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Necromancy/Treasure Effects

26,698 bytes added, 01:58, 5 October 2024
Updating to v414
<noinclude>[[Category:Treasure Effects]]</noinclude><includeonly>
==[[Necromancy/Treasure Effects|Necromancy Treasure Effects]]==
</includeonly>See also: [[Necromancy/Treasure Effects:By Slot]]
See also: [[Necromancy/Treasure Effects:By Ability]]
<!-- This table is from patch v284, June 09, 2017 Updated to v414 on Fri Oct 04 2024 23:24:28 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time) using FoxnEagle's auto-wiki-generator -->
{| class="table mw-collapsible<includeonly> mw-collapsed</includeonly>" style="width:100%;"
! style="width:8%"| Prefix !! style="width:8%"| Suffix !! style="width:5547%"| Best Tier Max-Level Version !! style="width:8%"| Rarity !! style="width:10%"| Slot !! style="width:15%"| All TiersOther Versions
| Necromancer's || of Necromancy || <b>Tier 7Level 100</b> - Necromancy Base Damage +2350% || Uncommon || Head, MainHand || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|*; Tier 1Level 10:Necromancy Damage +35*; Tier 2Level 20:Necromancy Base Damage +810%*; Tier 3:Necromancy Base Damage +11%*; Tier 4:Necromancy Base Damage +14%*; Tier 5Level 30:Necromancy Base Damage +1715%*; Tier 6Level 40
:Necromancy Base Damage +20%
*; Tier 7Level 50:Necromancy Base Damage +2325%*; Level 60:Necromancy Base Damage +30%*; Level 70:Necromancy Base Damage +35%*; Level 80:Necromancy Base Damage +40%*; Level 90:Necromancy Base Damage +45%*; Level 100:Necromancy Base Damage +50%|Expand}}
| Lifecrusher's || of Burning Corpse-Hands || <b>Tier 14Level 100</b> - Death's Hold deals +175 ignites the target, dealing 276 Fire damage over 15 12 seconds || Uncommon || Chest, Ring || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|*; Tier Level 1:Death's Hold deals +ignites the target, dealing 48 Fire damage over 12 seconds*; Level 10:Death's Hold ignites the target, dealing 60 Fire damage over 12 seconds*; Level 15:Death's Hold ignites the target, dealing 72 Fire damage over 12 seconds*; Level 20:Death's Hold ignites the target, dealing 84 Fire damage over 12 seconds*; Level 25 :Death's Hold ignites the target, dealing 96 Fire damage over 15 12 seconds*; Tier 2Level 30:Death's Hold deals +ignites the target, dealing 108 Fire damage over 12 seconds*; Level 35 :Death's Hold ignites the target, dealing 120 Fire damage over 15 12 seconds*; Tier 3Level 40:Death's Hold deals +ignites the target, dealing 132 Fire damage over 12 seconds*; Level 45 :Death's Hold ignites the target, dealing 144 Fire damage over 15 12 seconds*; Tier 4Level 50:Death's Hold deals +55 ignites the target, dealing 156 Fire damage over 15 12 seconds*; Tier 5Level 55:Death's Hold deals +65 ignites the target, dealing 168 Fire damage over 15 12 seconds*; Tier 6Level 60:Death's Hold deals +75 ignites the target, dealing 180 Fire damage over 15 12 seconds*; Tier 7Level 65:Death's Hold deals +85 ignites the target, dealing 192 Fire damage over 15 12 seconds*; Tier 8Level 70:Death's Hold deals +95 ignites the target, dealing 204 Fire damage over 15 12 seconds*; Tier 9Level 75:Death's Hold deals +105 ignites the target, dealing 216 Fire damage over 15 12 seconds*; Tier 10Level 80:Death's Hold deals +115 ignites the target, dealing 228 Fire damage over 15 12 seconds*; Tier 11Level 85:Death's Hold deals +125 ignites the target, dealing 240 Fire damage over 15 12 seconds*; Tier 12Level 90:Death's Hold deals +135 ignites the target, dealing 252 Fire damage over 15 12 seconds*; Tier 13Level 95:Death's Hold deals +155 ignites the target, dealing 264 Fire damage over 15 12 seconds*; Tier 14Level 100:Death's Hold deals +175 ignites the target, dealing 276 Fire damage over 15 12 seconds|Expand}}
| || of Electric Doom || <b>Tier 14Level 100</b> - Spark of Death makes the deals +73 damage and renders target 10% more vulnerable to Electricity damage for 30 seconds and deals +49 damage || Uncommon || Chest, Hands || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|*; Tier 1Level 5:Spark of Death makes the deals +1 damage and renders target 10% more vulnerable to Electricity damage for 30 seconds and *; Level 10:Spark of Death deals +1 2 damage and renders target 10% more vulnerable to Electricity damagefor 30 seconds*; Tier 2Level 15:Spark of Death makes the deals +4 damage and renders target 10% more vulnerable to Electricity damage for 30 seconds and *; Level 20:Spark of Death deals +2 6 damage and renders target 10% more vulnerable to Electricity damagefor 30 seconds*; Tier 3Level 25:Spark of Death makes the deals +8 damage and renders target 10% more vulnerable to Electricity damage for 30 seconds and *; Level 30:Spark of Death deals +4 10 damage and renders target 10% more vulnerable to Electricity damagefor 30 seconds*; Tier 4Level 35:Spark of Death makes the deals +12 damage and renders target 10% more vulnerable to Electricity damage for 30 seconds and *; Level 40:Spark of Death deals +6 15 damage and renders target 10% more vulnerable to Electricity damagefor 30 seconds*; Tier 5Level 45:Spark of Death makes the deals +17 damage and renders target 10% more vulnerable to Electricity damage for 30 seconds and *; Level 50:Spark of Death deals +8 20 damage and renders target 10% more vulnerable to Electricity damagefor 30 seconds*; Tier 6Level 55:Spark of Death makes the deals +23 damage and renders target 10% more vulnerable to Electricity damage for 30 seconds and *; Level 60:Spark of Death deals +25 damage and renders target 10 % more vulnerable to Electricity damagefor 30 seconds*; Tier 7Level 65:Spark of Death makes the deals +31 damage and renders target 10% more vulnerable to Electricity damage for 30 seconds and deals +12 damage*; Tier 8Level 70:Spark of Death makes the deals +37 damage and renders target 10% more vulnerable to Electricity damage for 30 seconds and deals +15 damage*; Tier 9Level 75:Spark of Death makes the deals +43 damage and renders target 10% more vulnerable to Electricity damage for 30 seconds and deals +17 damage*; Tier 10Level 80:Spark of Death makes the deals +49 damage and renders target 10% more vulnerable to Electricity damage for 30 seconds and deals +20 damage*; Tier 11Level 85:Spark of Death makes the deals +55 damage and renders target 10% more vulnerable to Electricity damage for 30 seconds and deals +23 damage*; Tier 12Level 90:Spark of Death makes the deals +61 damage and renders target 10% more vulnerable to Electricity damage for 30 seconds and deals +25 damage*; Tier 13Level 95:Spark of Death makes the deals +67 damage and renders target 10% more vulnerable to Electricity damage for 30 seconds and deals +37 damage*; Tier 14Level 100:Spark of Death makes the deals +73 damage and renders target 10% more vulnerable to Electricity damage for 30 seconds and deals +49 damage|Expand}}
| Necromancer's || of Necromancy Skeletal Minions || <b>Tier 7Level 100</b> - Necromancy Base Damage Summoned Skeletons deal +1421% direct damage || Uncommon || OffHand, Necklace || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|*; Level 10:Summoned Skeletons deal +3% direct damage*; Level 20:Summoned Skeletons deal +5% direct damage*; Level 30:Summoned Skeletons deal +7% direct damage*; Tier 1Level 40:Necromancy Base Damage Summoned Skeletons deal +29%direct damage*; Tier 2Level 50:Necromancy Base Damage Summoned Skeletons deal +411%direct damage*; Tier 3Level 60:Necromancy Base Damage Summoned Skeletons deal +613%direct damage*; Tier 4Level 70:Necromancy Base Damage Summoned Skeletons deal +815%direct damage*; Tier 5Level 80:Necromancy Base Damage Summoned Skeletons deal +1017%direct damage*; Tier 6Level 90:Necromancy Base Damage Summoned Skeletons deal +1219%direct damage*; Tier 7Level 100:Necromancy Base Damage Summoned Skeletons deal +1421%direct damage|Expand}}
| || of Stolen Life || <b>Tier 14Level 100</b> - Life Steal restores 30 42 Health || Uncommon || Head, Ring || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|*; Tier Level 1
:Life Steal restores 4 Health
*; Tier 2Level 10
:Life Steal restores 6 Health
*; Tier 3Level 15
:Life Steal restores 8 Health
*; Tier 4Level 20
:Life Steal restores 10 Health
*; Tier 5Level 25
:Life Steal restores 12 Health
*; Tier 6Level 30
:Life Steal restores 14 Health
*; Tier 7Level 35
:Life Steal restores 16 Health
*; Tier 8Level 40
:Life Steal restores 18 Health
*; Tier 9Level 45
:Life Steal restores 20 Health
*; Tier 10Level 50
:Life Steal restores 22 Health
*; Tier 11Level 55
:Life Steal restores 24 Health
*; Tier 12Level 60
:Life Steal restores 26 Health
*; Tier 13Level 65
:Life Steal restores 28 Health
*; Tier 14Level 70
:Life Steal restores 30 Health
|Expand*; Level 75:Life Steal restores 32 Health*; Level 80:Life Steal restores 34 Health*; Level 85:Life Steal restores 36 Health*; Level 90:Life Steal restores 38 Health*; Level 95:Life Steal restores 40 Health*; Level 100:Life Steal restores 42 Health}}
| Crowd Reaper's || of Crowd Reaping || <b>Tier 14Level 100</b> - Life Steal targets all enemies within 10 meters and deals steals +48 damage 40 health, but reuse timer is +3 seconds and Power cost is +27 || Uncommon || Hands || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|*; Level 5:Life Steal targets all enemies within 10 meters and steals +2 health, but reuse timer is +3 seconds and Power cost is +8*; Tier 1Level 10:Life Steal targets all enemies within 10 meters and deals steals +5 damage 4 health, but reuse timer is +3 secondsand Power cost is +9*; Tier 2Level 15:Life Steal targets all enemies within 10 meters and deals steals +7 damage 6 health, but reuse timer is +3 secondsand Power cost is +10*; Tier Level 20:Life Steal targets all enemies within 10 meters and steals +8 health, but reuse timer is +3seconds and Power cost is +11*; Level 25:Life Steal targets all enemies within 10 meters and deals steals +9 damage 10 health, but reuse timer is +3 secondsand Power cost is +12*; Tier 4Level 30:Life Steal targets all enemies within 10 meters and deals steals +12 damage health, but reuse timer is +3 seconds and Power cost is +13*; Level 35:Life Steal targets all enemies within 10 meters and steals +14 health, but reuse timer is +3 secondsand Power cost is +14*; Tier 5Level 40:Life Steal targets all enemies within 10 meters and deals steals +16 health, but reuse timer is +3 seconds and Power cost is +15 damage *; Level 45:Life Steal targets all enemies within 10 meters and steals +18 health, but reuse timer is +3 secondsand Power cost is +16*; Tier 6Level 50:Life Steal targets all enemies within 10 meters and deals steals +18 damage 20 health, but reuse timer is +3 secondsand Power cost is +17*; Tier 7Level 55:Life Steal targets all enemies within 10 meters and deals steals +21 damage 22 health, but reuse timer is +3 secondsand Power cost is +18*; Tier 8Level 60:Life Steal targets all enemies within 10 meters and deals steals +24 damage health, but reuse timer is +3 seconds and Power cost is +19*; Level 65:Life Steal targets all enemies within 10 meters and steals +26 health, but reuse timer is +3 secondsand Power cost is +20*; Tier 9Level 70:Life Steal targets all enemies within 10 meters and deals steals +28 damage health, but reuse timer is +3 secondsand Power cost is +21*; Tier Level 75:Life Steal targets all enemies within 10meters and steals +30 health, but reuse timer is +3 seconds and Power cost is +22*; Level 80:Life Steal targets all enemies within 10 meters and deals steals +32 damage health, but reuse timer is +3 secondsand Power cost is +23*; Tier 11Level 85:Life Steal targets all enemies within 10 meters and deals steals +36 damage 34 health, but reuse timer is +3 secondsand Power cost is +24*; Tier 12Level 90:Life Steal targets all enemies within 10 meters and deals steals +40 damage 36 health, but reuse timer is +3 secondsand Power cost is +25*; Tier 13Level 95:Life Steal targets all enemies within 10 meters and deals steals +44 damage 38 health, but reuse timer is +3 secondsand Power cost is +26*; Tier 14Level 100:Life Steal targets all enemies within 10 meters and deals steals +48 damage 40 health, but reuse timer is +3 secondsand Power cost is +27|Expand}}
| Lifestealer's || of Life Stealing || <b>Tier 14Level 100</b> - Life Steal reaps 31 43 additional health || Uncommon || Legs, Chest || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|*; Tier 1Level 5
:Life Steal reaps 5 additional health
*; Tier 2Level 10
:Life Steal reaps 7 additional health
*; Tier 3Level 15
:Life Steal reaps 9 additional health
*; Tier 4Level 20
