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Giant Bat/Treasure Effects

42,731 bytes added, 01:49, 5 October 2024
Updating to v414
<noinclude>[[Category:Treasure Effects]]</noinclude><includeonly>
==[[{{msg:BASEPAGENAME}}Giant Bat/Treasure Effects|Giant Bat Treasure Effects]]==</includeonly>See also: [[Giant Bat/Treasure Effects:By Slot]] See also: [[Giant Bat/Treasure Effects:By Ability]]<!-- This table is from patch v259, June 19, 2016 Updated to v414 on Fri Oct 04 2024 23:24:28 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time) using FoxnEagle's auto-wiki-generator -->
{| class="table mw-collapsible<includeonly> mw-collapsed</includeonly>" style="width:100%;"
|+<div align! style="leftwidth:8%"><h3>Giant Bat</h3></div>! | Prefix !! style="width:8%"| Suffix !! Best Tier style="width:47%"| Max-Level Version !! style="width:8%"| Rarity !! style="width:10%"| Slot !! All Tiersstyle="width:15%"| Other Versions
| || of Giant Bats || <b>Tier 12Level 100</b> - Drink Blood restores 15 power and 15 armor Giant Bat Base Damage +50% || Uncommon || HandsHead, Ring Necklace || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|*; Tier 1Level 10*Drink Blood restores 2 power and 2 armor:Giant Bat Damage +5*; Tier 2Level 20*Drink Blood restores 3 power and 3 armor:Giant Bat Base Damage +10%*; Tier 3Level 30*Drink Blood restores 4 power and 4 armor*; Tier 4*Drink Blood restores 5 power and 5 armor*; Tier 5*Drink Blood restores 6 power and 6 armor:Giant Bat Base Damage +15%*; Tier 6Level 40*Drink Blood restores 7 power and 7 armor:Giant Bat Base Damage +20%*; Tier 7Level 50*Drink Blood restores 8 power and 8 armor:Giant Bat Base Damage +25%*; Tier 8Level 60*Drink Blood restores 9 power and 9 armor:Giant Bat Base Damage +30%*; Tier 9Level 70*Drink Blood restores 10 power and 10 armor:Giant Bat Base Damage +35%*; Tier 10Level 80*Drink Blood restores 12 power and 12 armor:Giant Bat Base Damage +40%*; Tier 11Level 90*Drink Blood restores 13 power and 13 armor:Giant Bat Base Damage +45%*; Tier 12Level 100*Drink Blood restores 15 power and 15 armor:Giant Bat Base Damage +50%|Expand}}
| || || <b>Tier 12Level 100</b> - Drink Blood Rip deals +105 direct health 46 damage and restores 13 Power || Uncommon || HeadChest, Necklace MainHand || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|*; Tier 1Level 5*Drink Blood :Rip deals +8 direct health 5 damageand restores 2 Power*; Tier Level 10:Rip deals +6 damage and restores 2Power*Drink Blood ; Level 15:Rip deals +16 direct health 7 damageand restores 3 Power*; Tier Level 20:Rip deals +8 damage and restores 3Power*Drink Blood ; Level 25:Rip deals +24 direct health 9 damageand restores 4 Power*; Tier Level 30:Rip deals +10 damage and restores 4Power*Drink Blood ; Level 35:Rip deals +33 direct health 12 damageand restores 5 Power*; Tier Level 40:Rip deals +14 damage and restores 5Power*Drink Blood ; Level 45:Rip deals +42 direct health 16 damageand restores 6 Power*; Tier Level 50:Rip deals +18 damage and restores 6Power*Drink Blood ; Level 55:Rip deals +51 direct health 20 damageand restores 7 Power*; Tier Level 60:Rip deals +22 damage and restores 7Power*Drink Blood ; Level 65:Rip deals +60 direct health 25 damageand restores 8 Power*; Tier 8Level 70*Drink Blood :Rip deals +69 direct health 28 damageand restores 9 Power*; Tier 9Level 75*Drink Blood :Rip deals +78 direct health 31 damageand restores 10 Power*; Tier 10Level 80*Drink Blood :Rip deals +87 direct health 34 damageand restores 11 Power*; Tier Level 85:Rip deals +37 damage and restores 11Power*Drink Blood ; Level 90:Rip deals +96 direct health 40 damageand restores 12 Power*; Tier Level 95:Rip deals +43 damage and restores 12Power*Drink Blood ; Level 100:Rip deals +105 direct health 46 damageand restores 13 Power|Expand}}
| || || <b>Tier 12Level 100</b> - Rip has a 50% chance to deal +48 damage restores 24 Armor || Uncommon || Legs, Hands || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|*; Tier 1Level 5:Rip restores 5 Armor*; Level 10:Rip has a 50% chance to deal +3 damagerestores 6 Armor*; Tier 2Level 15*:Rip has a 50% chance to deal +5 damagerestores 7 Armor*; Tier 3Level 20*:Rip has a 50% chance to deal +restores 8 damageArmor*; Tier 4Level 25:Rip restores 9 Armor*; Level 30:Rip has a 50% chance to deal +restores 10 damageArmor*; Tier 5Level 35:Rip restores 11 Armor*; Level 40:Rip restores 12 Armor*; Level 45:Rip has a 50% chance to deal +restores 13 damageArmor*; Tier 6Level 50:Rip restores 14 Armor*; Level 55:Rip has a 50% chance to deal +18 damagerestores 15 Armor*; Tier 7Level 60:Rip restores 16 Armor*; Level 65:Rip has a 50% chance to deal +23 damagerestores 17 Armor*; Tier 8Level 70:Rip restores 18 Armor*; Level 75:Rip has a 50% chance to deal +28 damagerestores 19 Armor*; Tier 9Level 80:Rip restores 20 Armor*; Level 85:Rip has a 50% chance to deal +33 damagerestores 21 Armor*; Tier 10Level 90*:Rip has a 50% chance to deal +38 damagerestores 22 Armor*; Tier 11Level 95*:Rip has a 50% chance to deal +43 damagerestores 23 Armor*; Tier 12Level 100*:Rip has a 50% chance to deal +48 damagerestores 24 Armor|Expand}}
| || of Giant Bats || <b>Tier 6Level 100</b> - Combo: Rip+Any Melee+Any Giant Bat Base Damage Attack+Tear: final step hits all targets within 5 meters and deals +35% 125 damage. || Uncommon || Head, Necklace Feet || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|*; Tier 1Level 10:Combo: Rip+Any Melee+Any Giant Bat Attack+Tear: final step hits all targets within 5 meters and deals +5 damage.*; Level 20:Combo: Rip+Any Melee+Any Giant Bat Base Damage Attack+Tear: final step hits all targets within 5 meters and deals +10%12 damage.*; Tier 2Level 30:Combo: Rip+Any Melee+Any Giant Bat Attack+Tear: final step hits all targets within 5 meters and deals +20 damage.*; Level 40:Combo: Rip+Any Melee+Any Giant Bat Base Damage Attack+15%Tear: final step hits all targets within 5 meters and deals +28 damage.*; Tier 3Level 50:Combo: Rip+Any Melee+Any Giant Bat Attack+Tear: final step hits all targets within 5 meters and deals +35 damage.*; Level 60:Combo: Rip+Any Melee+Any Giant Bat Base Damage Attack+Tear: final step hits all targets within 5 meters and deals +20%45 damage.*; Tier 4Level 70*:Combo: Rip+Any Melee+Any Giant Bat Base Damage Attack+25%Tear: final step hits all targets within 5 meters and deals +65 damage.*; Tier Level 80:Combo: Rip+Any Melee+Any Giant Bat Attack+Tear: final step hits all targets within 5meters and deals +85 damage.*; Level 90:Combo: Rip+Any Melee+Any Giant Bat Base Damage Attack+30%Tear: final step hits all targets within 5 meters and deals +105 damage.*; Tier 6Level 100*:Combo: Rip+Any Melee+Any Giant Bat Base Damage Attack+Tear: final step hits all targets within 5 meters and deals +35%125 damage.|Expand}}
| || || <b>Tier 12Level 100</b> - Virulent Bite deals Tear Damage +9256.99% damage || Uncommon || Chest, Legs Head || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|*; Tier 1Level 5:Tear Damage +7%*Virulent Bite deals ; Level 10:Tear Damage +9%*; Level 15:Tear Damage +11% damage*; Tier 2Level 20:Tear Damage +13%*Virulent Bite deals ; Level 25:Tear Damage +2215% damage*; Tier 3Level 30:Tear Damage +17%*Virulent Bite deals ; Level 35:Tear Damage +2919% damage*; Tier 4Level 40:Tear Damage +21%*Virulent Bite deals ; Level 45:Tear Damage +3624% damage*; Tier 5Level 50:Tear Damage +27%*Virulent Bite deals ; Level 55:Tear Damage +4330% damage*; Tier 6Level 60:Tear Damage +33%*Virulent Bite deals ; Level 65:Tear Damage +5036% damage*; Tier 7Level 70:Tear Damage +39%*Virulent Bite deals ; Level 75:Tear Damage +5742% damage*; Tier 8Level 80*Virulent Bite deals :Tear Damage +6445% damage*; Tier 9Level 85*Virulent Bite deals :Tear Damage +7148% damage*; Tier 10Level 90*Virulent Bite deals :Tear Damage +7851% damage*; Tier 11Level 95*Virulent Bite deals :Tear Damage +8554% damage*; Tier 12Level 100*Virulent Bite deals :Tear Damage +9256.99% damage|Expand}}
| || || <b>Tier 12Level 100</b> - Tear has a 3350% chance to deal +97120% damage and reset the timer on Screech (so Screech can be used again immediately) || FeetUncommon || Legs, Ring Necklace || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|*; Tier 1Level 5:Tear has a 50% chance to deal +25% damage*; Level 10:Tear has a 3350% chance to deal +2030% damage and reset the timer on Screech (so Screech can be used again immediately)*; Tier 2Level 15*:Tear has a 3350% chance to deal +2735% damage and reset the timer on Screech (so Screech can be used again immediately)*; Tier 3Level 20*:Tear has a 3350% chance to deal +3440% damage and reset the timer on Screech (so Screech can be used again immediately)*; Tier 4Level 25*:Tear has a 3350% chance to deal +4145% damage and reset the timer on Screech (so Screech can be used again immediately)*; Tier 5Level 30*:Tear has a 3350% chance to deal +4850% damage and reset the timer on Screech (so Screech can be used again immediately)*; Tier 6Level 35*:Tear has a 3350% chance to deal +55% damage and reset the timer on Screech (so Screech can be used again immediately)*; Tier 7Level 40:Tear has a 50% chance to deal +60% damage*; Level 45:Tear has a 3350% chance to deal +6265% damage and reset the timer on Screech (so Screech can be used again immediately)*; Tier 8Level 50:Tear has a 50% chance to deal +70% damage*; Level 55:Tear has a 3350% chance to deal +6975% damage and reset the timer on Screech (so Screech can be used again immediately)*; Tier 9Level 60:Tear has a 50% chance to deal +80% damage*; Level 65:Tear has a 3350% chance to deal +7685% damage and reset the timer on Screech (so Screech can be used again immediately)*; Tier 10Level 70:Tear has a 50% chance to deal +90% damage*; Level 75:Tear has a 3350% chance to deal +8395% damage and reset the timer on Screech (so Screech can be used again immediately)*; Tier 11Level 80:Tear has a 50% chance to deal +100% damage*; Level 85:Tear has a 3350% chance to deal +105% damage*; Level 90:Tear has a 50% chance to deal +110% damage and reset the timer on Screech (so Screech can be used again immediately)*; Tier 12Level 95:Tear has a 50% chance to deal +115% damage*; Level 100:Tear has a 3350% chance to deal +97120% damage and reset the timer on Screech (so Screech can be used again immediately)|Expand}}
