capture2222222222222222222222222222.PNG|Animal Town X-Force hanging out after the Dark Chapel Dungeon Run!File:Gazluk Keep Cleared.png|Animal Town X-Force hanging out after clearing Level 70 Gazluk Keep as a guild for first time!File:Gauntlet Stack.PNG|Animal Town X-Force Hanging out after Clearing the level 85 Content in the game called the "Boss Gauntlet"!File:ATXF 2 Years Anniversary.jpg|Animal Town X-Force Celebrates it's 2 Year Anniversary! </gallery> [[Category:Player Guild]]