:Life Steal reaps 11 additional health
*; Tier 5Level 25
:Life Steal reaps 13 additional health
*; Tier 6Level 30
:Life Steal reaps 15 additional health
*; Tier 7Level 35
:Life Steal reaps 17 additional health
*; Tier 8Level 40
:Life Steal reaps 19 additional health
*; Tier 9Level 45
:Life Steal reaps 21 additional health
*; Tier 10Level 50
:Life Steal reaps 23 additional health
*; Tier 11Level 55
:Life Steal reaps 25 additional health
*; Tier 12Level 60
:Life Steal reaps 27 additional health
*; Tier 13Level 65
:Life Steal reaps 29 additional health
*; Tier 14Level 70
:Life Steal reaps 31 additional health
|Expand*; Level 75:Life Steal reaps 33 additional health*; Level 80:Life Steal reaps 35 additional health*; Level 85:Life Steal reaps 37 additional health*; Level 90:Life Steal reaps 39 additional health*; Level 95:Life Steal reaps 41 additional health*; Level 100:Life Steal reaps 43 additional health}}
| || || <b>Tier 14Level 100</b> - Life Steal deals 130 280 Psychic damage over 10 seconds || Uncommon || Necklace, MainHand || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|*; Tier 1:Life Steal deals 10 Psychic damage over 10 seconds*; Tier 2:Life Steal deals 20 Psychic damage over 10 seconds*; Tier 3:Life Steal deals 25 Psychic damage over 10 seconds*; Tier 4:Life Steal deals 35 Psychic damage over 10 seconds*; Tier Level 5:Life Steal deals 40 Psychic damage over 10 seconds*; Tier 6
:Life Steal deals 50 Psychic damage over 10 seconds
*; Tier 7:Life Steal deals 55 Psychic damage over Level 10 seconds*; Tier 8
:Life Steal deals 60 Psychic damage over 10 seconds
*; Tier 9Level 15
:Life Steal deals 70 Psychic damage over 10 seconds
*; Tier 10Level 20
:Life Steal deals 80 Psychic damage over 10 seconds
*; Tier 11Level 25
:Life Steal deals 90 Psychic damage over 10 seconds
*; Tier 12Level 30
:Life Steal deals 100 Psychic damage over 10 seconds
*; Tier 13Level 35:Life Steal deals 115 110 Psychic damage over 10 seconds*; Tier 14Level 40:Life Steal deals 120 Psychic damage over 10 seconds*; Level 45
:Life Steal deals 130 Psychic damage over 10 seconds
|Expand*; Level 50:Life Steal deals 140 Psychic damage over 10 seconds*; Level 55:Life Steal deals 150 Psychic damage over 10 seconds*; Level 60:Life Steal deals 160 Psychic damage over 10 seconds*; Level 65:Life Steal deals 175 Psychic damage over 10 seconds*; Level 70:Life Steal deals 190 Psychic damage over 10 seconds*; Level 75:Life Steal deals 205 Psychic damage over 10 seconds*; Level 80:Life Steal deals 220 Psychic damage over 10 seconds*; Level 85:Life Steal deals 235 Psychic damage over 10 seconds*; Level 90:Life Steal deals 250 Psychic damage over 10 seconds*; Level 95:Life Steal deals 265 Psychic damage over 10 seconds*; Level 100:Life Steal deals 280 Psychic damage over 10 seconds}}
| || of Death Gazing || <b>Tier 14Level 100</b> - Deathgaze deals +132119% damage and has +16 28 Accuracy (which cancels out the Evasion that certain monsters have) || Uncommon || Hands, Necklace || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|*; Tier Level 1:Deathgaze deals +1210% damage and has +1 Accuracy (which cancels out the Evasion that certain monsters have)*; Tier 2Level 10:Deathgaze deals +2015% damage and has +2 Accuracy (which cancels out the Evasion that certain monsters have)*; Tier 3Level 15:Deathgaze deals +2820% damage and has +3 Accuracy (which cancels out the Evasion that certain monsters have)*; Tier 4Level 20:Deathgaze deals +3625% damage and has +4 Accuracy (which cancels out the Evasion that certain monsters have)*; Tier 5Level 25:Deathgaze deals +4430% damage and has +5 Accuracy (which cancels out the Evasion that certain monsters have)*; Tier 6Level 30:Deathgaze deals +5235% damage and has +6 Accuracy (which cancels out the Evasion that certain monsters have)*; Tier 7Level 35:Deathgaze deals +6041% damage and has +7 Accuracy (which cancels out the Evasion that certain monsters have)*; Tier 8Level 40:Deathgaze deals +6847% damage and has +8 Accuracy (which cancels out the Evasion that certain monsters have)*; Tier 9Level 45:Deathgaze deals +7653% damage and has +9 Accuracy (which cancels out the Evasion that certain monsters have)*; Tier 10Level 50:Deathgaze deals +8459% damage and has +10 Accuracy (which cancels out the Evasion that certain monsters have)*; Tier 11Level 55:Deathgaze deals +9265% damage and has +11 Accuracy (which cancels out the Evasion that certain monsters have)*; Tier 12Level 60:Deathgaze deals +10071% damage and has +12 Accuracy (which cancels out the Evasion that certain monsters have)*; Tier 13Level 65:Deathgaze deals +11677% damage and has +14 Accuracy (which cancels out the Evasion that certain monsters have)*; Tier 14Level 70:Deathgaze deals +13283% damage and has +16 Accuracy (which cancels out the Evasion that certain monsters have)|Expand*; Level 75:Deathgaze deals +89% damage and has +18 Accuracy (which cancels out the Evasion that certain monsters have)*; Level 80:Deathgaze deals +95% damage and has +20 Accuracy (which cancels out the Evasion that certain monsters have)*; Level 85:Deathgaze deals +101% damage and has +22 Accuracy (which cancels out the Evasion that certain monsters have)*; Level 90:Deathgaze deals +107% damage and has +24 Accuracy (which cancels out the Evasion that certain monsters have)*; Level 95:Deathgaze deals +113% damage and has +26 Accuracy (which cancels out the Evasion that certain monsters have)*; Level 100:Deathgaze deals +119% damage and has +28 Accuracy (which cancels out the Evasion that certain monsters have)}}
| || of Tough Gazes || <b>Tier 14Level 100</b> - Deathgaze deals +90 107 damage and restores 73 103 armor to you || Uncommon || Chest, Ring || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|*; Tier 1Level 5
:Deathgaze deals +5 damage and restores 8 armor to you
*; Tier 2Level 10
:Deathgaze deals +10 damage and restores 13 armor to you
*; Tier 3Level 15
:Deathgaze deals +15 damage and restores 18 armor to you
*; Tier 4Level 20
:Deathgaze deals +20 damage and restores 23 armor to you
*; Tier 5Level 25
:Deathgaze deals +25 damage and restores 28 armor to you
*; Tier 6Level 30
:Deathgaze deals +30 damage and restores 33 armor to you
*; Tier 7Level 35
:Deathgaze deals +35 damage and restores 38 armor to you
*; Tier 8Level 40
:Deathgaze deals +40 damage and restores 43 armor to you
*; Tier 9Level 45
:Deathgaze deals +45 damage and restores 48 armor to you
*; Tier 10Level 50
:Deathgaze deals +50 damage and restores 53 armor to you
*; Tier 11Level 55
:Deathgaze deals +55 damage and restores 58 armor to you
*; Tier 12Level 60
:Deathgaze deals +60 damage and restores 63 armor to you
*; Tier 13Level 65:Deathgaze deals +65 damage and restores 68 armor to you*; Level 70:Deathgaze deals +71 damage and restores 73 armor to you*; Level 75 :Deathgaze deals +77 damage and restores 78 armor to you*; Level 80:Deathgaze deals +83 damage and restores 68 83 armor to you*; Tier 14Level 85:Deathgaze deals +89 damage and restores 88 armor to you*; Level 90 :Deathgaze deals +95 damage and restores 93 armor to you*; Level 95:Deathgaze deals +101 damage and restores 98 armor to you*; Level 100:Deathgaze deals +107 damage and restores 73 103 armor to you|Expand}}
| || of Hasty Fears || <b>Tier 14Level 100</b> - Deathgaze deals +140 158 damage and increases your sprint speed +2.5 3 for 15 seconds || Uncommon || Head || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|*; Tier 1Level 5
:Deathgaze deals +13 damage and increases your sprint speed +1 for 15 seconds
*; Tier 2Level 10
:Deathgaze deals +20 damage and increases your sprint speed +1 for 15 seconds
*; Tier 3Level 15
:Deathgaze deals +27 damage and increases your sprint speed +1 for 15 seconds
*; Tier 4Level 20
:Deathgaze deals +34 damage and increases your sprint speed +1 for 15 seconds
*; Tier 5Level 25
:Deathgaze deals +41 damage and increases your sprint speed +1 for 15 seconds
*; Tier 6Level 30
:Deathgaze deals +48 damage and increases your sprint speed +1 for 15 seconds
*; Tier 7Level 35
:Deathgaze deals +55 damage and increases your sprint speed +2 for 15 seconds
*; Tier 8Level 40
:Deathgaze deals +62 damage and increases your sprint speed +2 for 15 seconds
*; Tier 9Level 45
:Deathgaze deals +69 damage and increases your sprint speed +2 for 15 seconds
*; Tier 10Level 50
:Deathgaze deals +76 damage and increases your sprint speed +2 for 15 seconds
*; Tier 11Level 55
:Deathgaze deals +83 damage and increases your sprint speed +2 for 15 seconds
*; Tier 12Level 60
:Deathgaze deals +90 damage and increases your sprint speed +2 for 15 seconds
*; Tier 13Level 65:Deathgaze deals +115 97 damage and increases your sprint speed +2.5 for 15 seconds*; Tier 14Level 70:Deathgaze deals +140 104 damage and increases your sprint speed +2.5 for 15 seconds|Expand*; Level 75:Deathgaze deals +111 damage and increases your sprint speed +2.5 for 15 seconds*; Level 80:Deathgaze deals +118 damage and increases your sprint speed +2.5 for 15 seconds*; Level 85:Deathgaze deals +128 damage and increases your sprint speed +3 for 15 seconds*; Level 90:Deathgaze deals +138 damage and increases your sprint speed +3 for 15 seconds*; Level 95:Deathgaze deals +148 damage and increases your sprint speed +3 for 15 seconds*; Level 100:Deathgaze deals +158 damage and increases your sprint speed +3 for 15 seconds}}
| || of Reaching Dead || <b>Tier 14Level 100</b> - Death's Hold Damage +112122% || Uncommon || Legs, MainHand || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|*; Level 5:Death's Hold Damage +8%*; Level 10:Death's Hold Damage +14%*; Tier 1Level 15:Death's Hold Damage +1620%*; Tier 2Level 20:Death's Hold Damage +2226%*; Tier 3Level 25:Death's Hold Damage +2832%*; Tier 4Level 30:Death's Hold Damage +3438%*; Tier 5Level 35:Death's Hold Damage +44%*; Level 40:Death's Hold Damage +50%*; Tier 6Level 45:Death's Hold Damage +4656%*; Tier 7Level 50:Death's Hold Damage +5262%*; Tier 8Level 55:Death's Hold Damage +5868%*; Tier 9Level 60:Death's Hold Damage +6474%*; Tier 10Level 65:Death's Hold Damage +80%*; Level 70:Death's Hold Damage +86%*; Tier 11Level 75:Death's Hold Damage +7692%*; Tier 12Level 80:Death's Hold Damage +8298%*; Tier 13Level 85:Death's Hold Damage +97104%*; Tier 14Level 90:Death's Hold Damage +110%*; Level 95:Death's Hold Damage +116%*; Level 100:Death's Hold Damage +112122%|Expand}}
| || || <b>Tier 14Level 100</b> - Death's Hold causes target to take +2818% damage from Slashing for 15 seconds || Uncommon || Feet || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|*; Tier 1Level 5
:Death's Hold causes target to take +5% damage from Slashing for 15 seconds
*; Tier 2Level 10:Death's Hold causes target to take +5.5% damage from Slashing for 15 seconds*; Level 15
:Death's Hold causes target to take +6% damage from Slashing for 15 seconds
*; Tier 3Level 20:Death's Hold causes target to take +6.5% damage from Slashing for 15 seconds*; Level 25
:Death's Hold causes target to take +7% damage from Slashing for 15 seconds
*; Tier 4Level 30:Death's Hold causes target to take +7.5% damage from Slashing for 15 seconds*; Level 35
:Death's Hold causes target to take +8% damage from Slashing for 15 seconds
*; Tier Level 40:Death's Hold causes target to take +8.5% damage from Slashing for 15 seconds*; Level 45
:Death's Hold causes target to take +9% damage from Slashing for 15 seconds
*; Tier 6Level 50:Death's Hold causes target to take +9.5% damage from Slashing for 15 seconds*; Level 55
:Death's Hold causes target to take +10% damage from Slashing for 15 seconds
*; Tier 7Level 60:Death's Hold causes target to take +10.5% damage from Slashing for 15 seconds*; Level 65:Death's Hold causes target to take +11% damage from Slashing for 15 seconds*; Level 70
:Death's Hold causes target to take +12% damage from Slashing for 15 seconds
*; Tier 8Level 75:Death's Hold causes target to take +13% damage from Slashing for 15 seconds*; Level 80
:Death's Hold causes target to take +14% damage from Slashing for 15 seconds
*; Tier 9Level 85:Death's Hold causes target to take +15% damage from Slashing for 15 seconds*; Level 90
:Death's Hold causes target to take +16% damage from Slashing for 15 seconds
*; Tier 10Level 95:Death's Hold causes target to take +17% damage from Slashing for 15 seconds*; Level 100
:Death's Hold causes target to take +18% damage from Slashing for 15 seconds
*; Tier 11:Death's Hold causes target to take +20% damage from Slashing for 15 seconds*; Tier 12:Death's Hold causes target to take +22% damage from Slashing for 15 seconds*; Tier 13:Death's Hold causes target to take +25% damage from Slashing for 15 seconds*; Tier 14:Death's Hold causes target to take +28% damage from Slashing for 15 seconds|Expand}}