| || || <b>Tier 6Level 100</b> - Combo: Rip+Tearhas a 33% chance to deal +Any Melee+Rip: final step hits all targets within 5 meters 124% damage and deals +45 damage. reset the timer on Screech (so Screech can be used again immediately) || Uncommon || Feet, Necklace Ring || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|*; Tier 1Level 5:Tear has a 33% chance to deal +10% damage and reset the timer on Screech (so Screech can be used again immediately)*Combo; Level 10: RipTear has a 33% chance to deal +16% damage and reset the timer on Screech (so Screech can be used again immediately)*; Level 15:Tearhas a 33% chance to deal +Any Melee22% damage and reset the timer on Screech (so Screech can be used again immediately)*; Level 20:Tear has a 33% chance to deal +Rip28% damage and reset the timer on Screech (so Screech can be used again immediately)*; Level 25: final step hits all targets within 5 meters Tear has a 33% chance to deal +34% damage and deals reset the timer on Screech (so Screech can be used again immediately)*; Level 30:Tear has a 33% chance to deal +5 40% damage.and reset the timer on Screech (so Screech can be used again immediately)*; Tier 2Level 35:Tear has a 33% chance to deal +46% damage and reset the timer on Screech (so Screech can be used again immediately)*Combo; Level 40: RipTear has a 33% chance to deal +52% damage and reset the timer on Screech (so Screech can be used again immediately)*; Level 45:Tearhas a 33% chance to deal +Any Melee58% damage and reset the timer on Screech (so Screech can be used again immediately)*; Level 50:Tear has a 33% chance to deal +Rip64% damage and reset the timer on Screech (so Screech can be used again immediately)*; Level 55: final step hits all targets within 5 meters Tear has a 33% chance to deal +70% damage and deals reset the timer on Screech (so Screech can be used again immediately)*; Level 60:Tear has a 33% chance to deal +12 76% damage.and reset the timer on Screech (so Screech can be used again immediately)*; Tier 3Level 65*Combo: Rip+Tearhas a 33% chance to deal +Any Melee+Rip82% damage and reset the timer on Screech (so Screech can be used again immediately)*; Level 70: final step hits all targets within 5 meters and deals Tear has a 33% chance to deal +20 88% damage.and reset the timer on Screech (so Screech can be used again immediately)*; Tier 4Level 75*Combo: Rip+Tearhas a 33% chance to deal +Any Melee+Rip94% damage and reset the timer on Screech (so Screech can be used again immediately)*; Level 80: final step hits all targets within 5 meters and deals Tear has a 33% chance to deal +28 100% damage.and reset the timer on Screech (so Screech can be used again immediately)*; Tier 5Level 85*Combo: Rip+Tearhas a 33% chance to deal +Any Melee+Rip106% damage and reset the timer on Screech (so Screech can be used again immediately)*; Level 90: final step hits all targets within 5 meters and deals Tear has a 33% chance to deal +35 112% damage.and reset the timer on Screech (so Screech can be used again immediately)*; Tier 6Level 95*Combo: Rip+Tearhas a 33% chance to deal +Any Melee+Rip118% damage and reset the timer on Screech (so Screech can be used again immediately)*; Level 100: final step hits all targets within 5 meters and deals Tear has a 33% chance to deal +45 124% damage.and reset the timer on Screech (so Screech can be used again immediately)|Expand}}
| || || <b>Tier 6Level 100</b> - Combo: RipTear and Virulent Bite deal +Any Melee+Any Melee+Bat Stability: final step boosts Giant Bat Base Damage +35% for 10 seconds. 109 damage || Uncommon || ChestLegs, Head Necklace || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|*; Tier 1Level 5:Tear and Virulent Bite deal +6 damage*Combo; Level 10: RipTear and Virulent Bite deal +Any Melee11 damage*; Level 15:Tear and Virulent Bite deal +Any Melee16 damage*; Level 20:Tear and Virulent Bite deal +Bat Stability21 damage*; Level 25: final step boosts Giant Bat Base Damage Tear and Virulent Bite deal +10% for 10 seconds.26 damage*; Tier 2Level 30:Tear and Virulent Bite deal +31 damage*Combo; Level 35: RipTear and Virulent Bite deal +Any Melee36 damage*; Level 40:Tear and Virulent Bite deal +Any Melee41 damage*; Level 45:Tear and Virulent Bite deal +Bat Stability46 damage*; Level 50: final step boosts Giant Bat Base Damage Tear and Virulent Bite deal +15% for 10 seconds.51 damage*; Tier 3Level 55:Tear and Virulent Bite deal +56 damage*Combo; Level 60: RipTear and Virulent Bite deal +Any Melee61 damage*; Level 65:Tear and Virulent Bite deal +Any Melee+Bat Stability67 damage*; Level 70: final step boosts Giant Bat Base Damage Tear and Virulent Bite deal +20% for 10 seconds.73 damage*; Tier 4Level 75*Combo: RipTear and Virulent Bite deal +Any Melee+Any Melee+Bat Stability79 damage*; Level 80: final step boosts Giant Bat Base Damage Tear and Virulent Bite deal +25% for 10 seconds.85 damage*; Tier 5Level 85*Combo: RipTear and Virulent Bite deal +Any Melee+Any Melee+Bat Stability91 damage*; Level 90: final step boosts Giant Bat Base Damage Tear and Virulent Bite deal +30% for 10 seconds.97 damage*; Tier 6Level 95*Combo: RipTear and Virulent Bite deal +Any Melee+Any Melee+Bat Stability103 damage*; Level 100: final step boosts Giant Bat Base Damage Tear and Virulent Bite deal +35% for 10 seconds.109 damage|Expand}}
| || || <b>Tier 12Level 100</b> - Rip and Tear deals deal +50 41 damage and restores 16 Armor to you hasten the current reuse timer of Drink Blood by 1 second || Uncommon || Legs, Necklace Hands || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|*; Tier Level 5:Rip and Tear deal +3 damage and hasten the current reuse timer of Drink Blood by 1second*; Level 10:Rip and Tear deals deal +4 5 damage and restores 3 Armor to youhasten the current reuse timer of Drink Blood by 1 second*; Tier 2Level 15:Rip and Tear deal +7 damage and hasten the current reuse timer of Drink Blood by 1 second*; Level 20:Rip and Tear deals deal +8 9 damage and restores 4 Armor to youhasten the current reuse timer of Drink Blood by 1 second*; Tier 3Level 25:Rip and Tear deal +11 damage and hasten the current reuse timer of Drink Blood by 1 second*; Level 30:Rip and Tear deals deal +12 13 damage and restores 5 Armor to youhasten the current reuse timer of Drink Blood by 1 second*; Tier 4Level 35:Rip and Tear deal +15 damage and hasten the current reuse timer of Drink Blood by 1 second*; Level 40:Rip and Tear deals deal +16 17 damage and restores 7 Armor to youhasten the current reuse timer of Drink Blood by 1 second*; Tier 5Level 45:Rip and Tear deal +19 damage and hasten the current reuse timer of Drink Blood by 1 second*; Level 50:Rip and Tear deals deal +20 21 damage and restores 8 Armor to youhasten the current reuse timer of Drink Blood by 1 second*; Tier 6Level 55:Rip and Tear deal +23 damage and hasten the current reuse timer of Drink Blood by 1 second*; Level 60:Rip and Tear deals deal +24 25 damage and restores 9 Armor to youhasten the current reuse timer of Drink Blood by 1 second*; Tier 7Level 65:Rip and Tear deal +27 damage and hasten the current reuse timer of Drink Blood by 1 second*; Level 70:Rip and Tear deals deal +28 29 damage and restores 10 Armor to youhasten the current reuse timer of Drink Blood by 1 second*; Tier 8Level 75:Rip and Tear deal +31 damage and hasten the current reuse timer of Drink Blood by 1 second*; Level 80:Rip and Tear deals deal +32 33 damage and restores 12 Armor to youhasten the current reuse timer of Drink Blood by 1 second*; Tier 9Level 85*:Rip and Tear deals deal +36 35 damage and restores 13 Armor to youhasten the current reuse timer of Drink Blood by 1 second*; Tier 10Level 90*:Rip and Tear deals deal +40 37 damage and restores 14 Armor to youhasten the current reuse timer of Drink Blood by 1 second*; Tier 11Level 95*:Rip and Tear deals deal +45 39 damage and restores 15 Armor to youhasten the current reuse timer of Drink Blood by 1 second*; Tier 12Level 100*:Rip and Tear deals deal +50 41 damage and restores 16 Armor to youhasten the current reuse timer of Drink Blood by 1 second|Expand}}
| Bloody || of Bloody Bites || <b>Tier 6Level 100</b> - Virulent Bite deals 90 trauma damage over 10 seconds Wing Vortex Damage +46.5% || Uncommon || Hands, Feet MainHand || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|*; Level 5:Wing Vortex Damage +10%*; Tier 1Level 10:Wing Vortex Damage +11.5%*Virulent Bite deals ; Level 15 trauma damage over 10 seconds:Wing Vortex Damage +13%*; Level 20:Wing Vortex Damage +14.5%*; Tier 2Level 25:Wing Vortex Damage +16%*Virulent Bite deals ; Level 30 trauma damage over 10 seconds:Wing Vortex Damage +17.5%*; Level 35:Wing Vortex Damage +19%*; Tier 3Level 40:Wing Vortex Damage +20.5%*Virulent Bite deals ; Level 45 trauma damage over 10 seconds:Wing Vortex Damage +22%*; Level 50:Wing Vortex Damage +23.5%*; Tier 4Level 55:Wing Vortex Damage +25%*Virulent Bite deals ; Level 60 trauma damage over 10 seconds:Wing Vortex Damage +26.5%*; Level 65:Wing Vortex Damage +29%*; Tier Level 70:Wing Vortex Damage +31.5%*Virulent Bite deals ; Level 75 trauma damage over 10 seconds:Wing Vortex Damage +34%*; Level 80:Wing Vortex Damage +36.5%*; Tier 6Level 85:Wing Vortex Damage +39%*Virulent Bite deals ; Level 90 trauma damage over 10 seconds|Expand:Wing Vortex Damage +41.5%*; Level 95:Wing Vortex Damage +44%*; Level 100:Wing Vortex Damage +46.5%}}
| || || <b>Tier 12Level 100</b> - Smouldering Gaze deals Wing Vortex has a 70% chance to deal +11529% damage and restore 67 Health to you || Uncommon || HeadChest, Ring OffHand || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|*; Tier 1Level 5:Wing Vortex has a 70% chance to deal +10% damage and restore 10 Health to you*Smouldering Gaze deals ; Level 10:Wing Vortex has a 70% chance to deal +1611% damageand restore 13 Health to you*; Tier 2Level 15:Wing Vortex has a 70% chance to deal +12% damage and restore 16 Health to you*Smouldering Gaze deals ; Level 20:Wing Vortex has a 70% chance to deal +13% damage and restore 19 Health to you*; Level 25:Wing Vortex has a 70% chance to deal +14% damageand restore 22 Health to you*; Tier 3Level 30:Wing Vortex has a 70% chance to deal +15% damage and restore 25 Health to you*Smouldering Gaze deals ; Level 35:Wing Vortex has a 70% chance to deal +3416% damageand restore 28 Health to you*; Tier 4Level 40:Wing Vortex has a 70% chance to deal +17% damage and restore 31 Health to you*Smouldering Gaze deals ; Level 45:Wing Vortex has a 70% chance to deal +4318% damageand restore 34 Health to you*; Tier 5Level 50:Wing Vortex has a 70% chance to deal +19% damage and restore 37 Health to you*Smouldering Gaze deals ; Level 55:Wing Vortex has a 70% chance to deal +5220% damageand restore 40 Health to you*; Tier 6Level 60:Wing Vortex has a 70% chance to deal +21% damage and restore 43 Health to you*Smouldering Gaze deals ; Level 65:Wing Vortex has a 70% chance to deal +6122% damageand restore 46 Health to you*; Tier 7Level 70:Wing Vortex has a 70% chance to deal +23% damage and restore 49 Health to you*Smouldering Gaze deals ; Level 75:Wing Vortex has a 70% chance to deal +7024% damageand restore 52 Health to you*; Tier 8Level 80*Smouldering Gaze deals :Wing Vortex has a 70% chance to deal +7925% damageand restore 55 Health to you*; Tier 9Level 85*Smouldering Gaze deals :Wing Vortex has a 70% chance to deal +8826% damageand restore 58 Health to you*; Tier 10Level 90*Smouldering Gaze deals :Wing Vortex has a 70% chance to deal +9727% damageand restore 61 Health to you*; Tier 11Level 95*Smouldering Gaze deals :Wing Vortex has a 70% chance to deal +10628% damageand restore 64 Health to you*; Tier 12Level 100*Smouldering Gaze deals :Wing Vortex has a 70% chance to deal +11529% damageand restore 67 Health to you|Expand}}
| || || <b>Tier 12Level 100</b> - Screech Wing Vortex has a 6030% chance to deal +20250% damage and stun all targets || NecklaceUncommon || Head, Hands Legs || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|*; Tier 1Level 5:Wing Vortex has a 30% chance to deal +10% damage and stun all targets*Screech ; Level 10:Wing Vortex has a 6030% chance to deal +11% damage and stun all targets*; Level 15:Wing Vortex has a 30% chance to deal +12% damageand stun all targets*; Tier 2Level 20:Wing Vortex has a 30% chance to deal +13% damage and stun all targets*Screech ; Level 25:Wing Vortex has a 6030% chance to deal +3214% damageand stun all targets*; Tier 3Level 30:Wing Vortex has a 30% chance to deal +15% damage and stun all targets*Screech ; Level 35:Wing Vortex has a 6030% chance to deal +4916% damageand stun all targets*; Tier 4Level 40:Wing Vortex has a 30% chance to deal +18% damage and stun all targets*Screech ; Level 45:Wing Vortex has a 6030% chance to deal +6620% damageand stun all targets*; Tier 5Level 50:Wing Vortex has a 30% chance to deal +22% damage and stun all targets*Screech ; Level 55:Wing Vortex has a 30% chance to deal +24% damage and stun all targets*; Level 60:Wing Vortex has a 30% chance to deal +8326% damageand stun all targets*; Tier 6Level 65:Wing Vortex has a 30% chance to deal +29% damage and stun all targets*Screech ; Level 70:Wing Vortex has a 6030% chance to deal +10032% damageand stun all targets*; Tier 7Level 75*Screech :Wing Vortex has a 6030% chance to deal +11735% damageand stun all targets*; Tier 8Level 80*Screech :Wing Vortex has a 6030% chance to deal +13438% damageand stun all targets*; Tier 9Level 85*Screech :Wing Vortex has a 6030% chance to deal +15141% damageand stun all targets*; Tier 10Level 90*Screech :Wing Vortex has a 6030% chance to deal +16844% damageand stun all targets*; Tier 11Level 95*Screech :Wing Vortex has a 6030% chance to deal +18547% damageand stun all targets*; Tier 12Level 100*Screech :Wing Vortex has a 6030% chance to deal +20250% damageand stun all targets|Expand}}
| || || <b>Tier 12Level 100</b> - Smouldering Gaze has a 60% chance Wing Vortex causes targets' next attack to deal +190% -94 damage || NecklaceUncommon || Feet, Legs Ring || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|*; Tier 1Level 5:Wing Vortex causes targets' next attack to deal -4 damage*Smouldering Gaze has a 60% chance ; Level 10:Wing Vortex causes targets' next attack to deal +25% -8 damage*; Tier 2Level 15:Wing Vortex causes targets' next attack to deal -12 damage*Smouldering Gaze has a 60% chance ; Level 20:Wing Vortex causes targets' next attack to deal +40% -16 damage*; Tier 3Level 25:Wing Vortex causes targets' next attack to deal -20 damage*Smouldering Gaze has a 60% chance ; Level 30:Wing Vortex causes targets' next attack to deal +55% -24 damage*; Tier 4Level 35:Wing Vortex causes targets' next attack to deal -29 damage*Smouldering Gaze has a 60% chance ; Level 40:Wing Vortex causes targets' next attack to deal +70% -34 damage*; Tier 5Level 45:Wing Vortex causes targets' next attack to deal -39 damage*Smouldering Gaze has a 60% chance ; Level 50:Wing Vortex causes targets' next attack to deal +85% -44 damage*; Tier 6Level 55:Wing Vortex causes targets' next attack to deal -49 damage*Smouldering Gaze has a ; Level 60% chance :Wing Vortex causes targets' next attack to deal +100% -54 damage*; Tier 7Level 65:Wing Vortex causes targets' next attack to deal -59 damage*Smouldering Gaze has a 60% chance ; Level 70:Wing Vortex causes targets' next attack to deal +115% -64 damage*; Tier 8Level 75:Wing Vortex causes targets' next attack to deal -69 damage*Smouldering Gaze has a 60% chance ; Level 80:Wing Vortex causes targets' next attack to deal +130% -74 damage*; Tier 9Level 85*Smouldering Gaze has a 60% chance :Wing Vortex causes targets' next attack to deal +145% -79 damage*; Tier 10Level 90*Smouldering Gaze has a 60% chance :Wing Vortex causes targets' next attack to deal +160% -84 damage*; Tier 11Level 95*Smouldering Gaze has a 60% chance :Wing Vortex causes targets' next attack to deal +175% -89 damage*; Tier 12Level 100*Smouldering Gaze has a 60% chance :Wing Vortex causes targets' next attack to deal +190% -94 damage|Expand}}
| Blood Drinker's || of Blood Drinking || <b>Tier 12Level 100</b> - Wing Vortex has a 50% chance to deal +217% damage Drink Blood steals 55 additional health || Uncommon || Legs, Chest, Legs || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|*; Tier 1Level 5:Drink Blood steals 4 additional health*Wing Vortex has a 50% chance to deal +30% damage; Level 10:Drink Blood steals 6 additional health*; Tier 2Level 15:Drink Blood steals 8 additional health*Wing Vortex has a 50% chance to deal +47% damage; Level 20:Drink Blood steals 10 additional health*; Tier 3Level 25:Drink Blood steals 13 additional health*Wing Vortex has a 50% chance to deal +64% damage; Level 30:Drink Blood steals 16 additional health*; Tier 4Level 35:Drink Blood steals 20 additional health*Wing Vortex has a 50% chance to deal +81% damage; Level 40:Drink Blood steals 23 additional health*; Tier 5Level 45:Drink Blood steals 26 additional health*Wing Vortex has a ; Level 50% chance to deal +98% damage:Drink Blood steals 28 additional health*; Tier 6Level 55:Drink Blood steals 30 additional health*Wing Vortex has a 50% chance to deal +115% damage; Level 60:Drink Blood steals 32 additional health*; Tier 7Level 65:Drink Blood steals 34 additional health*Wing Vortex has a 50% chance to deal +132% damage; Level 70:Drink Blood steals 39 additional health*; Tier 8Level 75:Drink Blood steals 41 additional health*Wing Vortex has a 50% chance to deal +149% damage; Level 80:Drink Blood steals 44 additional health*; Tier 9Level 85*Wing Vortex has a 50% chance to deal +166% damage:Drink Blood steals 46 additional health*; Tier 10Level 90*Wing Vortex has a 50% chance to deal +183% damage:Drink Blood steals 49 additional health*; Tier 11Level 95*Wing Vortex has a 50% chance to deal +200% damage:Drink Blood steals 52 additional health*; Tier 12Level 100*Wing Vortex has a 50% chance to deal +217% damage:Drink Blood steals 55 additional health|Expand}}
| || || <b>Tier 12Level 100</b> - Wing Vortex has a 30% chance to deal Drink Blood deals +50% 168 Piercing damage and stun all targets || Uncommon || Head, Legs Necklace || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|*; Tier 1Level 5:Drink Blood deals +8 Piercing damage*Wing Vortex has a 30% chance to deal ; Level 10:Drink Blood deals +6% 16 Piercing damage and stun all targets*; Tier 2Level 15:Drink Blood deals +24 Piercing damage*Wing Vortex has a 30% chance to deal ; Level 20:Drink Blood deals +10% 33 Piercing damage and stun all targets*; Tier 3Level 25:Drink Blood deals +42 Piercing damage*Wing Vortex has a ; Level 30% chance to deal :Drink Blood deals +14% 51 Piercing damage and stun all targets*; Tier 4Level 35:Drink Blood deals +60 Piercing damage*Wing Vortex has a 30% chance to deal ; Level 40:Drink Blood deals +18% 69 Piercing damage and stun all targets*; Tier 5Level 45:Drink Blood deals +78 Piercing damage*Wing Vortex has a 30% chance to deal ; Level 50:Drink Blood deals +22% 87 Piercing damage and stun all targets*; Tier 6Level 55:Drink Blood deals +96 Piercing damage*Wing Vortex has a 30% chance to deal ; Level 60:Drink Blood deals +26% 104 Piercing damage and stun all targets*; Tier 7Level 65:Drink Blood deals +112 Piercing damage*Wing Vortex has a 30% chance to deal ; Level 70:Drink Blood deals +30% 120 Piercing damage and stun all targets*; Tier 8Level 75:Drink Blood deals +128 Piercing damage*Wing Vortex has a 30% chance to deal ; Level 80:Drink Blood deals +34% 136 Piercing damage and stun all targets*; Tier 9Level 85*Wing Vortex has a 30% chance to deal :Drink Blood deals +38% 144 Piercing damage and stun all targets*; Tier 10Level 90*Wing Vortex has a 30% chance to deal :Drink Blood deals +42% 152 Piercing damage and stun all targets*; Tier 11Level 95*Wing Vortex has a 30% chance to deal :Drink Blood deals +46% 160 Piercing damage and stun all targets*; Tier 12Level 100*Wing Vortex has a 30% chance to deal :Drink Blood deals +50% 168 Piercing damage and stun all targets|Expand}}
| || || <b>Tier 12Level 100</b> - Wing Vortex deals +110% damage Drink Blood costs -55 Power || Uncommon || Hands, Feet Ring || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|*; Tier 1Level 5:Drink Blood costs -3 Power*Wing Vortex deals +11% damage; Level 10:Drink Blood costs -5 Power*; Tier 2Level 15:Drink Blood costs -7 Power*Wing Vortex deals +; Level 20% damage:Drink Blood costs -9 Power*; Tier 3Level 25:Drink Blood costs -11 Power*Wing Vortex deals +29% damage; Level 30:Drink Blood costs -13 Power*; Tier 4Level 35:Drink Blood costs -16 Power*Wing Vortex deals +38% damage; Level 40:Drink Blood costs -19 Power*; Tier 5Level 45:Drink Blood costs -22 Power*Wing Vortex deals +47% damage; Level 50:Drink Blood costs -25 Power*; Tier 6Level 55*Wing Vortex deals +56% damage:Drink Blood costs -28 Power*; Tier 7Level 60:Drink Blood costs -31 Power*Wing Vortex deals +; Level 65% damage:Drink Blood costs -34 Power*; Tier 8Level 70:Drink Blood costs -37 Power*Wing Vortex deals +74% damage; Level 75:Drink Blood costs -40 Power*; Tier 9Level 80:Drink Blood costs -43 Power*Wing Vortex deals +83% damage; Level 85:Drink Blood costs -46 Power*; Tier 10Level 90*Wing Vortex deals +92% damage:Drink Blood costs -49 Power*; Tier 11Level 95*Wing Vortex deals +101% damage:Drink Blood costs -52 Power*; Tier 12Level 100*Wing Vortex deals +110% damage:Drink Blood costs -55 Power|Expand}}
| || || <b>Tier 12Level 100</b> - Tear has a 50% chance to For 30 seconds after using Drink Blood, all Nature attacks deal +130% 57 damage || LegsUncommon || Feet, Necklace Ring || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|*; Tier 1Level 5:For 30 seconds after using Drink Blood, all Nature attacks deal +3 damage*Tear has a 50% chance to ; Level 10:For 30 seconds after using Drink Blood, all Nature attacks deal +20% 5 damage*; Tier 2Level 15:For 30 seconds after using Drink Blood, all Nature attacks deal +8 damage*Tear has a 50% chance to ; Level 20:For 30 seconds after using Drink Blood, all Nature attacks deal +10 damage*; Level 25:For 30% seconds after using Drink Blood, all Nature attacks deal +13 damage*; Tier 3Level 30:For 30 seconds after using Drink Blood, all Nature attacks deal +15 damage*Tear has a 50% chance to ; Level 35:For 30 seconds after using Drink Blood, all Nature attacks deal +18 damage*; Level 40% :For 30 seconds after using Drink Blood, all Nature attacks deal +21 damage*; Tier 4Level 45:For 30 seconds after using Drink Blood, all Nature attacks deal +24 damage*Tear has a ; Level 50% chance to :For 30 seconds after using Drink Blood, all Nature attacks deal +50% 27 damage*; Tier 5Level 55:For 30 seconds after using Drink Blood, all Nature attacks deal +30 damage*Tear has a 50% chance to ; Level 60:For 30 seconds after using Drink Blood, all Nature attacks deal +60% 33 damage*; Tier 6Level 65:For 30 seconds after using Drink Blood, all Nature attacks deal +36 damage*Tear has a 50% chance to ; Level 70:For 30 seconds after using Drink Blood, all Nature attacks deal +70% 39 damage*; Tier 7Level 75*Tear has a 50% chance to :For 30 seconds after using Drink Blood, all Nature attacks deal +80% 42 damage*; Tier 8Level 80*Tear has a 50% chance to :For 30 seconds after using Drink Blood, all Nature attacks deal +90% 45 damage*; Tier 9Level 85*Tear has a 50% chance to :For 30 seconds after using Drink Blood, all Nature attacks deal +100% 48 damage*; Tier 10Level 90*Tear has a 50% chance to :For 30 seconds after using Drink Blood, all Nature attacks deal +110% 51 damage*; Tier 11Level 95*Tear has a 50% chance to :For 30 seconds after using Drink Blood, all Nature attacks deal +120% 54 damage*; Tier 12Level 100*Tear has a 50% chance to :For 30 seconds after using Drink Blood, all Nature attacks deal +130% 57 damage|Expand}}