| || of Undead Aftershocks || <b>Tier 14Level 100</b> - Death's Hold deals causes target to take +32 18% damage and Stuns target after a from Electricity for 15 second delay seconds || Uncommon || Necklace || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|*; Tier 1Level 5:Death's Hold deals causes target to take +1 5% damage and Stuns from Electricity for 15 seconds*; Level 10:Death's Hold causes target after a to take +5.5% damage from Electricity for 15 second delayseconds*; Tier 2Level 15:Death's Hold deals causes target to take +2 6% damage and Stuns target after a from Electricity for 15 second delayseconds*; Tier 3Level 20:Death's Hold deals causes target to take +3 6.5% damage and Stuns target after a from Electricity for 15 second delayseconds*; Tier 4Level 25:Death's Hold deals causes target to take +4 7% damage and Stuns target after a from Electricity for 15 second delayseconds*; Tier 5Level 30:Death's Hold deals causes target to take +7.5 % damage and Stuns target after a from Electricity for 15 second delayseconds*; Tier 6Level 35:Death's Hold deals causes target to take +6 8% damage and Stuns target after a from Electricity for 15 second delayseconds*; Tier 7Level 40:Death's Hold deals causes target to take +7 8.5% damage and Stuns target after a from Electricity for 15 second delayseconds*; Tier 8Level 45:Death's Hold deals causes target to take +8 9% damage and Stuns target after a from Electricity for 15 second delayseconds*; Tier 9Level 50:Death's Hold deals causes target to take +9 .5% damage and Stuns from Electricity for 15 seconds*; Level 55:Death's Hold causes target after a to take +10% damage from Electricity for 15 second delayseconds*; Tier 10Level 60:Death's Hold deals causes target to take +10 .5% damage and Stuns target after a from Electricity for 15 second delayseconds*; Tier 11Level 65:Death's Hold deals causes target to take +11 % damage and Stuns target after a from Electricity for 15 second delayseconds*; Tier 12Level 70:Death's Hold deals causes target to take +12 % damage and Stuns from Electricity for 15 seconds*; Level 75:Death's Hold causes target after a to take +13% damage from Electricity for 15 second delayseconds*; Tier 13Level 80:Death's Hold causes target to take +14% damage from Electricity for 15 seconds*; Level 85:Death's Hold deals causes target to take +22 15% damage and Stuns from Electricity for 15 seconds*; Level 90:Death's Hold causes target after a to take +16% damage from Electricity for 15 second delayseconds*; Tier 14Level 95:Death's Hold deals causes target to take +32 17% damage and Stuns from Electricity for 15 seconds*; Level 100:Death's Hold causes target after a to take +18% damage from Electricity for 15 second delayseconds|Expand}}
| || || <b>Level 100</b> - Death's Hold causes target to take +10.7% damage from Darkness for 15 seconds || Uncommon || OffHand || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|*; Level 5:Death's Hold causes target to take +5% damage from Darkness for 15 seconds*; Level 10:Death's Hold causes target to take +5.3% damage from Darkness for 15 seconds*; Level 15:Death's Hold causes target to take +5.6% damage from Darkness for 15 seconds*; Level 20:Death's Hold causes target to take +5.9% damage from Darkness for 15 seconds*; Level 25:Death's Hold causes target to take +6.2% damage from Darkness for 15 seconds*; Level 30:Death's Hold causes target to take +6.5% damage from Darkness for 15 seconds*; Level 35:Death's Hold causes target to take +6.8% damage from Darkness for 15 seconds*; Level 40:Death's Hold causes target to take +7.1% damage from Darkness for 15 seconds*; Level 45:Death's Hold causes target to take +7.4% damage from Darkness for 15 seconds*; Level 50:Death's Hold causes target to take +7.7% damage from Darkness for 15 seconds*; Level 55:Death's Hold causes target to take +8% damage from Darkness for 15 seconds*; Level 60:Death's Hold causes target to take +8.3% damage from Darkness for 15 seconds*; Level 65:Death's Hold causes target to take +8.6% damage from Darkness for 15 seconds*; Level 70:Death's Hold causes target to take +8.9% damage from Darkness for 15 seconds*; Level 75:Death's Hold causes target to take +9.2% damage from Darkness for 15 seconds*; Level 80:Death's Hold causes target to take +9.5% damage from Darkness for 15 seconds*; Level 85:Death's Hold causes target to take +9.8% damage from Darkness for 15 seconds*; Level 90:Death's Hold causes target to take +10.1% damage from Darkness for 15 seconds*; Level 95:Death's Hold causes target to take +10.4% damage from Darkness for 15 seconds*; Level 100:Death's Hold causes target to take +10.7% damage from Darkness for 15 seconds}}|-| || of Deathsparks || <b>Tier 14Level 100</b> - Spark of Death Damage +7652% || Uncommon || MainHand, Feet || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|*; Level 5:Spark of Death Damage +6%*; Level 10:Spark of Death Damage +8%*; Tier 1Level 15:Spark of Death Damage +10%*; Level 20:Spark of Death Damage +12%*; Level 25
:Spark of Death Damage +14%
*; Tier 2Level 30:Spark of Death Damage +16%*; Level 35
:Spark of Death Damage +18%
*; Tier 3Level 40:Spark of Death Damage +20%*; Level 45
:Spark of Death Damage +22%
*; Tier 4Level 50:Spark of Death Damage +24%*; Level 55
:Spark of Death Damage +26%
*; Tier 5Level 60:Spark of Death Damage +3028%*; Tier 6Level 65:Spark of Death Damage +31%*; Level 70
:Spark of Death Damage +34%
*; Tier 7Level 75:Spark of Death Damage +3837%*; Tier 8Level 80:Spark of Death Damage +4240%*; Tier 9Level 85:Spark of Death Damage +43%*; Level 90
:Spark of Death Damage +46%
*; Tier 10Level 95:Spark of Death Damage +5049%*; Tier 11Level 100:Spark of Death Damage +5452%*; Tier 12:Spark of Death Damage +58%*; Tier 13:Spark of Death Damage +67%*; Tier 14:Spark of Death Damage +76%|Expand}}
| || of Deathsparks || <b>Tier 14Level 100</b> - Spark of Death deals 95 228 Psychic damage over 10 12 seconds || Uncommon || Legs, Ring || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|*; Tier 1Level 5:Spark of Death deals 20 30 Psychic damage over 12 seconds*; Level 10 :Spark of Death deals 36 Psychic damage over 12 seconds*; Tier 2Level 15:Spark of Death deals 25 42 Psychic damage over 10 12 seconds*; Tier 3Level 20:Spark of Death deals 30 48 Psychic damage over 10 12 seconds*; Tier 4Level 25:Spark of Death deals 35 54 Psychic damage over 10 12 seconds*; Tier 5Level 30:Spark of Death deals 40 60 Psychic damage over 10 12 seconds*; Tier 6Level 35:Spark of Death deals 45 72 Psychic damage over 10 12 seconds*; Tier 7Level 40:Spark of Death deals 50 84 Psychic damage over 10 12 seconds*; Tier 8Level 45:Spark of Death deals 55 96 Psychic damage over 10 12 seconds*; Tier 9Level 50:Spark of Death deals 60 108 Psychic damage over 10 12 seconds*; Tier 10Level 55:Spark of Death deals 65 120 Psychic damage over 10 12 seconds*; Tier 11Level 60:Spark of Death deals 70 132 Psychic damage over 10 12 seconds*; Tier Level 65:Spark of Death deals 144 Psychic damage over 12seconds*; Level 70:Spark of Death deals 156 Psychic damage over 12 seconds*; Level 75 :Spark of Death deals 168 Psychic damage over 10 12 seconds*; Tier 13Level 80:Spark of Death deals 180 Psychic damage over 12 seconds*; Level 85 :Spark of Death deals 192 Psychic damage over 10 12 seconds*; Tier 14Level 90:Spark of Death deals 204 Psychic damage over 12 seconds*; Level 95 :Spark of Death deals 216 Psychic damage over 12 seconds*; Level 100:Spark of Death deals 228 Psychic damage over 10 12 seconds|Expand}}
| || of Tauntsparks || <b>Tier 7Level 100</b> - Spark of Death deals +5034% damage and taunts +400 460 || Uncommon || OffHand, Necklace || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|*; Tier 1Level 10:Spark of Death deals +7% damage and taunts +50*; Level 20:Spark of Death deals +10% damage and taunts +5090*; Level 30:Spark of Death deals +13% damage and taunts +130*; Tier 2Level 40:Spark of Death deals +16% damage and taunts +100170*; Level 50:Spark of Death deals +19% damage and taunts +210*; Tier 3Level 60:Spark of Death deals +22% damage and taunts +150260*; Tier 4Level 70:Spark of Death deals +2825% damage and taunts +200310*; Tier 5Level 80:Spark of Death deals +3428% damage and taunts +250360*; Tier 6Level 90:Spark of Death deals +4031% damage and taunts +300410*; Tier 7Level 100:Spark of Death deals +5034% damage and taunts +400460|Expand}}
| Chirurgeon's || || <b>Tier 14Level 100</b> - Rebuild Undead Healing +67 87 || Uncommon || Chest, OffHand || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|*; Tier 1Level 5
:Rebuild Undead Healing +11
*; Tier 2Level 10
:Rebuild Undead Healing +15
*; Tier 3Level 15
:Rebuild Undead Healing +19
*; Tier 4Level 20
:Rebuild Undead Healing +23
*; Tier 5Level 25
:Rebuild Undead Healing +27
*; Tier 6Level 30
:Rebuild Undead Healing +31
*; Tier 7Level 35
:Rebuild Undead Healing +35
*; Tier 8Level 40
:Rebuild Undead Healing +39
*; Tier 9Level 45
:Rebuild Undead Healing +43
*; Tier 10Level 50
:Rebuild Undead Healing +47
*; Tier 11Level 55
:Rebuild Undead Healing +51
*; Tier 12Level 60
:Rebuild Undead Healing +55
*; Tier 13Level 65:Rebuild Undead Healing +6159*; Tier 14Level 70:Rebuild Undead Healing +63*; Level 75
:Rebuild Undead Healing +67
|Expand*; Level 80:Rebuild Undead Healing +71*; Level 85:Rebuild Undead Healing +75*; Level 90:Rebuild Undead Healing +79*; Level 95:Rebuild Undead Healing +83*; Level 100:Rebuild Undead Healing +87}}
| Chirurgeon's || || <b>Tier 14Level 100</b> - Rebuild Undead restores 49 Health to you grants targets +20% Universal Damage Resistance for 6 seconds || Uncommon || Hands, OffHand || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|*; Tier 1Level 5:Rebuild Undead restores grants targets +10.5% Universal Damage Resistance for 6 seconds*; Level 10 Health to you:Rebuild Undead grants targets +11% Universal Damage Resistance for 6 seconds*; Level 15:Rebuild Undead grants targets +11.5% Universal Damage Resistance for 6 seconds*; Level 20:Rebuild Undead grants targets +12% Universal Damage Resistance for 6 seconds*; Level 25:Rebuild Undead grants targets +12.5% Universal Damage Resistance for 6 seconds*; Tier 2Level 30:Rebuild Undead restores grants targets +13 Health to you% Universal Damage Resistance for 6 seconds*; Tier 3Level 35:Rebuild Undead restores 16 Health to yougrants targets +13.5% Universal Damage Resistance for 6 seconds*; Tier 4Level 40:Rebuild Undead restores 19 Health to yougrants targets +14% Universal Damage Resistance for 6 seconds*; Tier Level 45:Rebuild Undead grants targets +14.5% Universal Damage Resistance for 6 seconds*; Level 50:Rebuild Undead restores 22 Health to yougrants targets +15% Universal Damage Resistance for 6 seconds*; Tier Level 55:Rebuild Undead grants targets +15.5% Universal Damage Resistance for 6seconds*; Level 60:Rebuild Undead restores 25 Health to yougrants targets +16% Universal Damage Resistance for 6 seconds*; Tier 7Level 65:Rebuild Undead restores 28 Health to yougrants targets +16.5% Universal Damage Resistance for 6 seconds*; Tier 8Level 70:Rebuild Undead restores 31 Health to yougrants targets +17% Universal Damage Resistance for 6 seconds*; Tier 9Level 75:Rebuild Undead restores 34 Health to yougrants targets +17.5% Universal Damage Resistance for 6 seconds*; Tier 10Level 80:Rebuild Undead restores 37 Health to yougrants targets +18% Universal Damage Resistance for 6 seconds*; Tier 11Level 85:Rebuild Undead restores 40 Health to yougrants targets +18.5% Universal Damage Resistance for 6 seconds*; Tier 12Level 90:Rebuild Undead restores 43 Health to yougrants targets +19% Universal Damage Resistance for 6 seconds*; Tier 13Level 95:Rebuild Undead restores 46 Health to yougrants targets +19.5% Universal Damage Resistance for 6 seconds*; Tier 14Level 100:Rebuild Undead restores 49 Health to yougrants targets +20% Universal Damage Resistance for 6 seconds|Expand}}