| || || <b>Tier 12Level 100</b> - Screech deals For 30 seconds after using Drink Blood, you gain +130% 30 mitigation vs. Psychic and Trauma damage || Uncommon || Head, Feet, Ring || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|*; Tier 1Level 5:For 30 seconds after using Drink Blood, you gain +2 mitigation vs. Psychic and Trauma damage*Screech deals ; Level 10:For 30 seconds after using Drink Blood, you gain +20% 4 mitigation vs. Psychic and Trauma damage*; Tier 2Level 15:For 30 seconds after using Drink Blood, you gain +5 mitigation vs. Psychic and Trauma damage*Screech deals ; Level 20:For 30 seconds after using Drink Blood, you gain +7 mitigation vs. Psychic and Trauma damage*; Level 25:For 30% seconds after using Drink Blood, you gain +9 mitigation vs. Psychic and Trauma damage*; Tier 3Level 30:For 30 seconds after using Drink Blood, you gain +10 mitigation vs. Psychic and Trauma damage*Screech deals ; Level 35:For 30 seconds after using Drink Blood, you gain +12 mitigation vs. Psychic and Trauma damage*; Level 40% :For 30 seconds after using Drink Blood, you gain +14 mitigation vs. Psychic and Trauma damage*; Tier 4Level 45:For 30 seconds after using Drink Blood, you gain +16 mitigation vs. Psychic and Trauma damage*Screech deals ; Level 50:For 30 seconds after using Drink Blood, you gain +50% 17 mitigation vs. Psychic and Trauma damage*; Tier 5Level 55:For 30 seconds after using Drink Blood, you gain +19 mitigation vs. Psychic and Trauma damage*Screech deals ; Level 60:For 30 seconds after using Drink Blood, you gain +60% 21 mitigation vs. Psychic and Trauma damage*; Tier 6Level 65:For 30 seconds after using Drink Blood, you gain +22 mitigation vs. Psychic and Trauma damage*Screech deals ; Level 70:For 30 seconds after using Drink Blood, you gain +70% 24 mitigation vs. Psychic and Trauma damage*; Tier 7Level 75*Screech deals :For 30 seconds after using Drink Blood, you gain +80% 25 mitigation vs. Psychic and Trauma damage*; Tier 8Level 80*Screech deals :For 30 seconds after using Drink Blood, you gain +90% 26 mitigation vs. Psychic and Trauma damage*; Tier 9Level 85*Screech deals :For 30 seconds after using Drink Blood, you gain +100% 27 mitigation vs. Psychic and Trauma damage*; Tier 10Level 90*Screech deals :For 30 seconds after using Drink Blood, you gain +110% 28 mitigation vs. Psychic and Trauma damage*; Tier 11Level 95*Screech deals :For 30 seconds after using Drink Blood, you gain +120% 29 mitigation vs. Psychic and Trauma damage*; Tier 12Level 100*Screech deals :For 30 seconds after using Drink Blood, you gain +130% 30 mitigation vs. Psychic and Trauma damage|Expand}}
| || || <b>Tier 6Level 100</b> - Bat Stability provides +35% Projectile Evasion for 10 Drink Blood steals 120 more Health over 12 seconds || HandsUncommon || MainHand, Legs OffHand || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|*; Tier 1Level 10:Drink Blood steals 24 more Health over 12 seconds*Bat Stability provides +10% Projectile Evasion for 10 ; Level 20:Drink Blood steals 30 more Health over 12 seconds*; Tier 2Level 30:Drink Blood steals 36 more Health over 12 seconds*Bat Stability provides +15% Projectile Evasion for 10 ; Level 40:Drink Blood steals 48 more Health over 12 seconds*; Tier 3Level 50:Drink Blood steals 60 more Health over 12 seconds*Bat Stability provides +20% Projectile Evasion for 10 ; Level 60:Drink Blood steals 72 more Health over 12 seconds*; Tier 4Level 70:Drink Blood steals 84 more Health over 12 seconds*Bat Stability provides +25% Projectile Evasion for 10 ; Level 80:Drink Blood steals 96 more Health over 12 seconds*; Tier 5Level 90*Bat Stability provides +30% Projectile Evasion for 10 :Drink Blood steals 108 more Health over 12 seconds*; Tier 6Level 100*Bat Stability provides +35% Projectile Evasion for 10 :Drink Blood steals 120 more Health over 12 seconds|Expand}}
| || || <b>Tier 12Level 100</b> - Sonic Burst deals Virulent Bite Damage +11961% damage to all targets || HandsUncommon || Chest, Feet Legs || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|*; Tier 1Level 5:Virulent Bite Damage +9%*Sonic Burst deals ; Level 10:Virulent Bite Damage +2011.5% damage to all targets*; Tier 2Level 15:Virulent Bite Damage +14%*Sonic Burst deals ; Level 20:Virulent Bite Damage +2916.5% damage to all targets*; Tier 3Level 25:Virulent Bite Damage +19%*Sonic Burst deals ; Level 30:Virulent Bite Damage +3821.5% damage to all targets*; Tier 4Level 35*Sonic Burst deals :Virulent Bite Damage +4724% damage to all targets*; Tier Level 40:Virulent Bite Damage +26.5%*Sonic Burst deals ; Level 45:Virulent Bite Damage +5629% damage to all targets*; Tier 6Level 50:Virulent Bite Damage +31.5%*Sonic Burst deals ; Level 55:Virulent Bite Damage +6534% damage to all targets*; Tier 7Level 60:Virulent Bite Damage +37%*Sonic Burst deals ; Level 65:Virulent Bite Damage +7440% damage to all targets*; Tier 8Level 70:Virulent Bite Damage +43%*Sonic Burst deals ; Level 75:Virulent Bite Damage +8346% damage to all targets*; Tier 9Level 80:Virulent Bite Damage +49%*Sonic Burst deals ; Level 85:Virulent Bite Damage +9252% damage to all targets*; Tier 10Level 90*Sonic Burst deals :Virulent Bite Damage +10155% damage to all targets*; Tier 11Level 95*Sonic Burst deals :Virulent Bite Damage +11058% damage to all targets*; Tier 12Level 100*Sonic Burst deals :Virulent Bite Damage +11961% damage to all targets|Expand}}
| || || <b>Tier 12Level 100</b> - Screech Virulent Bite deals 240 Trauma damage over 12 seconds and also has a 25% chance to deal +95 armor 92% immediate Piercing damage || Uncommon || Hands, Ring, Necklace || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|*; Tier 1Level 5:Virulent Bite deals 12 Trauma damage over 12 seconds and also has a 25% chance to deal +16% immediate Piercing damage*Screech ; Level 10:Virulent Bite deals 24 Trauma damage over 12 seconds and also has a 25% chance to deal +7 armor 20% immediate Piercing damage*; Tier 2Level 15:Virulent Bite deals 36 Trauma damage over 12 seconds and also has a 25% chance to deal +24% immediate Piercing damage*Screech ; Level 20:Virulent Bite deals 48 Trauma damage over 12 seconds and also has a 25% chance to deal +15 armor 28% immediate Piercing damage*; Tier 3Level 25:Virulent Bite deals 60 Trauma damage over 12 seconds and also has a 25% chance to deal +32% immediate Piercing damage*Screech ; Level 30:Virulent Bite deals 72 Trauma damage over 12 seconds and also has a 25% chance to deal +23 armor 36% immediate Piercing damage*; Tier 4Level 35:Virulent Bite deals 84 Trauma damage over 12 seconds and also has a 25% chance to deal +40% immediate Piercing damage*Screech ; Level 40:Virulent Bite deals 96 Trauma damage over 12 seconds and also has a 25% chance to deal +31 armor 44% immediate Piercing damage*; Tier 5Level 45:Virulent Bite deals 108 Trauma damage over 12 seconds and also has a 25% chance to deal +48% immediate Piercing damage*Screech ; Level 50:Virulent Bite deals 120 Trauma damage over 12 seconds and also has a 25% chance to deal +39 armor 52% immediate Piercing damage*; Tier 6Level 55:Virulent Bite deals 132 Trauma damage over 12 seconds and also has a 25% chance to deal +56% immediate Piercing damage*Screech ; Level 60:Virulent Bite deals 144 Trauma damage over 12 seconds and also has a 25% chance to deal +47 armor 60% immediate Piercing damage*; Tier 7Level 65:Virulent Bite deals 156 Trauma damage over 12 seconds and also has a 25% chance to deal +64% immediate Piercing damage*Screech ; Level 70:Virulent Bite deals 168 Trauma damage over 12 seconds and also has a 25% chance to deal +55 armor 68% immediate Piercing damage*; Tier 8Level 75*Screech :Virulent Bite deals 180 Trauma damage over 12 seconds and also has a 25% chance to deal +63 armor 72% immediate Piercing damage*; Tier 9Level 80*Screech :Virulent Bite deals 192 Trauma damage over 12 seconds and also has a 25% chance to deal +71 armor 76% immediate Piercing damage*; Tier 10Level 85*Screech :Virulent Bite deals 204 Trauma damage over 12 seconds and also has a 25% chance to deal +79 armor 80% immediate Piercing damage*; Tier 11Level 90*Screech :Virulent Bite deals 216 Trauma damage over 12 seconds and also has a 25% chance to deal +87 armor 84% immediate Piercing damage*; Tier Level 95:Virulent Bite deals 228 Trauma damage over 12seconds and also has a 25% chance to deal +88% immediate Piercing damage*Screech ; Level 100:Virulent Bite deals 240 Trauma damage over 12 seconds and also has a 25% chance to deal +95 armor 92% immediate Piercing damage|Expand}}
| Bloody || of Bloody Bites || <b>Tier 12Level 100</b> - Bat Stability restores 84 armor and 23 power Virulent Bite deals 282 Trauma damage to health over 12 seconds || Uncommon || NecklaceHands, Feet || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|*; Tier 1Level 10*Bat Stability restores 7 armor and 1 power:Virulent Bite deals 24 Trauma damage to health over 12 seconds*; Tier 2Level 20*Bat Stability restores 14 armor and 3 power:Virulent Bite deals 48 Trauma damage to health over 12 seconds*; Tier 3Level 30*Bat Stability restores 21 armor and 5 power:Virulent Bite deals 72 Trauma damage to health over 12 seconds*; Tier 4Level 40*Bat Stability restores 28 armor and 7 power:Virulent Bite deals 102 Trauma damage to health over 12 seconds*; Tier 5Level 50*Bat Stability restores 35 armor and 9 power:Virulent Bite deals 132 Trauma damage to health over 12 seconds*; Tier 6Level 60*Bat Stability restores 42 armor and 11 power:Virulent Bite deals 162 Trauma damage to health over 12 seconds*; Tier 7Level 70*Bat Stability restores 49 armor and 13 power:Virulent Bite deals 192 Trauma damage to health over 12 seconds*; Tier 8Level 80*Bat Stability restores 56 armor and 15 power:Virulent Bite deals 222 Trauma damage to health over 12 seconds*; Tier 9Level 90*Bat Stability restores 63 armor and 17 power*; Tier 10*Bat Stability restores 70 armor and 19 power:Virulent Bite deals 252 Trauma damage to health over 12 seconds*; Tier 11Level 100*Bat Stability restores 77 armor and 21 power*; Tier :Virulent Bite deals 282 Trauma damage to health over 12seconds*Bat Stability restores 84 armor and 23 power|Expand}}
| || of Confounding Disease || <b>Tier 12Level 100</b> - Combo: Screech+Any Giant Bat Stability heals 65 health Attack+Any Melee+Virulent Bite: final step stuns the target and deals +140 damage || Hands, Ring Uncommon || Head || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|*; Tier 1Level 10*:Combo: Screech+Any Giant Bat Stability heals Attack+Any Melee+Virulent Bite: final step stuns the target and deals +10 healthdamage*; Tier 2Level 20*:Combo: Screech+Any Giant Bat Stability heals 15 health*; Tier 3*Bat Stability heals Attack+Any Melee+Virulent Bite: final step stuns the target and deals +20 healthdamage*; Tier 4Level 30*:Combo: Screech+Any Giant Bat Stability heals 25 health*; Tier 5*Bat Stability heals Attack+Any Melee+Virulent Bite: final step stuns the target and deals +30 healthdamage*; Tier 6Level 40*:Combo: Screech+Any Giant Bat Stability heals 35 healthAttack+Any Melee+Virulent Bite: final step stuns the target and deals +40 damage*; Tier 7Level 50*:Combo: Screech+Any Giant Bat Stability heals 40 healthAttack+Any Melee+Virulent Bite: final step stuns the target and deals +50 damage*; Tier 8Level 60*:Combo: Screech+Any Giant Bat Stability heals 45 healthAttack+Any Melee+Virulent Bite: final step stuns the target and deals +60 damage*; Tier 9Level 70*:Combo: Screech+Any Giant Bat Stability heals 50 healthAttack+Any Melee+Virulent Bite: final step stuns the target and deals +80 damage*; Tier 10Level 80*:Combo: Screech+Any Giant Bat Stability heals 55 healthAttack+Any Melee+Virulent Bite: final step stuns the target and deals +100 damage*; Tier 11Level 90*:Combo: Screech+Any Giant Bat Stability heals 60 healthAttack+Any Melee+Virulent Bite: final step stuns the target and deals +120 damage*; Tier 12Level 100*:Combo: Screech+Any Giant Bat Stability heals 65 healthAttack+Any Melee+Virulent Bite: final step stuns the target and deals +140 damage|Expand}}
| || || <b>Tier 12Level 100</b> - Wing Vortex cause targets' next attack to deal -46 damage Bat Stability heals 98 health || Uncommon || FeetHands, Ring || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|*; Tier 1Level 5:Bat Stability heals 10 health*Wing Vortex cause targets' next attack to deal -4 damage; Level 10:Bat Stability heals 14 health*; Tier 2Level 15:Bat Stability heals 18 health*Wing Vortex cause targets' next attack to deal -7 damage; Level 20:Bat Stability heals 22 health*; Tier 3Level 25:Bat Stability heals 26 health*Wing Vortex cause targets' next attack to deal -10 damage; Level 30:Bat Stability heals 30 health*; Tier 4Level 35:Bat Stability heals 34 health*Wing Vortex cause targets' next attack to deal -14 damage; Level 40:Bat Stability heals 38 health*; Tier 5Level 45:Bat Stability heals 43 health*Wing Vortex cause targets' next attack to deal -18 damage; Level 50:Bat Stability heals 48 health*; Tier 6Level 55:Bat Stability heals 53 health*Wing Vortex cause targets' next attack to deal -22 damage; Level 60:Bat Stability heals 58 health*; Tier 7Level 65:Bat Stability heals 63 health*Wing Vortex cause targets' next attack to deal -26 damage; Level 70:Bat Stability heals 68 health*; Tier 8Level 75:Bat Stability heals 73 health*Wing Vortex cause targets' next attack to deal -30 damage; Level 80:Bat Stability heals 78 health*; Tier 9Level 85*Wing Vortex cause targets' next attack to deal -34 damage:Bat Stability heals 83 health*; Tier 10Level 90*Wing Vortex cause targets' next attack to deal -38 damage:Bat Stability heals 88 health*; Tier 11Level 95*Wing Vortex cause targets' next attack to deal -42 damage:Bat Stability heals 93 health*; Tier 12Level 100*Wing Vortex cause targets' next attack to deal -46 damage:Bat Stability heals 98 health|Expand}}
| || || <b>Tier 12Level 100</b> - For 30 seconds after using Drink Blood, all sonic attacks deal Bat Stability Armor Heal +33 damage 181 || Uncommon || Necklace, Feet, Ring || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|*; Tier 1Level 5:Bat Stability Armor Heal +10*For 30 seconds after using Drink Blood, all sonic attacks deal ; Level 10:Bat Stability Armor Heal +3 damage19*; Tier 2Level 15:Bat Stability Armor Heal +28*For 30 seconds after using Drink Blood, all sonic attacks deal ; Level 20:Bat Stability Armor Heal +5 damage37*; Tier 3Level 25:Bat Stability Armor Heal +46*For ; Level 30 seconds after using Drink Blood, all sonic attacks deal :Bat Stability Armor Heal +8 damage55*; Tier 4Level 35:Bat Stability Armor Heal +64*For 30 seconds after using Drink Blood, all sonic attacks deal ; Level 40:Bat Stability Armor Heal +10 damage73*; Tier 5Level 45:Bat Stability Armor Heal +82*For 30 seconds after using Drink Blood, all sonic attacks deal ; Level 50:Bat Stability Armor Heal +13 damage91*; Tier 6Level 55:Bat Stability Armor Heal +100*For 30 seconds after using Drink Blood, all sonic attacks deal ; Level 60:Bat Stability Armor Heal +15 damage109*; Tier 7Level 65:Bat Stability Armor Heal +118*For 30 seconds after using Drink Blood, all sonic attacks deal ; Level 70:Bat Stability Armor Heal +18 damage127*; Tier 8Level 75:Bat Stability Armor Heal +136*For 30 seconds after using Drink Blood, all sonic attacks deal ; Level 80:Bat Stability Armor Heal +21 damage145*; Tier 9Level 85*For 30 seconds after using Drink Blood, all sonic attacks deal :Bat Stability Armor Heal +24 damage154*; Tier 10Level 90*For 30 seconds after using Drink Blood, all sonic attacks deal :Bat Stability Armor Heal +27 damage163*; Tier 11Level 95*For 30 seconds after using Drink Blood, all sonic attacks deal :Bat Stability Armor Heal +30 damage172*; Tier 12Level 100*For 30 seconds after using Drink Blood, all sonic attacks deal :Bat Stability Armor Heal +33 damage181|Expand}}
| || || <b>Tier 12Level 100</b> - Virulent Bite has a 60% chance to deal Combo: Rip+Any Melee+Any Melee+Bat Stability: final step boosts Giant Bat Base Damage +7555% damage plus 90 trauma damage over for 10 seconds . || Uncommon || HandsChest, Ring Head || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|*; Tier 1Level 10*Virulent Bite has a 60% chance to deal :Combo: Rip+Any Melee+Any Melee+Bat Stability: final step boosts Giant Bat Base Damage +2010% damage plus 15 trauma damage over for 10 seconds.*; Tier 2Level 20*Virulent Bite has a 60% chance to deal :Combo: Rip+Any Melee+Any Melee+Bat Stability: final step boosts Giant Bat Base Damage +2515% damage plus 15 trauma damage over for 10 seconds.*; Tier 3Level 30*Virulent Bite has a 60% chance to deal :Combo: Rip+Any Melee+Any Melee+Bat Stability: final step boosts Giant Bat Base Damage +3020% damage plus 30 trauma damage over for 10 seconds.*; Tier 4Level 40*Virulent Bite has a 60% chance to deal :Combo: Rip+Any Melee+Any Melee+Bat Stability: final step boosts Giant Bat Base Damage +3525% damage plus 30 trauma damage over for 10 seconds.*; Tier 5Level 50*Virulent Bite has a 60% chance to deal :Combo: Rip+Any Melee+Any Melee+Bat Stability: final step boosts Giant Bat Base Damage +4030% damage plus 45 trauma damage over for 10 seconds.*; Tier 6Level 60*Virulent Bite has a 60% chance to deal :Combo: Rip+Any Melee+Any Melee+Bat Stability: final step boosts Giant Bat Base Damage +4535% damage plus 45 trauma damage over for 10 seconds.*; Tier 7Level 70*Virulent Bite has a 60% chance to deal :Combo: Rip+Any Melee+Any Melee+Bat Stability: final step boosts Giant Bat Base Damage +5040% damage plus 60 trauma damage over for 10 seconds.*; Tier 8Level 80*Virulent Bite has a 60% chance to deal :Combo: Rip+Any Melee+Any Melee+Bat Stability: final step boosts Giant Bat Base Damage +5545% damage plus 60 trauma damage over for 10 seconds.*; Tier 9Level 90*Virulent Bite has a 60% chance to deal :Combo: Rip+Any Melee+Any Melee+Bat Stability: final step boosts Giant Bat Base Damage +6050% damage plus 75 trauma damage over for 10 seconds.*; Tier 10Level 100*Virulent Bite has a 60% chance to deal :Combo: Rip+Any Melee+65% damage plus 75 trauma damage over 10 seconds*; Tier 11*Virulent Bite has a 60% chance to deal Any Melee+70% damage plus 90 trauma damage over 10 seconds*; Tier 12*Virulent Bite has a 60% chance to deal Bat Stability: final step boosts Giant Bat Base Damage +7555% damage plus 90 trauma damage over for 10 seconds.|Expand}}
| || || <b>Tier 12Level 100</b> - Rip deals Bat Stability provides +19 damage 55% Projectile Evasion for 10 seconds || Uncommon || ChestHands, Feet Legs || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|*; Tier 1Level 10*Rip deals :Bat Stability provides +1 damage10% Projectile Evasion for 10 seconds*; Tier 2Level 20*Rip deals :Bat Stability provides +2 damage15% Projectile Evasion for 10 seconds*; Tier 3Level 30*Rip deals :Bat Stability provides +3 damage20% Projectile Evasion for 10 seconds*; Tier 4Level 40*Rip deals :Bat Stability provides +4 damage25% Projectile Evasion for 10 seconds*; Tier 5Level 50*Rip deals :Bat Stability provides +5 damage30% Projectile Evasion for 10 seconds*; Tier 6Level 60*Rip deals :Bat Stability provides +7 damage*; Tier 7*Rip deals +9 damage35% Projectile Evasion for 10 seconds*; Tier 8Level 70*Rip deals :Bat Stability provides +11 damage40% Projectile Evasion for 10 seconds*; Tier 9Level 80*Rip deals :Bat Stability provides +13 damage*; Tier 45% Projectile Evasion for 10*Rip deals +15 damageseconds*; Tier 11Level 90*Rip deals :Bat Stability provides +17 damage50% Projectile Evasion for 10 seconds*; Tier 12Level 100*Rip deals :Bat Stability provides +19 damage55% Projectile Evasion for 10 seconds|Expand}}
| || || <b>Tier 12Level 100</b> - Tear deals Screech Damage +6651% damage || ChestUncommon || Feet, Head Ring || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|*; Tier 1Level 5:Screech Damage +9%*Tear deals ; Level 10:Screech Damage +11% damage*; Tier 2Level 15:Screech Damage +13%*; Level 20:Screech Damage +15%*Tear deals ; Level 25:Screech Damage +1617% damage*; Tier 3Level 30:Screech Damage +19%*Tear deals ; Level 35:Screech Damage +21% damage*; Tier 4Level 40:Screech Damage +23%*; Level 45:Screech Damage +25%*Tear deals ; Level 50:Screech Damage +2627% damage*; Tier 5Level 55:Screech Damage +29%*Tear deals ; Level 60:Screech Damage +31% damage*; Tier 6Level 65:Screech Damage +33.5%*Tear deals ; Level 70:Screech Damage +36% damage*; Tier 7Level 75*Tear deals :Screech Damage +4138.5% damage*; Tier 8Level 80*Tear deals :Screech Damage +4641% damage*; Tier 9Level 85*Tear deals :Screech Damage +5143.5% damage*; Tier 10Level 90*Tear deals :Screech Damage +5646% damage*; Tier 11Level 95*Tear deals :Screech Damage +6148.5% damage*; Tier 12Level 100*Tear deals :Screech Damage +6651% damage|Expand}}
| || of Hasty Chaos || <b>Tier 6Level 100</b> - Confusing Double boosts your movement speed by 6 and your Giant Bat Base Damage by 30Screech has a 60% chance to deal +118% for 15 seconds damage || Uncommon || Necklace, Hands, Feet || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|*; Level 5:Screech has a 60% chance to deal +5% damage*; Tier 1Level 10:Screech has a 60% chance to deal +10% damage*Confusing Double boosts your movement speed by 1 and your Giant Bat Base Damage by 5; Level 15:Screech has a 60% for chance to deal +15 seconds% damage*; Level 20:Screech has a 60% chance to deal +20% damage*; Level 25:Screech has a 60% chance to deal +25% damage*; Level 30:Screech has a 60% chance to deal +30% damage*; Tier 2Level 35:Screech has a 60% chance to deal +35% damage*Confusing Double boosts your movement speed by 2 and your Giant Bat Base Damage by 10; Level 40:Screech has a 60% chance to deal +40% damage*; Level 45:Screech has a 60% chance to deal +45% damage*; Level 50:Screech has a 60% chance to deal +50% damage*; Level 55:Screech has a 60% chance to deal +56% for 15 secondsdamage*; Tier 3Level 60:Screech has a 60% chance to deal +62% damage*Confusing Double boosts your movement speed by 3 and your Giant Bat Base Damage by 15; Level 65:Screech has a 60% chance to deal +69% damage*; Level 70:Screech has a 60% chance to deal +76% for 15 secondsdamage*; Tier 4Level 75:Screech has a 60% chance to deal +83% damage*Confusing Double boosts your movement speed by 4 and your Giant Bat Base Damage by 20; Level 80:Screech has a 60% chance to deal +90% for 15 secondsdamage*; Tier 5Level 85:Screech has a 60% chance to deal +97% damage*Confusing Double boosts your movement speed by 5 and your Giant Bat Base Damage by 25; Level 90:Screech has a 60% chance to deal +104% for 15 secondsdamage*; Tier 6Level 95:Screech has a 60% chance to deal +111% damage*Confusing Double boosts your movement speed by 6 and your Giant Bat Base Damage by 30; Level 100:Screech has a 60% chance to deal +118% for 15 secondsdamage|Expand}}