| || || <b>Tier 14Level 100</b> - Rebuild Undead restores 70 138 health/armor to your undead after a 15 10 second delay || Uncommon || Legs, Ring || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|*; Tier 1Level 5:Rebuild Undead restores 5 20 health/armor to your undead after a 10 second delay*; Level 10:Rebuild Undead restores 26 health/armor to your undead after a 10 second delay*; Level 15 :Rebuild Undead restores 32 health/armor to your undead after a 10 second delay*; Level 20:Rebuild Undead restores 38 health/armor to your undead after a 10 second delay*; Level 25:Rebuild Undead restores 44 health/armor to your undead after a 10 second delay*; Tier 2Level 30:Rebuild Undead restores 50 health/armor to your undead after a 10 second delay*; Level 35:Rebuild Undead restores 56 health/armor to your undead after a 15 10 second delay*; Tier 3Level 40:Rebuild Undead restores 15 62 health/armor to your undead after a 15 10 second delay*; Tier 4Level 45:Rebuild Undead restores 20 68 health/armor to your undead after a 15 10 second delay*; Tier 5Level 50:Rebuild Undead restores 25 74 health/armor to your undead after a 15 10 second delay*; Tier 6Level 55:Rebuild Undead restores 30 80 health/armor to your undead after a 15 10 second delay*; Tier 7Level 60:Rebuild Undead restores 35 86 health/armor to your undead after a 15 10 second delay*; Tier 8Level 65:Rebuild Undead restores 40 92 health/armor to your undead after a 15 10 second delay*; Tier 9Level 70:Rebuild Undead restores 45 98 health/armor to your undead after a 15 10 second delay*; Tier Level 75:Rebuild Undead restores 104 health/armor to your undead after a 10second delay*; Level 80:Rebuild Undead restores 50 110 health/armor to your undead after a 15 10 second delay*; Tier 11Level 85:Rebuild Undead restores 55 117 health/armor to your undead after a 15 10 second delay*; Tier 12Level 90:Rebuild Undead restores 60 124 health/armor to your undead after a 15 10 second delay*; Tier 13Level 95:Rebuild Undead restores 65 131 health/armor to your undead after a 15 10 second delay*; Tier 14Level 100:Rebuild Undead restores 70 138 health/armor to your undead after a 15 10 second delay|Expand}}
| || || <b>Tier 14Level 100</b> - Rebuild Undead Power Cost -31 40. Rebuild Undead Healing +34 || Rare || Necklace || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|*; Tier Level 5:Rebuild Undead Power Cost -2. Rebuild Undead Healing +1*; Level 10:Rebuild Undead Power Cost -4. Rebuild Undead Healing +2*; Level 15:Rebuild Undead Power Cost -6. Rebuild Undead Healing +3*; Tier 2Level 20:Rebuild Undead Power Cost -8. Rebuild Undead Healing +4*; Level 25:Rebuild Undead Power Cost -10. Rebuild Undead Healing +5*; Tier 3Level 30:Rebuild Undead Power Cost -12. Rebuild Undead Healing +6*; Level 35:Rebuild Undead Power Cost -714. Rebuild Undead Healing +8*; Tier 4Level 40:Rebuild Undead Power Cost -916. Rebuild Undead Healing +10*; Tier 5Level 45:Rebuild Undead Power Cost -1118. Rebuild Undead Healing +12*; Tier 6Level 50:Rebuild Undead Power Cost -1320. Rebuild Undead Healing +14*; Tier 7Level 55:Rebuild Undead Power Cost -1522. Rebuild Undead Healing +16*; Tier 8Level 60:Rebuild Undead Power Cost -1724. Rebuild Undead Healing +18*; Tier 9Level 65:Rebuild Undead Power Cost -1926. Rebuild Undead Healing +20*; Tier 10Level 70:Rebuild Undead Power Cost -2128. Rebuild Undead Healing +22*; Tier 11Level 75:Rebuild Undead Power Cost -2330. Rebuild Undead Healing +24*; Tier 12Level 80:Rebuild Undead Power Cost -2532. Rebuild Undead Healing +26*; Tier 13Level 85:Rebuild Undead Power Cost -34. Rebuild Undead Healing +28*; Tier 14Level 90:Rebuild Undead Power Cost -36. Rebuild Undead Healing +30*; Level 95:Rebuild Undead Power Cost -38. Rebuild Undead Healing +32*; Level 100:Rebuild Undead Power Cost -3140. Rebuild Undead Healing +34|Expand}}
| || of Zombified Empowerment || <b>Tier 14Level 100</b> - Create Super Using Raise Zombie also heals yourself on an existing zombie increases its damage +39% for 168 health, 168 armor, and 33 power 60 seconds || Uncommon || Chest, Legs || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|*; Tier 1Level 5:Create Super Using Raise Zombie also heals yourself on an existing zombie increases its damage +5% for 12 health, 12 armor, and 2 power60 seconds*; Tier 2Level 10:Create Super Using Raise Zombie also heals yourself on an existing zombie increases its damage +6% for 24 health, 24 armor, and 4 power60 seconds*; Tier 3Level 15:Create Super Using Raise Zombie also heals yourself on an existing zombie increases its damage +7% for 36 health, 36 armor, and 7 power60 seconds*; Tier 4Level 20:Create Super Using Raise Zombie also heals yourself on an existing zombie increases its damage +8% for 48 health, 48 armor, and 60 seconds*; Level 25:Using Raise Zombie on an existing zombie increases its damage +9 power% for 60 seconds*; Tier 5Level 30:Create Super Using Raise Zombie also heals yourself on an existing zombie increases its damage +11% for 60 health, seconds*; Level 35:Using Raise Zombie on an existing zombie increases its damage +13% for 60 armor, and 12 powerseconds*; Tier 6Level 40:Create Super Using Raise Zombie also heals yourself on an existing zombie increases its damage +15% for 72 health, 72 armor, and 14 power60 seconds*; Tier 7Level 45:Create Super Using Raise Zombie also heals yourself on an existing zombie increases its damage +17% for 84 health, 84 armor, and 16 power60 seconds*; Tier 8Level 50:Create Super Using Raise Zombie also heals yourself on an existing zombie increases its damage +19% for 96 health, 96 armor, and 19 power60 seconds*; Tier 9Level 55:Create Super Using Raise Zombie also heals yourself on an existing zombie increases its damage +21% for 108 health, 108 armor, and 21 power60 seconds*; Tier 10Level 60:Create Super Using Raise Zombie also heals yourself on an existing zombie increases its damage +23% for 120 health, 120 armor, and 24 power60 seconds*; Tier 11Level 65:Create Super Using Raise Zombie also heals yourself on an existing zombie increases its damage +25% for 132 health, 132 armor, and 26 power60 seconds*; Tier 12Level 70:Create Super Using Raise Zombie also heals yourself on an existing zombie increases its damage +27% for 144 health, 144 armor, and 28 power60 seconds*; Tier 13Level 75:Create Super Using Raise Zombie also heals yourself on an existing zombie increases its damage +29% for 156 health, 156 armor, and 60 seconds*; Level 80:Using Raise Zombie on an existing zombie increases its damage +31 power% for 60 seconds*; Tier 14Level 85:Create Super Using Raise Zombie also heals yourself on an existing zombie increases its damage +33% for 168 health, 168 armor, and 33 power60 seconds*; Level 90:Using Raise Zombie on an existing zombie increases its damage +35% for 60 seconds*; Level 95:Using Raise Zombie on an existing zombie increases its damage +37% for 60 seconds*; Level 100:Using Raise Zombie on an existing zombie increases its damage +39% for 60 seconds|Expand}}
| || || <b>Tier 14Level 100</b> - Create Shambling Corpse also heals yourself for 140 health Indirect Psychic Damage +48% when Necromancy is active || Rare || Chest, Legs || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|*; Tier 1Level 5:Create Shambling Corpse also heals yourself for Indirect Psychic Damage +10 health% when Necromancy is active*; Tier 2Level 10:Create Shambling Corpse also heals yourself for Indirect Psychic Damage +12% when Necromancy is active*; Level 15:Indirect Psychic Damage +14% when Necromancy is active*; Level 20 health:Indirect Psychic Damage +16% when Necromancy is active*; Tier 3Level 25:Create Shambling Corpse also heals yourself for Indirect Psychic Damage +18% when Necromancy is active*; Level 30 health:Indirect Psychic Damage +20% when Necromancy is active*; Tier 4Level 35:Create Shambling Corpse also heals yourself for Indirect Psychic Damage +22% when Necromancy is active*; Level 40 health:Indirect Psychic Damage +24% when Necromancy is active*; Tier 5Level 45:Create Shambling Corpse also heals yourself for Indirect Psychic Damage +26% when Necromancy is active*; Level 50 health:Indirect Psychic Damage +28% when Necromancy is active*; Tier 6Level 55:Create Shambling Corpse also heals yourself for Indirect Psychic Damage +30% when Necromancy is active*; Level 60 health:Indirect Psychic Damage +32% when Necromancy is active*; Tier 7Level 65:Create Shambling Corpse also heals yourself for 70 healthIndirect Psychic Damage +34% when Necromancy is active*; Tier 8Level 70:Create Shambling Corpse also heals yourself for 80 healthIndirect Psychic Damage +36% when Necromancy is active*; Tier 9Level 75:Create Shambling Corpse also heals yourself for 90 healthIndirect Psychic Damage +38% when Necromancy is active*; Tier 10Level 80:Create Shambling Corpse also heals yourself for 100 healthIndirect Psychic Damage +40% when Necromancy is active*; Tier 11Level 85:Create Shambling Corpse also heals yourself for 110 healthIndirect Psychic Damage +42% when Necromancy is active*; Tier 12Level 90:Create Shambling Corpse also heals yourself for 120 healthIndirect Psychic Damage +44% when Necromancy is active*; Tier 13Level 95:Create Shambling Corpse also heals yourself for 130 healthIndirect Psychic Damage +46% when Necromancy is active*; Tier 14Level 100:Create Shambling Corpse also heals yourself for 140 healthIndirect Psychic Damage +48% when Necromancy is active|Expand}}
| || of Dark Waves || <b>Tier 14Level 100</b> - Wave of Darkness Damage +8156% || Uncommon || Head, MainHand || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|*; Tier 1Level 5:Wave of Darkness Damage +5%*; Level 10:Wave of Darkness Damage +7%*; Level 15:Wave of Darkness Damage +9%*; Level 20:Wave of Darkness Damage +11%*; Level 25:Wave of Darkness Damage +13%*; Tier 2Level 30
:Wave of Darkness Damage +15%
*; Tier 3Level 35:Wave of Darkness Damage +17%*; Level 40
:Wave of Darkness Damage +20%
*; Tier 4Level 45:Wave of Darkness Damage +2523%*; Tier 5Level 50:Wave of Darkness Damage +3026%*; Tier 6Level 55:Wave of Darkness Damage +29%*; Level 60:Wave of Darkness Damage +32%*; Level 65
:Wave of Darkness Damage +35%
*; Tier 7Level 70:Wave of Darkness Damage +4038%*; Tier 8Level 75:Wave of Darkness Damage +4541%*; Tier 9Level 80:Wave of Darkness Damage +44%*; Level 85:Wave of Darkness Damage +47%*; Level 90
:Wave of Darkness Damage +50%
*; Tier 10Level 95:Wave of Darkness Damage +5553%*; Tier 11Level 100:Wave of Darkness Damage +6056%*; Tier 12:Wave of Darkness Damage +65%*; Tier 13:Wave of Darkness Damage +73%*; Tier 14:Wave of Darkness Damage +81%|Expand}}
| || of Crippling Psychic Darkness || <b>Tier 14Level 100</b> - Deathgaze and Wave of Darkness deal +79% damage but have a 10% chance to stun yourself. If you stun yourself, the attack deals +20% 300 Psychic damage over 12 seconds || Uncommon || Head, OffHand || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|*; Tier 1Level 5:Deathgaze and Wave of Darkness deal +10% deals 24 Psychic damage but have a over 12 seconds*; Level 10% chance to stun yourself. If you stun yourself, the attack :Wave of Darkness deals +20% 36 Psychic damageover 12 seconds*; Tier 2Level 15:Deathgaze and Wave of Darkness deal +15% deals 48 Psychic damage but have a 10% chance to stun yourself. If you stun yourself, the attack over 12 seconds*; Level 20:Wave of Darkness deals +20% 60 Psychic damageover 12 seconds*; Tier 3Level 25:Deathgaze and Wave of Darkness deal +20% deals 72 Psychic damage but have a 10% chance to stun yourself. If you stun yourself, the attack over 12 seconds*; Level 30:Wave of Darkness deals +20% 84 Psychic damageover 12 seconds*; Tier 4Level 35:Deathgaze and Wave of Darkness deal +25% deals 96 Psychic damage but have a 10% chance to stun yourself. If you stun yourself, the attack over 12 seconds*; Level 40:Wave of Darkness deals +20% 108 Psychic damageover 12 seconds*; Tier 5Level 45:Deathgaze and Wave of Darkness deal +30% deals 120 Psychic damage but have a 10% chance to stun yourself. If you stun yourself, the attack over 12 seconds*; Level 50:Wave of Darkness deals +20% 132 Psychic damageover 12 seconds*; Tier 6Level 55:Deathgaze and Wave of Darkness deal +35% deals 144 Psychic damage but have a 10% chance to stun yourself. If you stun yourself, the attack over 12 seconds*; Level 60:Wave of Darkness deals +20% 156 Psychic damageover 12 seconds*; Tier 7Level 65:Deathgaze and Wave of Darkness deal +40% damage but have a 10% chance to stun yourself. If you stun yourself, the attack deals +20% 174 Psychic damageover 12 seconds*; Tier 8Level 70:Deathgaze and Wave of Darkness deal +45% damage but have a 10% chance to stun yourself. If you stun yourself, the attack deals +20% 192 Psychic damageover 12 seconds*; Tier 9Level 75:Deathgaze and Wave of Darkness deal +50% damage but have a 10% chance to stun yourself. If you stun yourself, the attack deals +20% 210 Psychic damageover 12 seconds*; Tier 10Level 80:Deathgaze and Wave of Darkness deal +55% damage but have a 10% chance to stun yourself. If you stun yourself, the attack deals +20% 228 Psychic damageover 12 seconds*; Tier 11Level 85:Deathgaze and Wave of Darkness deal +60% damage but have a 10% chance to stun yourself. If you stun yourself, the attack deals +20% 246 Psychic damageover 12 seconds*; Tier 12Level 90:Deathgaze and Wave of Darkness deal +65% damage but have a 10% chance to stun yourself. If you stun yourself, the attack deals +20% 264 Psychic damageover 12 seconds*; Tier 13Level 95:Deathgaze and Wave of Darkness deal +72% damage but have a 10% chance to stun yourself. If you stun yourself, the attack deals +20% 282 Psychic damageover 12 seconds*; Tier 14Level 100:Deathgaze and Wave of Darkness deal +79% damage but have a 10% chance to stun yourself. If you stun yourself, the attack deals +20% 300 Psychic damageover 12 seconds|Expand}}