| || || <b>Tier 12Level 100</b> - For 30 seconds after using Drink Blood, you gain Screech deals +21 mitigation vs. Psychic and Trauma 154 damage || HeadUncommon || Ring, Feet Necklace || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|*; Tier 1Level 5:Screech deals +13 damage*For 30 seconds after using Drink Blood, you gain ; Level 10:Screech deals +2 mitigation vs. Psychic and Trauma 20 damage*; Tier 2Level 15:Screech deals +27 damage*For 30 seconds after using Drink Blood, you gain ; Level 20:Screech deals +4 mitigation vs. Psychic and Trauma 34 damage*; Tier 3Level 25:Screech deals +41 damage*For ; Level 30 seconds after using Drink Blood, you gain :Screech deals +5 mitigation vs. Psychic and Trauma 48 damage*; Tier 4Level 35:Screech deals +55 damage*For 30 seconds after using Drink Blood, you gain ; Level 40:Screech deals +7 mitigation vs. Psychic and Trauma 62 damage*; Tier 5Level 45:Screech deals +69 damage*For 30 seconds after using Drink Blood, you gain ; Level 50:Screech deals +9 mitigation vs. Psychic and Trauma 76 damage*; Tier 6Level 55:Screech deals +83 damage*For 30 seconds after using Drink Blood, you gain ; Level 60:Screech deals +10 mitigation vs. Psychic and Trauma 90 damage*; Tier 7Level 65:Screech deals +98 damage*For 30 seconds after using Drink Blood, you gain ; Level 70:Screech deals +12 mitigation vs. Psychic and Trauma 106 damage*; Tier 8Level 75:Screech deals +114 damage*For 30 seconds after using Drink Blood, you gain ; Level 80:Screech deals +14 mitigation vs. Psychic and Trauma 122 damage*; Tier 9Level 85*For 30 seconds after using Drink Blood, you gain :Screech deals +16 mitigation vs. Psychic and Trauma 130 damage*; Tier 10Level 90*For 30 seconds after using Drink Blood, you gain :Screech deals +17 mitigation vs. Psychic and Trauma 138 damage*; Tier 11Level 95*For 30 seconds after using Drink Blood, you gain :Screech deals +19 mitigation vs. Psychic and Trauma 146 damage*; Tier 12Level 100*For 30 seconds after using Drink Blood, you gain :Screech deals +21 mitigation vs. Psychic and Trauma 154 damage|Expand}}
| || of Confounding Disease || <b>Tier 6Level 100</b> - Combo: Screech+Any Melee+Any Melee+Virulent Bite: final step stuns the target and deals +60 312 Trauma damage over 12 seconds || Uncommon || Head MainHand, OffHand || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|*; Level 5:Screech deals 36 Trauma damage over 12 seconds*; Tier 1Level 10:Screech deals 48 Trauma damage over 12 seconds*; Level 15:Screech deals 60 Trauma damage over 12 seconds*Combo; Level 20: Screech+Any Melee+Any Melee+Virulent Bitedeals 72 Trauma damage over 12 seconds*; Level 25: final step stuns the target and Screech deals +10 84 Trauma damageover 12 seconds*; Tier 2Level 30:Screech deals 96 Trauma damage over 12 seconds*Combo; Level 35: Screech+Any Melee+Any Melee+Virulent Bitedeals 108 Trauma damage over 12 seconds*; Level 40: final step stuns the target and Screech deals +20 120 Trauma damageover 12 seconds*; Tier 3Level 45:Screech deals 132 Trauma damage over 12 seconds*Combo; Level 50: Screech+Any Melee+Any Melee+Virulent Bitedeals 144 Trauma damage over 12 seconds*; Level 55: final step stuns the target and Screech deals +30 156 Trauma damageover 12 seconds*; Tier 4Level 60:Screech deals 168 Trauma damage over 12 seconds*Combo; Level 65: Screech+Any Melee+Any Melee+Virulent Bitedeals 186 Trauma damage over 12 seconds*; Level 70: final step stuns the target and Screech deals +40 204 Trauma damageover 12 seconds*; Tier 5Level 75:Screech deals 222 Trauma damage over 12 seconds*Combo; Level 80: Screech+Any Melee+Any Melee+Virulent Bitedeals 240 Trauma damage over 12 seconds*; Level 85: final step stuns the target and Screech deals +50 258 Trauma damageover 12 seconds*; Tier 6Level 90:Screech deals 276 Trauma damage over 12 seconds*Combo; Level 95: Screech+Any Melee+Any Melee+Virulent Bitedeals 294 Trauma damage over 12 seconds*; Level 100: final step stuns the target and Screech deals +60 312 Trauma damageover 12 seconds|Expand}}
| || of Screaming Death || <b>Tier 6Level 100</b> - Combo: Sonic BurstDamage +Any Giant Bat Attack+Any Ranged Attack+Any Ranged Attack: final step deals +2061% damage || HeadUncommon || Hands, Hands Feet || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|*; Tier 1Level 5:Sonic Burst Damage +4%*Combo; Level 10: Sonic BurstDamage +Any Giant Bat Attack+Any Ranged Attack+Any Ranged Attack7%*; Level 15: final step deals Sonic Burst Damage +10% damage*; Tier 2Level 20:Sonic Burst Damage +13%*Combo; Level 25: Sonic BurstDamage +Any Giant Bat Attack16%*; Level 30:Sonic Burst Damage +Any Ranged Attack19%*; Level 35:Sonic Burst Damage +Any Ranged Attack22%*; Level 40: final step deals Sonic Burst Damage +1225% damage*; Tier 3Level 45:Sonic Burst Damage +28%*Combo; Level 50: Sonic BurstDamage +Any Giant Bat Attack31%*; Level 55:Sonic Burst Damage +Any Ranged Attack34%*; Level 60:Sonic Burst Damage +Any Ranged Attack37%*; Level 65: final step deals Sonic Burst Damage +1440% damage*; Tier 4Level 70:Sonic Burst Damage +43%*Combo; Level 75: Sonic BurstDamage +Any Giant Bat Attack+Any Ranged Attack+Any Ranged Attack46%*; Level 80: final step deals Sonic Burst Damage +1649% damage*; Tier 5Level 85*Combo: Sonic BurstDamage +Any Giant Bat Attack+Any Ranged Attack+Any Ranged Attack52%*; Level 90: final step deals Sonic Burst Damage +1855% damage*; Tier 6Level 95*Combo: Sonic BurstDamage +Any Giant Bat Attack+Any Ranged Attack+Any Ranged Attack58%*; Level 100: final step deals Sonic Burst Damage +2061% damage|Expand}}
| Blood Drinker's || of Blood Drinking || <b>Tier 12Level 100</b> - Drink Blood reaps 35 additional health Sonic Burst has a 60% chance to deal +124% damage to all targets || Uncommon || Chest, Legs, Chest || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|*; Tier 1Level 5:Sonic Burst has a 60% chance to deal +10% damage to all targets*Drink Blood reaps 4 additional health; Level 10:Sonic Burst has a 60% chance to deal +16% damage to all targets*; Tier 2Level 15:Sonic Burst has a 60% chance to deal +22% damage to all targets*Drink Blood reaps 6 additional health; Level 20:Sonic Burst has a 60% chance to deal +28% damage to all targets*; Tier 3Level 25:Sonic Burst has a 60% chance to deal +34% damage to all targets*Drink Blood reaps 8 additional health; Level 30:Sonic Burst has a 60% chance to deal +40% damage to all targets*; Tier 4Level 35:Sonic Burst has a 60% chance to deal +46% damage to all targets*Drink Blood reaps 10 additional health; Level 40:Sonic Burst has a 60% chance to deal +52% damage to all targets*; Tier 5Level 45:Sonic Burst has a 60% chance to deal +58% damage to all targets*Drink Blood reaps 13 additional health; Level 50:Sonic Burst has a 60% chance to deal +64% damage to all targets*; Tier 6Level 55:Sonic Burst has a 60% chance to deal +70% damage to all targets*Drink Blood reaps 16 additional health; Level 60:Sonic Burst has a 60% chance to deal +76% damage to all targets*; Tier 7Level 65:Sonic Burst has a 60% chance to deal +82% damage to all targets*Drink Blood reaps 20 additional health; Level 70:Sonic Burst has a 60% chance to deal +88% damage to all targets*; Tier 8Level 75:Sonic Burst has a 60% chance to deal +94% damage to all targets*Drink Blood reaps 23 additional health; Level 80:Sonic Burst has a 60% chance to deal +100% damage to all targets*; Tier 9Level 85*Drink Blood reaps 26 additional health:Sonic Burst has a 60% chance to deal +106% damage to all targets*; Tier 10Level 90*Drink Blood reaps 29 additional health:Sonic Burst has a 60% chance to deal +112% damage to all targets*; Tier 11Level 95*Drink Blood reaps 32 additional health:Sonic Burst has a 60% chance to deal +118% damage to all targets*; Tier 12Level 100*Drink Blood reaps 35 additional health:Sonic Burst has a 60% chance to deal +124% damage to all targets|Expand}}
| || of Healthy Chaos Screaming Death || <b>Tier 12Level 100</b> - Confusing Double heals you for 140 health Combo: Sonic Burst+Any Giant Bat Attack+Any Ranged Attack+Any Ranged Attack: final step deals +46% damage || Uncommon || Head, Chest MainHand || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|*; Tier 1Level 10*Confusing Double heals you for :Combo: Sonic Burst+Any Giant Bat Attack+Any Ranged Attack+Any Ranged Attack: final step deals +10 health% damage*; Tier 2*Confusing Double heals you for Level 20 health*; Tier 3*Confusing Double heals you for 32 health*; Tier 4*Confusing Double heals you for 44 health:Combo: Sonic Burst+Any Giant Bat Attack+Any Ranged Attack+Any Ranged Attack: final step deals +14% damage*; Tier 5Level 30*Confusing Double heals you for 56 health:Combo: Sonic Burst+Any Giant Bat Attack+Any Ranged Attack+Any Ranged Attack: final step deals +18% damage*; Tier 6Level 40*Confusing Double heals you for 68 health:Combo: Sonic Burst+Any Giant Bat Attack+Any Ranged Attack+Any Ranged Attack: final step deals +22% damage*; Tier 7Level 50*Confusing Double heals you for 80 health:Combo: Sonic Burst+Any Giant Bat Attack+Any Ranged Attack+Any Ranged Attack: final step deals +26% damage*; Tier 8Level 60*Confusing Double heals you for 92 health:Combo: Sonic Burst+Any Giant Bat Attack+Any Ranged Attack+Any Ranged Attack: final step deals +30% damage*; Tier 9Level 70*Confusing Double heals you for 104 health:Combo: Sonic Burst+Any Giant Bat Attack+Any Ranged Attack+Any Ranged Attack: final step deals +34% damage*; Tier 10Level 80*Confusing Double heals you for 116 health:Combo: Sonic Burst+Any Giant Bat Attack+Any Ranged Attack+Any Ranged Attack: final step deals +38% damage*; Tier 11Level 90*Confusing Double heals you for 128 health:Combo: Sonic Burst+Any Giant Bat Attack+Any Ranged Attack+Any Ranged Attack: final step deals +42% damage*; Tier 12Level 100*Confusing Double heals you for 140 health:Combo: Sonic Burst+Any Giant Bat Attack+Any Ranged Attack+Any Ranged Attack: final step deals +46% damage|Expand}}
| || || <b>Tier 12Level 100</b> - Sonic Burst deals 258 Trauma damage over 12 seconds || Uncommon || OffHand, Ring || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|*; Level 5:Sonic Burst deals 30 Trauma damage over 12 seconds*; Level 10:Sonic Burst deals 42 Trauma damage over 12 seconds*; Level 15:Sonic Burst deals 54 Trauma damage over 12 seconds*; Level 20:Sonic Burst deals 66 Trauma damage over 12 seconds*; Level 25:Sonic Burst deals 78 Trauma damage over 12 seconds*; Level 30:Sonic Burst deals 90 Trauma damage over 12 seconds*; Level 35:Sonic Burst deals 102 Trauma damage over 12 seconds*; Level 40:Sonic Burst deals 114 Trauma damage over 12 seconds*; Level 45:Sonic Burst deals 126 Trauma damage over 12 seconds*; Level 50:Sonic Burst deals 138 Trauma damage over 12 seconds*; Level 55:Sonic Burst deals 150 Trauma damage over 12 seconds*; Level 60:Sonic Burst deals 162 Trauma damage over 12 seconds*; Level 65:Sonic Burst deals 174 Trauma damage over 12 seconds*; Level 70:Sonic Burst deals 186 Trauma damage over 12 seconds*; Level 75:Sonic Burst deals 198 Trauma damage over 12 seconds*; Level 80:Sonic Burst deals 210 Trauma damage over 12 seconds*; Level 85:Sonic Burst deals 222 Trauma damage over 12 seconds*; Level 90:Sonic Burst deals 234 Trauma damage over 12 seconds*; Level 95:Sonic Burst deals 246 Trauma damage over 12 seconds*; Level 100:Sonic Burst deals 258 Trauma damage over 12 seconds}}|-| || of Healthy Chaos || <b>Level 100</b> - Confusing Double heals you for 151 health || Uncommon || Head, Chest || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|*; Level 5:Confusing Double heals you for 18 health*; Level 10:Confusing Double heals you for 25 health*; Level 15:Confusing Double heals you for 32 health*; Level 20:Confusing Double heals you for 39 health*; Level 25:Confusing Double heals you for 46 health*; Level 30:Confusing Double heals you for 53 health*; Level 35:Confusing Double heals you for 60 health*; Level 40:Confusing Double heals you for 67 health*; Level 45:Confusing Double heals you for 74 health*; Level 50:Confusing Double heals you for 81 health*; Level 55:Confusing Double heals you for 88 health*; Level 60:Confusing Double heals you for 95 health*; Level 65:Confusing Double heals you for 102 health*; Level 70:Confusing Double heals you for 109 health*; Level 75:Confusing Double heals you for 116 health*; Level 80:Confusing Double heals you for 123 health*; Level 85:Confusing Double heals you for 130 health*; Level 90:Confusing Double heals you for 137 health*; Level 95:Confusing Double heals you for 144 health*; Level 100:Confusing Double heals you for 151 health}}|-| || of Hasty Chaos || <b>Level 100</b> - Confusing Double boosts your movement speed by 3 and your Giant Bat Base Damage by 50% for 15 seconds || Uncommon || Hands, Feet || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|*; Level 10:Confusing Double boosts your movement speed by 1 and your Giant Bat Base Damage by 5% for 15 seconds*; Level 20:Confusing Double boosts your movement speed by 1 and your Giant Bat Base Damage by 10% for 15 seconds*; Level 30:Confusing Double boosts your movement speed by 2 and your Giant Bat Base Damage by 15% for 15 seconds*; Level 40:Confusing Double boosts your movement speed by 2 and your Giant Bat Base Damage by 20% for 15 seconds*; Level 50:Confusing Double boosts your movement speed by 3 and your Giant Bat Base Damage by 25% for 15 seconds*; Level 60:Confusing Double boosts your movement speed by 3 and your Giant Bat Base Damage by 30% for 15 seconds*; Level 70:Confusing Double boosts your movement speed by 3 and your Giant Bat Base Damage by 35% for 15 seconds*; Level 80:Confusing Double boosts your movement speed by 3 and your Giant Bat Base Damage by 40% for 15 seconds*; Level 90:Confusing Double boosts your movement speed by 3 and your Giant Bat Base Damage by 45% for 15 seconds*; Level 100:Confusing Double boosts your movement speed by 3 and your Giant Bat Base Damage by 50% for 15 seconds}}|-| || of Swift Illusions || <b>Level 100</b> - Confusing Double Reuse Timer -10 || Uncommon || MainHand, Necklace || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|*; Level 10:Confusing Double Reuse Timer -1*; Level 20:Confusing Double Reuse Timer -2*; Level 30:Confusing Double Reuse Timer -3*; Level 40:Confusing Double Reuse Timer -4*; Level 50:Confusing Double Reuse Timer -5*; Level 60:Confusing Double Reuse Timer -6*; Level 70:Confusing Double Reuse Timer -7*; Level 80:Confusing Double Reuse Timer -8*; Level 90:Confusing Double Reuse Timer -9*; Level 100:Confusing Double Reuse Timer -10}}|-| || of Powerful Illusions || <b>Level 100</b> - Confusing Double restores 200 Power after a 10 second delay || Uncommon || OffHand || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|*; Level 10:Confusing Double restores 20 Power after a 10 second delay*; Level 20:Confusing Double restores 40 Power after a 10 second delay*; Level 30:Confusing Double restores 60 Power after a 10 second delay*; Level 40:Confusing Double restores 80 Power after a 10 second delay*; Level 50:Confusing Double restores 100 Power after a 10 second delay*; Level 60:Confusing Double restores 120 Power after a 10 second delay*; Level 70:Confusing Double restores 140 Power after a 10 second delay*; Level 80:Confusing Double restores 160 Power after a 10 second delay*; Level 90:Confusing Double restores 180 Power after a 10 second delay*; Level 100:Confusing Double restores 200 Power after a 10 second delay}}|-| || of Painful Illusions || <b>Level 100</b> - Your Confusing Double deals +45% damage with each attack || Uncommon || Legs, Ring || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|*; Level 5:Your Confusing Double deals +10% damage with each attack*; Level 10:Your Confusing Double deals +11% damage with each attack*; Level 15:Your Confusing Double deals +12% damage with each attack*; Level 20:Your Confusing Double deals +13% damage with each attack*; Level 25:Your Confusing Double deals +14% damage with each attack*; Level 30:Your Confusing Double deals +15% damage with each attack*; Level 35:Your Confusing Double deals +16% damage with each attack*; Level 40:Your Confusing Double deals +17% damage with each attack*; Level 45:Your Confusing Double deals +18% damage with each attack*; Level 50:Your Confusing Double deals +20% damage with each attack*; Level 55:Your Confusing Double deals +22% damage with each attack*; Level 60:Your Confusing Double deals +24% damage with each attack*; Level 65:Your Confusing Double deals +26% damage with each attack*; Level 70:Your Confusing Double deals +28% damage with each attack*; Level 75:Your Confusing Double deals +30% damage with each attack*; Level 80:Your Confusing Double deals +33% damage with each attack*; Level 85:Your Confusing Double deals +36% damage with each attack*; Level 90:Your Confusing Double deals +39% damage with each attack*; Level 95:Your Confusing Double deals +42% damage with each attack*; Level 100:Your Confusing Double deals +45% damage with each attack}}|-| || of Mirrored Bats || <b>Level 100</b> - Confusing Double summons an additional figment. Each figment deals +50 damage with each attack || Uncommon || MainHand || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|*; Level 10:Confusing Double summons an additional figment. Each figment deals +5 damage with each attack*; Level 20:Confusing Double summons an additional figment. Each figment deals +10 damage with each attack*; Level 30:Confusing Double summons an additional figment. Each figment deals +15 damage with each attack*; Level 40:Confusing Double summons an additional figment. Each figment deals +20 damage with each attack*; Level 50:Confusing Double summons an additional figment. Each figment deals +25 damage with each attack*; Level 60:Confusing Double summons an additional figment. Each figment deals +30 damage with each attack*; Level 70:Confusing Double summons an additional figment. Each figment deals +35 damage with each attack*; Level 80:Confusing Double summons an additional figment. Each figment deals +40 damage with each attack*; Level 90:Confusing Double summons an additional figment. Each figment deals +45 damage with each attack*; Level 100:Confusing Double summons an additional figment. Each figment deals +50 damage with each attack}}|-| || of Mirrored Bats || <b>Level 100</b> - Confusing Double summons an additional figment. Each figment deals +50 damage with each attack || Uncommon || Necklace || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|*; Level 10:Confusing Double summons an additional figment. Each figment deals +5 damage with each attack*; Level 20:Confusing Double summons an additional figment. Each figment deals +10 damage with each attack*; Level 30:Confusing Double summons an additional figment. Each figment deals +15 damage with each attack*; Level 40:Confusing Double summons an additional figment. Each figment deals +20 damage with each attack*; Level 50:Confusing Double summons an additional figment. Each figment deals +25 damage with each attack*; Level 60:Confusing Double summons an additional figment. Each figment deals +30 damage with each attack*; Level 70:Confusing Double summons an additional figment. Each figment deals +35 damage with each attack*; Level 80:Confusing Double summons an additional figment. Each figment deals +40 damage with each attack*; Level 90:Confusing Double summons an additional figment. Each figment deals +45 damage with each attack*; Level 100:Confusing Double summons an additional figment. Each figment deals +50 damage with each attack}}|-| || || <b>Level 100</b> - Deathscream Damage +58% || Uncommon || Head, Ring || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|*; Level 5:Deathscream Damage +12%*; Level 10:Deathscream Damage +14%*; Level 15:Deathscream Damage +16%*; Level 20:Deathscream Damage +18%*; Level 25:Deathscream Damage +20%*; Level 30:Deathscream Damage +22%*; Level 35:Deathscream Damage +24%*; Level 40:Deathscream Damage +26%*; Level 45:Deathscream Damage +28%*; Level 50:Deathscream Damage +30%*; Level 55:Deathscream Damage +32%*; Level 60:Deathscream Damage +34%*; Level 65:Deathscream Damage +37%*; Level 70:Deathscream Damage +40%*; Level 75:Deathscream Damage +43%*; Level 80:Deathscream Damage +46%*; Level 85:Deathscream Damage +49%*; Level 90:Deathscream Damage +52%*; Level 95:Deathscream Damage +55%*; Level 100:Deathscream Damage +58%}}|-| || || <b>Level 100</b> - Deathscream has a 5060% chance to deal +220120% damage to all targets || ChestUncommon || Necklace, Legs || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|*; Tier 1Level 5:Deathscream has a 60% chance to deal +25% damage*Sonic Burst ; Level 10:Deathscream has a 5060% chance to deal +2230% damage *; Level 15:Deathscream has a 60% chance to all targetsdeal +35% damage*; Tier 2Level 20*Sonic Burst :Deathscream has a 5060% chance to deal +40% damage *; Level 25:Deathscream has a 60% chance to all targetsdeal +45% damage*; Tier 3Level 30:Deathscream has a 60% chance to deal +50% damage*Sonic Burst ; Level 35:Deathscream has a 5060% chance to deal +5855% damage *; Level 40:Deathscream has a 60% chance to all targetsdeal +60% damage*; Tier 4Level 45:Deathscream has a 60% chance to deal +65% damage*Sonic Burst ; Level 50:Deathscream has a 5060% chance to deal +7670% damage *; Level 55:Deathscream has a 60% chance to all targetsdeal +75% damage*; Tier 5Level 60:Deathscream has a 60% chance to deal +80% damage*Sonic Burst ; Level 65:Deathscream has a 5060% chance to deal +9485% damage *; Level 70:Deathscream has a 60% chance to all targetsdeal +90% damage*; Tier 6Level 75:Deathscream has a 60% chance to deal +95% damage*Sonic Burst ; Level 80:Deathscream has a 5060% chance to deal +112100% damage *; Level 85:Deathscream has a 60% chance to all targetsdeal +105% damage*; Tier 7Level 90:Deathscream has a 60% chance to deal +110% damage*Sonic Burst ; Level 95:Deathscream has a 5060% chance to deal +130115% damage to all targets*; Tier 8Level 100*Sonic Burst :Deathscream has a 5060% chance to deal +148120% damage }}|-| || of Smouldering Whispers || <b>Level 100</b> - Deathscream deals an additional 738 Trauma damage over 12 seconds || Uncommon || MainHand, OffHand || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to all targetsreveal|*; Level 5:Deathscream deals an additional 54 Trauma damage over 12 seconds*; Tier 9Level 10:Deathscream deals an additional 90 Trauma damage over 12 seconds*; Level 15:Deathscream deals an additional 126 Trauma damage over 12 seconds*; Level 20:Deathscream deals an additional 162 Trauma damage over 12 seconds*; Level 25:Deathscream deals an additional 198 Trauma damage over 12 seconds*; Level 30:Deathscream deals an additional 234 Trauma damage over 12 seconds*; Level 35:Deathscream deals an additional 270 Trauma damage over 12 seconds*; Level 40:Deathscream deals an additional 306 Trauma damage over 12 seconds*; Level 45:Deathscream deals an additional 342 Trauma damage over 12 seconds*Sonic Burst has a ; Level 50:Deathscream deals an additional 378 Trauma damage over 12 seconds*; Level 55:Deathscream deals an additional 414 Trauma damage over 12 seconds*; Level 60:Deathscream deals an additional 450 Trauma damage over 12 seconds*; Level 65:Deathscream deals an additional 486 Trauma damage over 12 seconds*; Level 70:Deathscream deals an additional 522 Trauma damage over 12 seconds*; Level 75:Deathscream deals an additional 558 Trauma damage over 12 seconds*; Level 80:Deathscream deals an additional 594 Trauma damage over 12 seconds*; Level 85:Deathscream deals an additional 630 Trauma damage over 12 seconds*; Level 90:Deathscream deals an additional 666 Trauma damage over 12 seconds*; Level 95:Deathscream deals an additional 702 Trauma damage over 12 seconds*; Level 100:Deathscream