| || of Dark Life Waves || <b>Tier 14Level 100</b> - Wave of Darkness heals you for 73 health deals +103 damage and reuse timer is -1 second || Uncommon || Chest, Legs || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|*; Tier 1Level 5:Wave of Darkness heals you for deals +8 healthdamage and reuse timer is -1 second*; Tier 2Level 10:Wave of Darkness heals you for deals +13 healthdamage and reuse timer is -1 second*; Tier 3Level 15:Wave of Darkness heals you for deals +18 healthdamage and reuse timer is -1 second*; Tier 4Level 20:Wave of Darkness heals you for deals +23 healthdamage and reuse timer is -1 second*; Tier 5Level 25:Wave of Darkness heals you for deals +28 healthdamage and reuse timer is -1 second*; Tier 6Level 30:Wave of Darkness heals you for deals +33 healthdamage and reuse timer is -1 second*; Tier 7Level 35:Wave of Darkness heals you for deals +38 healthdamage and reuse timer is -1 second*; Tier 8Level 40:Wave of Darkness heals you for deals +43 healthdamage and reuse timer is -1 second*; Tier 9Level 45:Wave of Darkness heals you for deals +48 healthdamage and reuse timer is -1 second*; Tier 10Level 50:Wave of Darkness heals you for deals +53 healthdamage and reuse timer is -1 second*; Tier 11Level 55:Wave of Darkness heals you for deals +58 healthdamage and reuse timer is -1 second*; Tier 12Level 60:Wave of Darkness heals you for deals +63 healthdamage and reuse timer is -1 second*; Tier 13Level 65:Wave of Darkness heals you for deals +68 healthdamage and reuse timer is -1 second*; Tier 14Level 70:Wave of Darkness heals you for deals +73 healthdamage and reuse timer is -1 second*; Level 75:Wave of Darkness deals +78 damage and reuse timer is -1 second*; Level 80:Wave of Darkness deals +83 damage and reuse timer is -1 second*; Level 85:Wave of Darkness deals +88 damage and reuse timer is -1 second*; Level 90:Wave of Darkness deals +93 damage and reuse timer is -1 second*; Level 95:Wave of Darkness deals +98 damage and reuse timer is -1 second*; Level 100:Wave of Darkness deals +103 damage and reuse timer is -1 second|Expand}}
| Fearmongering || of Dark Waves || <b>Tier 14Level 100</b> - Wave of Darkness deals +236 200 damage to sentient creatures || Uncommon || Hands, Feet || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|*; Level 5:Wave of Darkness deals +10 damage to sentient creatures*; Level 10:Wave of Darkness deals +20 damage to sentient creatures*; Level 15:Wave of Darkness deals +30 damage to sentient creatures*; Tier 1Level 20:Wave of Darkness deals +16 40 damage to sentient creatures*; Tier 2Level 25:Wave of Darkness deals +32 50 damage to sentient creatures*; Tier 3Level 30:Wave of Darkness deals +48 60 damage to sentient creatures*; Tier 4Level 35:Wave of Darkness deals +64 70 damage to sentient creatures*; Tier 5Level 40
:Wave of Darkness deals +80 damage to sentient creatures
*; Tier 6Level 45:Wave of Darkness deals +96 90 damage to sentient creatures*; Tier 7Level 50:Wave of Darkness deals +112 100 damage to sentient creatures*; Tier 8Level 55:Wave of Darkness deals +128 110 damage to sentient creatures*; Tier 9Level 60:Wave of Darkness deals +144 120 damage to sentient creatures*; Tier 10Level 65:Wave of Darkness deals +130 damage to sentient creatures*; Level 70:Wave of Darkness deals +140 damage to sentient creatures*; Level 75:Wave of Darkness deals +150 damage to sentient creatures*; Level 80
:Wave of Darkness deals +160 damage to sentient creatures
*; Tier 11Level 85:Wave of Darkness deals +176 170 damage to sentient creatures*; Tier 12Level 90:Wave of Darkness deals +192 180 damage to sentient creatures*; Tier 13Level 95:Wave of Darkness deals +214 190 damage to sentient creatures*; Tier 14Level 100:Wave of Darkness deals +236 200 damage to sentient creatures|Expand}}
| || of Stone Bone Warriors || <b>Tier 14Level 100</b> - All Summoned Skeletons have +54 93 health || Uncommon || OffHand, Chest || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|*; Tier 1Level 5:All Summoned Skeletons have +11 8 health*; Tier 2Level 10:All Summoned Skeletons have +14 12 health*; Tier 3Level 15:All Summoned Skeletons have +17 16 health*; Tier 4Level 20:All Summoned Skeletons have +20 health*; Tier 5Level 25:Summoned Skeletons have +24 health*; Level 30:Summoned Skeletons have +28 health*; Level 35:Summoned Skeletons have +32 health*; Level 40:Summoned Skeletons have +36 health*; Level 45:Summoned Skeletons have +40 health*; Level 50:Summoned Skeletons have +44 health*; Level 55:All Summoned Skeletons have +23 48 health*; Tier 6Level 60:All Summoned Skeletons have +26 53 health*; Tier 7Level 65:All Summoned Skeletons have +29 58 health*; Tier 8Level 70:All Summoned Skeletons have +32 63 health*; Tier 9Level 75:All Summoned Skeletons have +35 68 health*; Tier 10Level 80:All Summoned Skeletons have +38 73 health*; Tier 11Level 85:All Summoned Skeletons have +41 78 health*; Tier 12Level 90:All Summoned Skeletons have +44 83 health*; Tier 13Level 95:All Summoned Skeletons have +49 88 health*; Tier 14Level 100:All Summoned Skeletons have +54 93 health|Expand}}
| || of Plated Bone Warriors || <b>Tier 14Level 100</b> - All Summoned Skeletons have +76 130 armor || Uncommon || OffHand, Feet || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|*; Tier 1Level 5:All Summoned Skeletons have +16 armor*; Tier 2Level 10:All Summoned Skeletons have +22 armor*; Tier 3Level 15:All Summoned Skeletons have +26 28 armor*; Tier 4Level 20:All Summoned Skeletons have +34 armor*; Level 25:Summoned Skeletons have +40 armor*; Level 30 :Summoned Skeletons have +46 armor*; Level 35:Summoned Skeletons have +52 armor*; Tier 5Level 40:Summoned Skeletons have +58 armor*; Level 45:Summoned Skeletons have +64 armor*; Level 50:Summoned Skeletons have +70 armor*; Level 55:All Summoned Skeletons have +34 76 armor*; Tier 6Level 60:All Summoned Skeletons have +38 82 armor*; Tier 7Level 65:All Summoned Skeletons have +42 88 armor*; Tier 8Level 70:All Summoned Skeletons have +46 94 armor*; Tier 9Level 75:All Summoned Skeletons have +50 100 armor*; Tier 10Level 80:All Summoned Skeletons have +54 106 armor*; Tier 11Level 85:All Summoned Skeletons have +58 112 armor*; Tier 12Level 90:All Summoned Skeletons have +62 118 armor*; Tier 13Level 95:All Summoned Skeletons have +69 124 armor*; Tier 14Level 100:All Summoned Skeletons have +76 130 armor|Expand}}
| || of Bone Arrows Violent Skeletons || <b>Tier 14Level 100</b> - Summoned Skeletal Archers and Mages deal +24 50 direct damage with each attack || Uncommon || Hands, Ring || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|*; Level 5:Summoned Skeletal Archers and Mages deal +3 direct damage*; Level 10:Summoned Skeletal Archers and Mages deal +5 direct damage*; Level 15:Summoned Skeletal Archers and Mages deal +7 direct damage*; Level 20:Summoned Skeletal Archers and Mages deal +9 direct damage*; Level 25:Summoned Skeletal Archers and Mages deal +11 direct damage*; Level 30:Summoned Skeletal Archers and Mages deal +13 direct damage*; Tier 1Level 35:Summoned Skeletal Archers and Mages deal +2 15 direct damage with each attack*; Tier 2Level 40:Summoned Skeletal Archers and Mages deal +3 17 direct damage with each attack*; Tier 3Level 45:Summoned Skeletal Archers and Mages deal +5 19 direct damage with each attack*; Tier 4Level 50:Summoned Skeletal Archers and Mages deal +7 21 direct damage with each attack*; Tier 5Level 55:Summoned Skeletal Archers and Mages deal +9 23 direct damage with each attack*; Tier 6Level 60:Summoned Skeletal Archers and Mages deal +11 26 direct damage with each attack*; Tier 7Level 65:Summoned Skeletal Archers and Mages deal +13 29 direct damage with each attack*; Tier 8Level 70:Summoned Skeletal Archers and Mages deal +14 32 direct damage with each attack*; Tier 9Level 75:Summoned Skeletal Archers and Mages deal +15 35 direct damage with each attack*; Tier 10Level 80:Summoned Skeletal Archers and Mages deal +17 38 direct damage with each attack*; Tier 11Level 85:Summoned Skeletal Archers and Mages deal +19 41 direct damage with each attack*; Tier 12Level 90:Summoned Skeletal Archers and Mages deal +20 44 direct damage with each attack*; Tier 13Level 95:Summoned Skeletal Archers and Mages deal +22 47 direct damage with each attack*; Tier 14Level 100:Summoned Skeletal Archers and Mages deal +24 50 direct damage with each attack|Expand}}
| || of Dense Sentries || <b>Tier 14Level 100</b> - Summoned Skeletal Swordsmen have +109 149 armor and +10 Crushing/Slashing/Piercing Mitigation || Uncommon || OffHand, Feet || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|*; Tier 1Level 5:Summoned Skeletal Swordsmen have +10 armorand +1 Crushing/Slashing/Piercing Mitigation*; Tier 2Level 10:Summoned Skeletal Swordsmen have +17 armorand +1 Crushing/Slashing/Piercing Mitigation*; Tier 3Level 15:Summoned Skeletal Swordsmen have +24 armorand +2 Crushing/Slashing/Piercing Mitigation*; Tier 4Level 20:Summoned Skeletal Swordsmen have +31 armorand +2 Crushing/Slashing/Piercing Mitigation*; Tier 5Level 25:Summoned Skeletal Swordsmen have +38 armorand +3 Crushing/Slashing/Piercing Mitigation*; Tier 6Level 30:Summoned Skeletal Swordsmen have +45 armorand +3 Crushing/Slashing/Piercing Mitigation*; Tier 7Level 35:Summoned Skeletal Swordsmen have +52 armorand +4 Crushing/Slashing/Piercing Mitigation*; Tier 8Level 40:Summoned Skeletal Swordsmen have +59 armorand +4 Crushing/Slashing/Piercing Mitigation*; Tier 9Level 45:Summoned Skeletal Swordsmen have +66 armorand +5 Crushing/Slashing/Piercing Mitigation*; Tier 10Level 50:Summoned Skeletal Swordsmen have +73 armorand +5 Crushing/Slashing/Piercing Mitigation*; Tier 11Level 55:Summoned Skeletal Swordsmen have +80 armorand +6 Crushing/Slashing/Piercing Mitigation*; Tier 12Level 60:Summoned Skeletal Swordsmen have +87 armorand +6 Crushing/Slashing/Piercing Mitigation*; Tier 13Level 65:Summoned Skeletal Swordsmen have +98 94 armorand +7 Crushing/Slashing/Piercing Mitigation*; Tier 14Level 70:Summoned Skeletal Swordsmen have +101 armor and +7 Crushing/Slashing/Piercing Mitigation*; Level 75:Summoned Skeletal Swordsmen have +109 armorand +8 Crushing/Slashing/Piercing Mitigation*; Level 80:Summoned Skeletal Swordsmen have +117 armor and +8 Crushing/Slashing/Piercing Mitigation*; Level 85:Summoned Skeletal Swordsmen have +125 armor and +9 Crushing/Slashing/Piercing Mitigation*; Level 90:Summoned Skeletal Swordsmen have +133 armor and +9 Crushing/Slashing/Piercing Mitigation*; Level 95:Summoned Skeletal Swordsmen have +141 armor and +10 Crushing/Slashing/Piercing Mitigation*; Level 100:Summoned Skeletal Swordsmen have +149 armor and +10 Crushing/Slashing/Piercing Mitigation|Expand}}