deals an additional 738 Trauma damage over 12 seconds}}|-| || of Screaming Whispers || <b>Level 100</b> - Deathscream deals +53% damage and Power cost is -40, but the ability's range is reduced to 12m || Uncommon || Chest || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|*; Level 5:Deathscream deals +15% damage and Power cost is -2, but the ability's range is reduced to 12m*; Level 10:Deathscream deals +17% damage and Power cost is -4, but the ability's range is reduced to 12m*; Level 15:Deathscream deals +19% chance damage and Power cost is -6, but the ability's range is reduced to deal 12m*; Level 20:Deathscream deals +16621% damage and Power cost is -8, but the ability's range is reduced to all targets12m*; Tier Level 25:Deathscream deals +23% damage and Power cost is -10, but the ability's range is reduced to 12m*; Level 30:Deathscream deals +25% damage and Power cost is -12, but the ability's range is reduced to 12m*; Level 35:Deathscream deals +27% damage and Power cost is -14, but the ability's range is reduced to 12m*; Level 40:Deathscream deals +29% damage and Power cost is -16, but the ability's range is reduced to 12m*; Level 45:Deathscream deals +31% damage and Power cost is -18, but the ability's range is reduced to 12m*Sonic Burst has a ; Level 50:Deathscream deals +33% damage and Power cost is -20, but the ability's range is reduced to 12m*; Level 55:Deathscream deals +35% damage and Power cost is -22, but the ability's range is reduced to 12m*; Level 60:Deathscream deals +37% damage and Power cost is -24, but the ability's range is reduced to 12m*; Level 65:Deathscream deals +39% damage and Power cost is -26, but the ability's range is reduced to 12m*; Level 70:Deathscream deals +41% damage and Power cost is -28, but the ability's range is reduced to 12m*; Level 75:Deathscream deals +43% damage and Power cost is -30, but the ability's range is reduced to 12m*; Level 80:Deathscream deals +45% damage and Power cost is -32, but the ability's range is reduced to 12m*; Level 85:Deathscream deals +47% damage and Power cost is -34, but the ability's range is reduced to 12m*; Level 90:Deathscream deals +49% damage and Power cost is -36, but the ability's range is reduced to 12m*; Level 95:Deathscream deals +51% chance damage and Power cost is -38, but the ability's range is reduced to deal 12m*; Level 100:Deathscream deals +18453% damage and Power cost is -40, but the ability's range is reduced to 12m}}|-| || || <b>Level 100</b> - Nature Damage (Direct & Per-Tick) +40% when Giant Bat is active || Uncommon || OffHand || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|*; Level 10:Nature Damage (Direct & Per-Tick) +4% when Giant Bat is active*; Level 20:Nature Damage (Direct & Per-Tick) +8% when Giant Bat is active*; Level 30:Nature Damage (Direct & Per-Tick) +12% when Giant Bat is active*; Level 40:Nature Damage (Direct & Per-Tick) +16% when Giant Bat is active*; Level 50:Nature Damage (Direct & Per-Tick) +20% when Giant Bat is active*; Level 60:Nature Damage (Direct & Per-Tick) +24% when Giant Bat is active*; Level 70:Nature Damage (Direct & Per-Tick) +28% when Giant Bat is active*; Level 80:Nature Damage (Direct & Per-Tick) +32% when Giant Bat is active*; Level 90:Nature Damage (Direct & Per-Tick) +36% when Giant Bat is active*; Level 100:Nature Damage (Direct & Per-Tick) +40% when Giant Bat is active}}|-| || of Gossamer Wings || <b>Level 100</b> - Max Health +25 when Giant Bat is active. Fast-Flying Speed Boost +1.5 when Giant Bat is active || Uncommon || MainHand, OffHand || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to all targetsreveal|*; Level 5:Max Health +6 when Giant Bat is active. Fast-Flying Speed Boost +1 when Giant Bat is active*; Level 10:Max Health +7 when Giant Bat is active. Fast-Flying Speed Boost +1 when Giant Bat is active*; Level 15:Max Health +8 when Giant Bat is active. Fast-Flying Speed Boost +1 when Giant Bat is active*; Level 20:Max Health +9 when Giant Bat is active. Fast-Flying Speed Boost +1 when Giant Bat is active*; Level 25:Max Health +10 when Giant Bat is active. Fast-Flying Speed Boost +1 when Giant Bat is active*; Tier Level 30:Max Health +11when Giant Bat is active. Fast-Flying Speed Boost +1 when Giant Bat is active*; Level 35:Max Health +12 when Giant Bat is active. Fast-Flying Speed Boost +1 when Giant Bat is active*; Level 40:Max Health +13 when Giant Bat is active. Fast-Flying Speed Boost +1 when Giant Bat is active*; Level 45:Max Health +14 when Giant Bat is active. Fast-Flying Speed Boost +1 when Giant Bat is active*; Level 50:Max Health +15 when Giant Bat is active. Fast-Flying Speed Boost +1 when Giant Bat is active*; Level 55:Max Health +16 when Giant Bat is active. Fast-Flying Speed Boost +1 when Giant Bat is active*; Level 60:Max Health +17 when Giant Bat is active. Fast-Flying Speed Boost +1 when Giant Bat is active*; Level 65:Max Health +18 when Giant Bat is active. Fast-Flying Speed Boost +1.5 when Giant Bat is active*; Level 70:Max Health +19 when Giant Bat is active. Fast-Flying Speed Boost +1.5 when Giant Bat is active*; Level 75:Max Health +20 when Giant Bat is active. Fast-Flying Speed Boost +1.5 when Giant Bat is active*; Level 80:Max Health +21 when Giant Bat is active. Fast-Flying Speed Boost +1.5 when Giant Bat is active*; Level 85:Max Health +22 when Giant Bat is active. Fast-Flying Speed Boost +1.5 when Giant Bat is active*; Level 90:Max Health +23 when Giant Bat is active. Fast-Flying Speed Boost +1.5 when Giant Bat is active*; Level 95:Max Health +24 when Giant Bat is active. Fast-Flying Speed Boost +1.5 when Giant Bat is active*; Level 100:Max Health +25 when Giant Bat is active. Fast-Flying Speed Boost +1.5 when Giant Bat is active}}|-| || || <b>Level 100</b> - Indirect Trauma Damage +77% when Giant Bat is active || Rare || Chest, Necklace || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|*; Level 5:Indirect Trauma Damage +4% when Giant Bat is active*; Level 10:Indirect Trauma Damage +7% when Giant Bat is active*; Level 15:Indirect Trauma Damage +10% when Giant Bat is active*; Level 20:Indirect Trauma Damage +13% when Giant Bat is active*; Level 25:Indirect Trauma Damage +16% when Giant Bat is active*; Level 30:Indirect Trauma Damage +19% when Giant Bat is active*; Level 35:Indirect Trauma Damage +22% when Giant Bat is active*; Level 40:Indirect Trauma Damage +25% when Giant Bat is active*; Level 45:Indirect Trauma Damage +28% when Giant Bat is active*; Level 50:Indirect Trauma Damage +31% when Giant Bat is active*; Level 55:Indirect Trauma Damage +34% when Giant Bat is active*; Level 60:Indirect Trauma Damage +37% when Giant Bat is active*; Level 65:Indirect Trauma Damage +42% when Giant Bat is active*; Level 70:Indirect Trauma Damage +47% when Giant Bat is active*; Level 75:Indirect Trauma Damage +52% when Giant Bat is active*; Level 80:Indirect Trauma Damage +56.99% when Giant Bat is active*; Level 85:Indirect Trauma Damage +62% when Giant Bat is active*; Level 90:Indirect Trauma Damage +67% when Giant Bat is active*; Level 95:Indirect Trauma Damage +72% when Giant Bat is active*; Level 100:Indirect Trauma Damage +77% when Giant Bat is active}}|-| || || <b>Level 100</b> - If Screech, Sonic Burst has a 50, or Deathscream deal Trauma damage, that damage is boosted +91% chance per tick || Epic || OffHand || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|*; Level 5:If Screech, Sonic Burst, or Deathscream deal Trauma damage, that damage is boosted +15% per tick*; Level 10:If Screech, Sonic Burst, or Deathscream deal Trauma damage, that damage is boosted +19% per tick*; Level 15:If Screech, Sonic Burst, or Deathscream deal Trauma damage, that damage is boosted +23% per tick*; Level 20:If Screech, Sonic Burst, or Deathscream deal Trauma damage, that damage is boosted +27% per tick*; Level 25:If Screech, Sonic Burst, or Deathscream deal Trauma damage, that damage is boosted +31% per tick*; Level 30:If Screech, Sonic Burst, or Deathscream deal Trauma damage, that damage is boosted +20235% per tick*; Level 35:If Screech, Sonic Burst, or Deathscream deal Trauma damage to all targets, that damage is boosted +39% per tick*; Tier 12Level 40:If Screech, Sonic Burst, or Deathscream deal Trauma damage, that damage is boosted +43% per tick*; Level 45:If Screech, Sonic Burst has a , or Deathscream deal Trauma damage, that damage is boosted +47% per tick*; Level 50:If Screech, Sonic Burst, or Deathscream deal Trauma damage, that damage is boosted +51% per tick*; Level 55:If Screech, Sonic Burst, or Deathscream deal Trauma damage, that damage is boosted +55% per tick*; Level 60:If Screech, Sonic Burst, or Deathscream deal Trauma damage, that damage is boosted +59% per tick*; Level 65:If Screech, Sonic Burst, or Deathscream deal Trauma damage, that damage is boosted +63% per tick*; Level 70:If Screech, Sonic Burst, or Deathscream deal Trauma damage, that damage is boosted +67% per tick*; Level 75:If Screech, Sonic Burst, or Deathscream deal Trauma damage, that damage is boosted +71% per tick*; Level 80:If Screech, Sonic Burst, or Deathscream deal Trauma damage, that damage is boosted +75% per tick*; Level 85:If Screech, Sonic Burst, or Deathscream deal Trauma damage, that damage is boosted +79% per tick*; Level 90:If Screech, Sonic Burst, or Deathscream deal Trauma damage, that damage is boosted +83% chance to per tick*; Level 95:If Screech, Sonic Burst, or Deathscream deal Trauma damage, that damage is boosted +22087% per tick*; Level 100:If Screech, Sonic Burst, or Deathscream deal Trauma damage to all targets, that damage is boosted +91% per tick}}|-| || || <b>Level 100</b> - Screech, Sonic Burst, and Deathscream deal 320 Nature damage over 8 seconds || Rare || MainHand, OffHand || {{Spoiler|Click Expandto reveal|*; Level 5:Screech, Sonic Burst, and Deathscream deal 16 Nature damage over 8 seconds*; Level 10:Screech, Sonic Burst, and Deathscream deal 32 Nature damage over 8 seconds*; Level 15:Screech, Sonic Burst, and Deathscream deal 48 Nature damage over 8 seconds*; Level 20:Screech, Sonic Burst, and Deathscream deal 64 Nature damage over 8 seconds*; Level 25:Screech, Sonic Burst, and Deathscream deal 80 Nature damage over 8 seconds*; Level 30:Screech, Sonic Burst, and Deathscream deal 96 Nature damage over 8 seconds*; Level 35:Screech, Sonic Burst, and Deathscream deal 112 Nature damage over 8 seconds*; Level 40:Screech, Sonic Burst, and Deathscream deal 128 Nature damage over 8 seconds*; Level 45:Screech, Sonic Burst, and Deathscream deal 144 Nature damage over 8 seconds*; Level 50:Screech, Sonic Burst, and Deathscream deal 160 Nature damage over 8 seconds*; Level 55:Screech, Sonic Burst, and Deathscream deal 176 Nature damage over 8 seconds*; Level 60:Screech, Sonic Burst, and Deathscream deal 192 Nature damage over 8 seconds*; Level 65:Screech, Sonic Burst, and Deathscream deal 208 Nature damage over 8 seconds*; Level 70:Screech, Sonic Burst, and Deathscream deal 224 Nature damage over 8 seconds*; Level 75:Screech, Sonic Burst, and Deathscream deal 240 Nature damage over 8 seconds*; Level 80:Screech, Sonic Burst, and Deathscream deal 256 Nature damage over 8 seconds*; Level 85:Screech, Sonic Burst, and Deathscream deal 272 Nature damage over 8 seconds*; Level 90:Screech, Sonic Burst, and Deathscream deal 288 Nature damage over 8 seconds*; Level 95:Screech, Sonic Burst, and Deathscream deal 304 Nature damage over 8 seconds*; Level 100:Screech, Sonic Burst, and Deathscream deal 320 Nature damage over 8 seconds}}