| || of Fiery Death Zombie Pain Accumulation || <b>Tier 14Level 100</b> - Summoned Skeletal Mages deal Using Raise Zombie on an existing zombie increases its damage +30 direct damage 60 for 5 minutes (this effect stacks with each attack itself) || Uncommon || Head, MainHand || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|*; Tier 1Level 5:Summoned Skeletal Mages deal Using Raise Zombie on an existing zombie increases its damage +4 direct 5 for 5 minutes (this effect stacks with itself)*; Level 10:Using Raise Zombie on an existing zombie increases its damage +7 for 5 minutes (this effect stacks with each attackitself)*; Tier 2Level 15:Summoned Skeletal Mages deal Using Raise Zombie on an existing zombie increases its damage +6 direct 9 for 5 minutes (this effect stacks with itself)*; Level 20:Using Raise Zombie on an existing zombie increases its damage +12 for 5 minutes (this effect stacks with each attackitself)*; Tier 3Level 25:Summoned Skeletal Mages deal Using Raise Zombie on an existing zombie increases its damage +8 direct 15 for 5 minutes (this effect stacks with itself)*; Level 30:Using Raise Zombie on an existing zombie increases its damage +18 for 5 minutes (this effect stacks with each attackitself)*; Tier 4Level 35:Summoned Skeletal Mages deal Using Raise Zombie on an existing zombie increases its damage +10 direct 21 for 5 minutes (this effect stacks with itself)*; Level 40:Using Raise Zombie on an existing zombie increases its damage +24 for 5 minutes (this effect stacks with each attackitself)*; Tier Level 45:Using Raise Zombie on an existing zombie increases its damage +27 for 5minutes (this effect stacks with itself)*; Level 50:Summoned Skeletal Mages deal Using Raise Zombie on an existing zombie increases its damage +12 direct 30 for 5 minutes (this effect stacks with itself)*; Level 55:Using Raise Zombie on an existing zombie increases its damage +33 for 5 minutes (this effect stacks with each attackitself)*; Tier 6Level 60:Summoned Skeletal Mages deal Using Raise Zombie on an existing zombie increases its damage +14 direct damage 36 for 5 minutes (this effect stacks with each attackitself)*; Tier 7Level 65:Summoned Skeletal Mages deal Using Raise Zombie on an existing zombie increases its damage +16 direct damage 39 for 5 minutes (this effect stacks with each attackitself)*; Tier 8Level 70:Summoned Skeletal Mages deal Using Raise Zombie on an existing zombie increases its damage +18 direct damage 42 for 5 minutes (this effect stacks with each attackitself)*; Tier 9Level 75:Summoned Skeletal Mages deal Using Raise Zombie on an existing zombie increases its damage +20 direct damage 45 for 5 minutes (this effect stacks with each attackitself)*; Tier 10Level 80:Summoned Skeletal Mages deal Using Raise Zombie on an existing zombie increases its damage +22 direct damage 48 for 5 minutes (this effect stacks with each attackitself)*; Tier 11Level 85:Summoned Skeletal Mages deal Using Raise Zombie on an existing zombie increases its damage +24 direct damage 51 for 5 minutes (this effect stacks with each attackitself)*; Tier 12Level 90:Summoned Skeletal Mages deal Using Raise Zombie on an existing zombie increases its damage +26 direct damage 54 for 5 minutes (this effect stacks with each attackitself)*; Tier 13Level 95:Summoned Skeletal Mages deal Using Raise Zombie on an existing zombie increases its damage +28 direct damage 57 for 5 minutes (this effect stacks with each attackitself)*; Tier 14Level 100:Summoned Skeletal Mages deal Using Raise Zombie on an existing zombie increases its damage +30 direct damage 60 for 5 minutes (this effect stacks with each attackitself)|Expand}}
| || of Provocation || <b>Tier 14Level 100</b> - Provoke Undead causes target undead your minions to deal +5829% damage for 10 seconds , but also take 175 damage over 10 seconds || Uncommon || MainHand, Feet || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|*; Level 5:Provoke Undead causes your minions to deal +8% damage for 10 seconds, but also take 35 damage over 10 seconds*; Level 10:Provoke Undead causes your minions to deal +9% damage for 10 seconds, but also take 40 damage over 10 seconds*; Tier 1Level 15:Provoke Undead causes target undead your minions to deal +410% damage for 10 seconds, but also take 50 damage over 10 seconds*; Tier 2Level 20:Provoke Undead causes target undead your minions to deal +811% damage for 10 seconds, but also take 55 damage over 10 seconds*; Tier 3Level 25:Provoke Undead causes target undead your minions to deal +12% damage for 10 seconds, but also take 60 damage over 10 seconds*; Level 30:Provoke Undead causes your minions to deal +13% damage for 10 seconds, but also take 70 damage over 10 seconds*; Level 35:Provoke Undead causes your minions to deal +14% damage for 10 seconds, but also take 75 damage over 10 seconds*; Tier 4Level 40:Provoke Undead causes target undead your minions to deal +15% damage for 10 seconds, but also take 80 damage over 10 seconds*; Level 45:Provoke Undead causes your minions to deal +16% damage for 10 seconds, but also take 85 damage over 10 seconds*; Tier 5Level 50:Provoke Undead causes target undead your minions to deal +2017% damage for 10 seconds, but also take 90 damage over 10 seconds*; Tier 6Level 55:Provoke Undead causes target undead your minions to deal +2418% damage for 10 seconds, but also take 95 damage over 10 seconds*; Tier 7Level 60:Provoke Undead causes target undead your minions to deal +2819% damage for 10 seconds, but also take 100 damage over 10 seconds*; Tier 8Level 65:Provoke Undead causes target undead your minions to deal +3221% damage for 10 seconds, but also take 110 damage over 10 seconds*; Tier 9Level 70:Provoke Undead causes target undead your minions to deal +3622% damage for 10 seconds, but also take 120 damage over 10 seconds*; Tier Level 75:Provoke Undead causes your minions to deal +24% damage for 10seconds, but also take 125 damage over 10 seconds*; Level 80:Provoke Undead causes target undead your minions to deal +4025% damage for 10 seconds, but also take 135 damage over 10 seconds*; Tier 11Level 85:Provoke Undead causes target undead your minions to deal +4426% damage for 10 seconds, but also take 145 damage over 10 seconds*; Tier 12Level 90:Provoke Undead causes target undead your minions to deal +4827% damage for 10 seconds, but also take 155 damage over 10 seconds*; Tier 13Level 95:Provoke Undead causes target undead your minions to deal +5328% damage for 10 seconds, but also take 165 damage over 10 seconds*; Tier 14Level 100:Provoke Undead causes target undead your minions to deal +5829% damage for 10 seconds, but also take 175 damage over 10 seconds|Expand}}
| || of Provocation || <b>Tier 14Level 100</b> - Provoke Undead causes target undead your minions to deal +84% 43 damage with their Fire/Ice/Electricity attacks (if any) for 10 seconds || Uncommon || OffHand, Necklace || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|*; Tier 1Level 5:Provoke Undead causes target undead your minions to deal +6% 5 damage with their Fire/Ice/Electricity attacks (if any) for 10 seconds*; Tier 2Level 10:Provoke Undead causes target undead your minions to deal +12% 7 damage with their Fire/Ice/Electricity attacks (if any) for 10 seconds*; Tier 3Level 15:Provoke Undead causes target undead your minions to deal +18% 9 damage with their Fire/Ice/Electricity attacks (if any) for 10 seconds*; Tier 4Level 20:Provoke Undead causes target undead your minions to deal +24% 11 damage with their Fire/Ice/Electricity attacks (if any) for 10 seconds*; Tier 5Level 25:Provoke Undead causes target undead your minions to deal +13 damage for 10 seconds*; Level 30% :Provoke Undead causes your minions to deal +15 damage for 10 seconds*; Level 35:Provoke Undead causes your minions to deal +17 damage for 10 seconds*; Level 40:Provoke Undead causes your minions to deal +19 damage for 10 seconds*; Level 45:Provoke Undead causes your minions to deal +21 damage for 10 seconds*; Level 50:Provoke Undead causes your minions to deal +23 damage with their Fire/Ice/Electricity attacks (if any) for 10 seconds*; Tier 6Level 55:Provoke Undead causes target undead your minions to deal +36% 25 damage with their Fire/Ice/Electricity attacks (if any) for 10 seconds*; Tier 7Level 60:Provoke Undead causes target undead your minions to deal +42% 27 damage with their Fire/Ice/Electricity attacks (if any) for 10 seconds*; Tier 8Level 65:Provoke Undead causes target undead your minions to deal +48% 29 damage with their Fire/Ice/Electricity attacks (if any) for 10 seconds*; Tier 9Level 70:Provoke Undead causes target undead your minions to deal +54% 31 damage with their Fire/Ice/Electricity attacks (if any) for 10 seconds*; Tier Level 75:Provoke Undead causes your minions to deal +33 damage for 10seconds*; Level 80:Provoke Undead causes target undead your minions to deal +60% 35 damage with their Fire/Ice/Electricity attacks (if any) for 10 seconds*; Tier 11Level 85:Provoke Undead causes target undead your minions to deal +66% 37 damage with their Fire/Ice/Electricity attacks (if any) for 10 seconds*; Tier 12Level 90:Provoke Undead causes target undead your minions to deal +72% 39 damage with their Fire/Ice/Electricity attacks (if any) for 10 seconds*; Tier 13Level 95:Provoke Undead causes target undead your minions to deal +78% 41 damage with their Fire/Ice/Electricity attacks (if any) for 10 seconds*; Tier 14Level 100:Provoke Undead causes target undead your minions to deal +84% 43 damage with their Fire/Ice/Electricity attacks (if any) for 10 seconds|Expand}}
| || of Laughing Bone Warriors || <b>Tier 14Level 100</b> - Summoned Skeletal Swordsmen taunt as if they did 6501050% more damage || Uncommon || Hands, Necklace || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|*; Tier 1Level 5
:Summoned Skeletal Swordsmen taunt as if they did 100% more damage
*; Tier 2Level 10
:Summoned Skeletal Swordsmen taunt as if they did 150% more damage
*; Tier 3Level 15
:Summoned Skeletal Swordsmen taunt as if they did 200% more damage
*; Tier 4Level 20
:Summoned Skeletal Swordsmen taunt as if they did 250% more damage
*; Tier 5Level 25
:Summoned Skeletal Swordsmen taunt as if they did 300% more damage
*; Tier 6Level 30
:Summoned Skeletal Swordsmen taunt as if they did 350% more damage
*; Tier 7Level 35
:Summoned Skeletal Swordsmen taunt as if they did 400% more damage
*; Tier 8Level 40
:Summoned Skeletal Swordsmen taunt as if they did 450% more damage
*; Tier 9Level 45
:Summoned Skeletal Swordsmen taunt as if they did 500% more damage
*; Tier 10Level 50
:Summoned Skeletal Swordsmen taunt as if they did 550% more damage
*; Tier 11Level 55
:Summoned Skeletal Swordsmen taunt as if they did 600% more damage
*; Tier 12:Summoned Skeletal Swordsmen taunt as if they did 650% more damage*; Tier 13:Summoned Skeletal Swordsmen taunt as if they did 650% more damage*; Tier 14Level 60
:Summoned Skeletal Swordsmen taunt as if they did 650% more damage
|Expand*; Level 65:Summoned Skeletal Swordsmen taunt as if they did 700% more damage*; Level 70:Summoned Skeletal Swordsmen taunt as if they did 750% more damage*; Level 75:Summoned Skeletal Swordsmen taunt as if they did 800% more damage*; Level 80:Summoned Skeletal Swordsmen taunt as if they did 850% more damage*; Level 85:Summoned Skeletal Swordsmen taunt as if they did 900% more damage*; Level 90:Summoned Skeletal Swordsmen taunt as if they did 950% more damage*; Level 95:Summoned Skeletal Swordsmen taunt as if they did 1000% more damage*; Level 100:Summoned Skeletal Swordsmen taunt as if they did 1050% more damage}}
| || of Provocation Death Gazes || <b>Tier 14Level 100</b> - Provoke Undead causes target undead to recover 62 Armor Deathgaze deals +132 damage and reuse timer is -3 seconds || Uncommon || Hands, Feet || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|*; Level 5:Deathgaze deals +10 damage and reuse timer is -1 second*; Tier Level 10:Deathgaze deals +16 damage and reuse timer is -1second*; Level 15:Provoke Undead causes target undead to recover 6 ArmorDeathgaze deals +22 damage and reuse timer is -1 second*; Level 20:Deathgaze deals +28 damage and reuse timer is -1 second*; Level 25:Deathgaze deals +34 damage and reuse timer is -1 second*; Level 30:Deathgaze deals +40 damage and reuse timer is -1 second*; Tier Level 35:Deathgaze deals +46 damage and reuse timer is -2second*; Level 40:Provoke Undead causes target undead to recover 10 ArmorDeathgaze deals +52 damage and reuse timer is -2 seconds*; Tier 3Level 45:Provoke Undead causes target undead to recover 14 ArmorDeathgaze deals +58 damage and reuse timer is -2 seconds*; Tier 4Level 50:Provoke Undead causes target undead to recover 18 ArmorDeathgaze deals +64 damage and reuse timer is -2 seconds*; Tier 5Level 55:Provoke Undead causes target undead to recover 22 ArmorDeathgaze deals +70 damage and reuse timer is -2 seconds*; Tier 6Level 60:Provoke Undead causes target undead to recover 26 ArmorDeathgaze deals +76 damage and reuse timer is -2 seconds*; Tier 7Level 65:Provoke Undead causes target undead to recover 30 ArmorDeathgaze deals +83 damage and reuse timer is -3 seconds*; Tier 8Level 70:Provoke Undead causes target undead to recover 34 ArmorDeathgaze deals +90 damage and reuse timer is -3 seconds*; Tier 9Level 75:Provoke Undead causes target undead to recover 38 ArmorDeathgaze deals +97 damage and reuse timer is -3 seconds*; Tier 10Level 80:Provoke Undead causes target undead to recover 42 ArmorDeathgaze deals +104 damage and reuse timer is -3 seconds*; Tier 11Level 85:Provoke Undead causes target undead to recover 46 ArmorDeathgaze deals +111 damage and reuse timer is -3 seconds*; Tier 12Level 90:Provoke Undead causes target undead to recover 50 ArmorDeathgaze deals +118 damage and reuse timer is -3 seconds*; Tier 13Level 95:Provoke Undead causes target undead to recover 56 ArmorDeathgaze deals +125 damage and reuse timer is -3 seconds*; Tier 14Level 100:Provoke Undead causes target undead to recover 62 ArmorDeathgaze deals +132 damage and reuse timer is -3 seconds|Expand}}
| || || <b>Tier 14Level 100</b> - Summoned Skeletal Archers and Mages regenerate Indirect Fire Damage +17 health every update, both in and out of combat 30% when Necromancy is active || Rare || Hands, Necklace || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|*; Level 5:Indirect Fire Damage +5% when Necromancy is active*; Level 10:Indirect Fire Damage +6% when Necromancy is active*; Level 15:Indirect Fire Damage +7% when Necromancy is active*; Level 20:Indirect Fire Damage +8% when Necromancy is active*; Level 25:Indirect Fire Damage +9% when Necromancy is active*; Tier 1Level 30:Summoned Skeletal Archers and Mages regenerate Indirect Fire Damage +2 health every update, both in and out of combat10% when Necromancy is active*; Level 35:Indirect Fire Damage +11% when Necromancy is active*; Tier 2Level 40:Summoned Skeletal Archers and Mages regenerate Indirect Fire Damage +3 health every update, both in and out of combat12% when Necromancy is active*; Tier 3Level 45:Summoned Skeletal Archers and Mages regenerate Indirect Fire Damage +4 health every update, both in and out of combat13% when Necromancy is active*; Tier 4Level 50:Summoned Skeletal Archers and Mages regenerate Indirect Fire Damage +5 health every update, both in and out of combat14% when Necromancy is active*; Tier 5Level 55:Summoned Skeletal Archers and Mages regenerate Indirect Fire Damage +6 health every update, both in and out of combat15% when Necromancy is active*; Tier 6Level 60:Summoned Skeletal Archers and Mages regenerate Indirect Fire Damage +7 health every update, both in and out of combat16% when Necromancy is active*; Tier 7Level 65:Summoned Skeletal Archers and Mages regenerate Indirect Fire Damage +8 health every update, both in and out of combat17% when Necromancy is active*; Tier 8Level 70:Summoned Skeletal Archers and Mages regenerate Indirect Fire Damage +9 health every update, both in and out of combat18% when Necromancy is active*; Tier 9Level 75:Summoned Skeletal Archers and Mages regenerate Indirect Fire Damage +10 health every update, both in and out of combat20% when Necromancy is active*; Tier 10Level 80:Summoned Skeletal Archers and Mages regenerate Indirect Fire Damage +11 health every update, both in and out of combat22% when Necromancy is active*; Tier 11Level 85:Summoned Skeletal Archers and Mages regenerate Indirect Fire Damage +12 health every update, both in and out of combat24% when Necromancy is active*; Tier 12Level 90:Summoned Skeletal Archers and Mages regenerate Indirect Fire Damage +13 health every update, both in and out of combat26% when Necromancy is active*; Tier 13Level 95:Summoned Skeletal Archers and Mages regenerate Indirect Fire Damage +15 health every update, both in and out of combat28% when Necromancy is active*; Tier 14Level 100:Summoned Skeletal Archers and Mages regenerate Indirect Fire Damage +17 health every update, both in and out of combat30% when Necromancy is active|Expand}}
| || || <b>Tier 14Level 100</b> - Summoned Skeletal Swordsmen regenerate Using Raise Zombie on an existing zombie raises its Max Health +22 armor every update, both in 195 for 60 seconds (and out of combat heals +195) || Uncommon || Chest, Ring || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|*; Level 5:Using Raise Zombie on an existing zombie raises its Max Health +8 for 60 seconds (and heals +8)*; Level 10:Using Raise Zombie on an existing zombie raises its Max Health +15 for 60 seconds (and heals +15)*; Tier 1Level 15:Summoned Skeletal Swordsmen regenerate Using Raise Zombie on an existing zombie raises its Max Health +3 armor every update, both in 25 for 60 seconds (and heals +25)*; Level 20:Using Raise Zombie on an existing zombie raises its Max Health +35 for 60 seconds (and heals +35)*; Level 25:Using Raise Zombie on an existing zombie raises its Max Health +45 for 60 seconds (and heals +45)*; Level 30:Using Raise Zombie on an existing zombie raises its Max Health +55 for 60 seconds (and out of combatheals +55)*; Tier 2Level 35:Summoned Skeletal Swordsmen regenerate Using Raise Zombie on an existing zombie raises its Max Health +5 armor every update, both in 65 for 60 seconds (and heals +65)*; Level 40:Using Raise Zombie on an existing zombie raises its Max Health +75 for 60 seconds (and out of combatheals +75)*; Tier 3Level 45:Summoned Skeletal Swordsmen regenerate Using Raise Zombie on an existing zombie raises its Max Health +7 armor every update, both in 85 for 60 seconds (and out of combatheals +85)*; Tier 4Level 50:Summoned Skeletal Swordsmen regenerate Using Raise Zombie on an existing zombie raises its Max Health +9 armor every update, both in 95 for 60 seconds (and out of combatheals +95)*; Tier 5Level 55:Summoned Skeletal Swordsmen regenerate Using Raise Zombie on an existing zombie raises its Max Health +10 armor every update, both in 105 for 60 seconds (and out of combatheals +105)*; Tier 6Level 60:Summoned Skeletal Swordsmen regenerate Using Raise Zombie on an existing zombie raises its Max Health +11 armor every update, both in 115 for 60 seconds (and out of combatheals +115)*; Tier 7Level 65:Summoned Skeletal Swordsmen regenerate Using Raise Zombie on an existing zombie raises its Max Health +12 armor every update, both in 125 for 60 seconds (and out of combatheals +125)*; Tier 8Level 70:Summoned Skeletal Swordsmen regenerate Using Raise Zombie on an existing zombie raises its Max Health +14 armor every update, both in 135 for 60 seconds (and out of combatheals +135)*; Tier 9Level 75:Summoned Skeletal Swordsmen regenerate Using Raise Zombie on an existing zombie raises its Max Health +15 armor every update, both in 145 for 60 seconds (and out of combatheals +145)*; Tier 10Level 80:Summoned Skeletal Swordsmen regenerate Using Raise Zombie on an existing zombie raises its Max Health +16 armor every update, both in 155 for 60 seconds (and out of combatheals +155)*; Tier 11Level 85:Summoned Skeletal Swordsmen regenerate Using Raise Zombie on an existing zombie raises its Max Health +17 armor every update, both in 165 for 60 seconds (and out of combatheals +165)*; Tier 12Level 90:Summoned Skeletal Swordsmen regenerate Using Raise Zombie on an existing zombie raises its Max Health +18 armor every update, both in 175 for 60 seconds (and out of combatheals +175)*; Tier 13Level 95:Summoned Skeletal Swordsmen regenerate Using Raise Zombie on an existing zombie raises its Max Health +20 armor every update, both in 185 for 60 seconds (and out of combatheals +185)*; Tier 14Level 100:Summoned Skeletal Swordsmen regenerate Using Raise Zombie on an existing zombie raises its Max Health +22 armor every update, both in 195 for 60 seconds (and out of combatheals +195)|Expand}}
| || of Angry Bone Warriors || <b>Tier 7Level 100</b> - Summoned Skeletal Swordsmen have 60-55% less Max Rage, allowing them to use their stun attack more often - <span style="color:red"><b>THIS MOD IS RETIRED. IF YOUR GEAR HAS IT, IT'LL BREAK SOON UNLESS YOU TRANSMUTE IT AWAY(DEPRECATED)</b></span> || Uncommon || Head || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|*; Tier 1Level 10:Summoned Skeletal Swordsmen have -10% less Max Rage, allowing them to use their stun attack more often<span style="color:red"><b>(DEPRECATED)</b></span>*; Tier 2Level 20:Summoned Skeletal Swordsmen have 17-15% less Max Rage, allowing them to use their stun attack more often<span style="color:red"><b>(DEPRECATED)</b></span>*; Tier 3Level 30:Summoned Skeletal Swordsmen have -20% Max Rage, allowing them to use their stun attack more often <span style="color:red"><b>(DEPRECATED)</b></span>*; Level 40:Summoned Skeletal Swordsmen have -25% less Max Rage, allowing them to use their stun attack more often<span style="color:red"><b>(DEPRECATED)</b></span>*; Level 50:Summoned Skeletal Swordsmen have -30% Max Rage, allowing them to use their stun attack more often <span style="color:red"><b>(DEPRECATED)</b></span>*; Tier 4Level 60:Summoned Skeletal Swordsmen have 32-35% less Max Rage, allowing them to use their stun attack more often<span style="color:red"><b>(DEPRECATED)</b></span>*; Tier 5Level 70:Summoned Skeletal Swordsmen have -40% less Max Rage, allowing them to use their stun attack more often<span style="color:red"><b>(DEPRECATED)</b></span>*; Tier 6Level 80:Summoned Skeletal Swordsmen have -45% Max Rage, allowing them to use their stun attack more often <span style="color:red"><b>(DEPRECATED)</b></span>*; Level 90:Summoned Skeletal Swordsmen have -50% less Max Rage, allowing them to use their stun attack more often<span style="color:red"><b>(DEPRECATED)</b></span>*; Tier 7Level 100:Summoned Skeletal Swordsmen have 60-55% less Max Rage, allowing them to use their stun attack more often<span style="color:red"><b>(DEPRECATED)</b></span>|Expand}}
| || of Self-Provocation || <b>Tier 14Level 100</b> - Provoke Undead restores 46 64 Health to you and causes your attacks to taunt +20% for 10 seconds || Uncommon || Head, MainHand || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|*; Tier 1Level 5
:Provoke Undead restores 7 Health to you and causes your attacks to taunt +20% for 10 seconds
*; Tier 2Level 10
:Provoke Undead restores 10 Health to you and causes your attacks to taunt +20% for 10 seconds
*; Tier 3Level 15
:Provoke Undead restores 13 Health to you and causes your attacks to taunt +20% for 10 seconds
*; Tier 4Level 20
:Provoke Undead restores 16 Health to you and causes your attacks to taunt +20% for 10 seconds
*; Tier 5Level 25
:Provoke Undead restores 19 Health to you and causes your attacks to taunt +20% for 10 seconds
*; Tier 6Level 30
:Provoke Undead restores 22 Health to you and causes your attacks to taunt +20% for 10 seconds
*; Tier 7Level 35
:Provoke Undead restores 25 Health to you and causes your attacks to taunt +20% for 10 seconds
*; Tier 8Level 40
:Provoke Undead restores 28 Health to you and causes your attacks to taunt +20% for 10 seconds
*; Tier 9Level 45
:Provoke Undead restores 31 Health to you and causes your attacks to taunt +20% for 10 seconds
*; Tier 10Level 50
:Provoke Undead restores 34 Health to you and causes your attacks to taunt +20% for 10 seconds
*; Tier 11Level 55
:Provoke Undead restores 37 Health to you and causes your attacks to taunt +20% for 10 seconds
*; Tier 12Level 60
:Provoke Undead restores 40 Health to you and causes your attacks to taunt +20% for 10 seconds
*; Tier 13Level 65
:Provoke Undead restores 43 Health to you and causes your attacks to taunt +20% for 10 seconds
*; Tier 14Level 70
:Provoke Undead restores 46 Health to you and causes your attacks to taunt +20% for 10 seconds
|Expand*; Level 75:Provoke Undead restores 49 Health to you and causes your attacks to taunt +20% for 10 seconds*; Level 80:Provoke Undead restores 52 Health to you and causes your attacks to taunt +20% for 10 seconds*; Level 85:Provoke Undead restores 55 Health to you and causes your attacks to taunt +20% for 10 seconds*; Level 90:Provoke Undead restores 58 Health to you and causes your attacks to taunt +20% for 10 seconds*; Level 95:Provoke Undead restores 61 Health to you and causes your attacks to taunt +20% for 10 seconds*; Level 100:Provoke Undead restores 64 Health to you and causes your attacks to taunt +20% for 10 seconds}}
| || of Supercharged Provocation || <b>Tier 14Level 100</b> - Provoke Undead causes target undead deals 72 damage to your minions, who then deal +94% 72 damage for 10 seconds, but also take 116 Health damage after a 10-second delay || Uncommon || Feet, Ring || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|*; Tier 1Level 5:Provoke Undead causes target undead deals 15 damage to your minions, who then deal +7% 15 damage for 10 seconds*; Level 10:Provoke Undead deals 18 damage to your minions, but also take 12 Health who then deal +18 damage after a for 10-second delayseconds*; Tier 2Level 15:Provoke Undead causes target undead deals 21 damage to your minions, who then deal +12% 21 damage for 10 seconds*; Level 20:Provoke Undead deals 24 damage to your minions, but also take 20 Health who then deal +24 damage after a for 10-second delayseconds*; Tier 3Level 25:Provoke Undead causes target undead deals 27 damage to your minions, who then deal +17% 27 damage for 10 seconds*; Level 30:Provoke Undead deals 30 damage to your minions, but also take 28 Health who then deal +30 damage after a for 10-second delayseconds*; Tier 4Level 35:Provoke Undead causes target undead deals 33 damage to your minions, who then deal +24% 33 damage for 10 seconds*; Level 40:Provoke Undead deals 36 damage to your minions, but also take who then deal +36 Health damage after a for 10-second delayseconds*; Tier 5Level 45:Provoke Undead causes target undead deals 39 damage to your minions, who then deal +31% 39 damage for 10 seconds, but also take 44 Health damage after a 10-second delay*; Tier 6Level 50:Provoke Undead causes target undead deals 42 damage to your minions, who then deal +38% 42 damage for 10 seconds, but also take 52 Health damage after a 10-second delay*; Tier 7Level 55:Provoke Undead causes target undead deals 45 damage to your minions, who then deal +45% damage for 10 seconds*; Level 60:Provoke Undead deals 48 damage to your minions, but also take 60 Health who then deal +48 damage after a for 10-second delayseconds*; Tier 8Level 65:Provoke Undead causes target undead deals 51 damage to your minions, who then deal +52% 51 damage for 10 seconds*; Level 70:Provoke Undead deals 54 damage to your minions, but also take 68 Health who then deal +54 damage after a for 10-second delayseconds*; Tier 9Level 75:Provoke Undead causes target undead deals 57 damage to your minions, who then deal +59% 57 damage for 10 seconds, but also take 76 Health damage after a 10-second delay*; Tier 10Level 80:Provoke Undead causes target undead deals 60 damage to your minions, who then deal +66% 60 damage for 10 seconds, but also take 84 Health damage after a 10-second delay*; Tier 11Level 85:Provoke Undead causes target undead deals 63 damage to your minions, who then deal +73% 63 damage for 10 seconds, but also take 92 Health damage after a 10-second delay*; Tier 12Level 90:Provoke Undead causes target undead deals 66 damage to your minions, who then deal +80% 66 damage for 10 seconds, but also take 100 Health damage after a 10-second delay*; Tier 13Level 95:Provoke Undead causes target undead deals 69 damage to your minions, who then deal +87% 69 damage for 10 seconds, but also take 108 Health damage after a 10-second delay*; Tier 14Level 100:Provoke Undead causes target undead deals 72 damage to your minions, who then deal +94% 72 damage for 10 seconds, but also take 116 Health damage after a 10-second delay|Expand}}
| Chirurgeon's || || <b>Tier 14Level 100</b> - Heal Undead and Rebuild Undead restore +19 38 Health/Armor || Uncommon || Head, MainHand || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|*; Tier 1:Heal Undead and Rebuild Undead restore +6 Health/Armor*; Tier 2:Heal Undead and Rebuild Undead restore +7 Health/Armor*; Tier 3:Heal Undead and Rebuild Undead restore +8 Health/Armor*; Tier 4:Heal Undead and Rebuild Undead restore +9 Health/Armor*; Tier Level 5
:Heal Undead and Rebuild Undead restore +10 Health/Armor
*; Tier 6Level 10
:Heal Undead and Rebuild Undead restore +11 Health/Armor
*; Tier 7Level 15
:Heal Undead and Rebuild Undead restore +12 Health/Armor
*; Tier 8Level 20
:Heal Undead and Rebuild Undead restore +13 Health/Armor
*; Tier 9Level 25
:Heal Undead and Rebuild Undead restore +14 Health/Armor
*; Tier 10Level 30
:Heal Undead and Rebuild Undead restore +15 Health/Armor
*; Tier 11Level 35
:Heal Undead and Rebuild Undead restore +16 Health/Armor
*; Tier 12Level 40
:Heal Undead and Rebuild Undead restore +17 Health/Armor
*; Tier 13Level 45
:Heal Undead and Rebuild Undead restore +18 Health/Armor
*; Tier 14Level 50
:Heal Undead and Rebuild Undead restore +19 Health/Armor
|Expand*; Level 55:Heal Undead and Rebuild Undead restore +20 Health/Armor*; Level 60:Heal Undead and Rebuild Undead restore +22 Health/Armor*; Level 65:Heal Undead and Rebuild Undead restore +24 Health/Armor*; Level 70:Heal Undead and Rebuild Undead restore +26 Health/Armor*; Level 75:Heal Undead and Rebuild Undead restore +28 Health/Armor*; Level 80:Heal Undead and Rebuild Undead restore +30 Health/Armor*; Level 85:Heal Undead and Rebuild Undead restore +32 Health/Armor*; Level 90:Heal Undead and Rebuild Undead restore +34 Health/Armor*; Level 95:Heal Undead and Rebuild Undead restore +36 Health/Armor*; Level 100:Heal Undead and Rebuild Undead restore +38 Health/Armor}}
| Chirurgeon's || || <b>Tier 7Level 100</b> - Heal Undead restores +22 health/armor and grants target undead +13 17 Mitigation from all attacks for 8 seconds || Rare || Feet || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|*; Tier 1Level 10:Heal Undead restores +4 health/armor and grants target undead +4 Mitigation from all attacks for 8 seconds*; Tier 2Level 20:Heal Undead restores +6 health/armor and grants target undead +5 Mitigation from all attacks for 8 seconds*; Tier 3Level 30:Heal Undead restores +8 health/armor and grants target undead +6 Mitigation from all attacks for 8 seconds*; Tier 4Level 40:Heal Undead restores +10 health/armor and grants target undead +7 Mitigation from all attacks for 8 seconds*; Tier 5Level 50:Heal Undead restores +12 health/armor and grants target undead +8 Mitigation from all attacks for 8 seconds*; Tier 6Level 60:Heal Undead restores +14 health/armor and grants target undead +9 Mitigation from all attacks for 8 seconds*; Tier 7Level 70:Heal Undead restores +16 health/armor and grants target undead +11 Mitigation from all attacks for 8 seconds*; Level 80:Heal Undead restores +18 health/armor and grants target undead +13 Mitigation from all attacks for 8 seconds|Expand*; Level 90:Heal Undead restores +20 health/armor and grants target undead +15 Mitigation from all attacks for 8 seconds*; Level 100:Heal Undead restores +22 health/armor and grants target undead +17 Mitigation from all attacks for 8 seconds}}
| || || <b>Tier 14Level 100</b> - Heal Undead restores +18 Health/Armor and boosts your next attack +41 117 if it is a Darkness attack || Uncommon || OffHand, Ring || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|*; Tier 1Level 5:Heal Undead restores boosts your next attack +5 Health/Armor and if it is a Darkness attack*; Level 10:Heal Undead boosts your next attack +5 10 if it is a Darkness attack*; Tier 2Level 15:Heal Undead restores boosts your next attack +6 Health/Armor and 15 if it is a Darkness attack*; Level 20:Heal Undead boosts your next attack +7 21 if it is a Darkness attack*; Tier 3Level 25:Heal Undead restores boosts your next attack +7 Health/Armor and 27 if it is a Darkness attack*; Level 30:Heal Undead boosts your next attack +9 33 if it is a Darkness attack*; Tier 4Level 35:Heal Undead restores boosts your next attack +8 Health/Armor and 39 if it is a Darkness attack*; Level 40:Heal Undead boosts your next attack +11 45 if it is a Darkness attack*; Tier 5Level 45:Heal Undead restores boosts your next attack +9 Health/Armor and 51 if it is a Darkness attack*; Level 50:Heal Undead boosts your next attack +13 57 if it is a Darkness attack*; Tier 6Level 55:Heal Undead restores boosts your next attack +10 Health/Armor and 63 if it is a Darkness attack*; Level 60:Heal Undead boosts your next attack +15 69 if it is a Darkness attack*; Tier 7Level 65:Heal Undead restores +11 Health/Armor and boosts your next attack +17 75 if it is a Darkness attack*; Tier 8Level 70:Heal Undead restores +12 Health/Armor and boosts your next attack +19 81 if it is a Darkness attack*; Tier 9Level 75:Heal Undead restores +13 Health/Armor and boosts your next attack +21 87 if it is a Darkness attack*; Tier 10Level 80:Heal Undead restores +14 Health/Armor and boosts your next attack +23 93 if it is a Darkness attack*; Tier 11Level 85:Heal Undead restores +15 Health/Armor and boosts your next attack +25 99 if it is a Darkness attack*; Tier 12Level 90:Heal Undead restores +16 Health/Armor and boosts your next attack +27 105 if it is a Darkness attack*; Tier 13Level 95:Heal Undead restores +17 Health/Armor and boosts your next attack +34 111 if it is a Darkness attack*; Tier 14Level 100:Heal Undead restores +18 Health/Armor and boosts your next attack +41 117 if it is a Darkness attack|Expand}}
| || || <b>Tier 14Level 100</b> - Heal Undead restores +12 an additional 156 Health/Armor and boosts targets' Slashing damage +6 for 8 over 12 seconds || Uncommon || MainHand, Legs || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|*; Level 5:Heal Undead restores an additional 4 Health/Armor over 12 seconds*; Tier 1Level 10:Heal Undead restores +1 an additional 12 Health/Armor and boosts targets' Slashing damage +1 for 8 over 12 seconds*; Tier 2Level 15:Heal Undead restores +2 an additional 20 Health/Armor and boosts targets' Slashing damage +1 for 8 over 12 seconds*; Tier 3Level 20:Heal Undead restores +3 an additional 28 Health/Armor and boosts targets' Slashing damage +2 for 8 over 12 seconds*; Tier 4Level 25:Heal Undead restores an additional 36 Health/Armor over 12 seconds*; Level 30:Heal Undead restores +4 an additional 44 Health/Armor and boosts targets' Slashing damage +2 for 8 over 12 seconds*; Tier 5Level 35:Heal Undead restores +5 an additional 52 Health/Armor and boosts targets' Slashing damage +3 for 8 over 12 seconds*; Tier 6Level 40:Heal Undead restores +6 an additional 60 Health/Armor and boosts targets' Slashing damage +3 for 8 over 12 seconds*; Tier 7Level 45:Heal Undead restores +7 an additional 68 Health/Armor and boosts targets' Slashing damage +4 for 8 over 12 seconds*; Tier 8Level 50:Heal Undead restores +8 an additional 76 Health/Armor and boosts targets' Slashing damage +4 for 8 over 12 seconds*; Tier 9Level 55:Heal Undead restores +9 an additional 84 Health/Armor and boosts targets' Slashing damage +5 for 8 over 12 seconds*; Tier 10Level 60:Heal Undead restores +10 an additional 92 Health/Armor and boosts targets' Slashing damage +5 for 8 over 12 seconds*; Tier 11Level 65:Heal Undead restores +11 an additional 100 Health/Armor and boosts targets' Slashing damage +6 for 8 over 12 seconds*; Tier Level 70:Heal Undead restores an additional 108 Health/Armor over 12seconds*; Level 75:Heal Undead restores +an additional 116 Health/Armor over 12 seconds*; Level 80:Heal Undead restores an additional 124 Health/Armor and boosts targets' Slashing damage +6 for 8 over 12 seconds*; Tier 13Level 85:Heal Undead restores +an additional 132 Health/Armor over 12 seconds*; Level 90:Heal Undead restores an additional 140 Health/Armor and boosts targets' Slashing damage +6 for 8 over 12 seconds*; Tier 14Level 95:Heal Undead restores +an additional 148 Health/Armor over 12 seconds*; Level 100:Heal Undead restores an additional 156 Health/Armor and boosts targets' Slashing damage +6 for 8 over 12 seconds|Expand}}
| || of Heated Bones || <b>Tier 7Level 100</b> - Summoned Skeletons deal +12 18% direct damage with each attack, but take 120+50% more damage from any cold attacks || Uncommon || Ring, MainHand || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|*; Tier 1Level 10:Summoned Skeletons deal +2 4% direct damage with each attack, but take +5% more damage from cold attacks*; Level 20:Summoned Skeletons deal +5% direct damage, but take +10% more damage from any cold attacks*; Tier 2Level 30:Summoned Skeletons deal +4 6% direct damage with each attack, but take 40+15% more damage from any cold attacks*; Tier 3Level 40:Summoned Skeletons deal +6 7% direct damage with each attack, but take 60+20% more damage from any cold attacks*; Tier 4Level 50:Summoned Skeletons deal +8 % direct damage with each attack, but take 80+25% more damage from any cold attacks*; Tier 5Level 60:Summoned Skeletons deal +10 % direct damage with each attack, but take 100+30% more damage from any cold attacks*; Tier 6Level 70:Summoned Skeletons deal +12 % direct damage with each attack, but take 120+35% more damage from any cold attacks*; Tier 7Level 80:Summoned Skeletons deal +14% direct damage, but take +40% more damage from cold attacks*; Level 90:Summoned Skeletons deal +16% direct damage, but take +45% more damage from cold attacks*; Level 100:Summoned Skeletons deal +12 18% direct damage with each attack, but take 120+50% more damage from any cold attacks|Expand}}
| || of Fragile Bones the Nibbled Heart || <b>Tier 7Level 100</b> - Summoned Skeletal Mages deal +13 direct damage with each attack, but take 60Heart's Power has a 36% more damage from any slashing, piercing, or crushing attacks - chance to not actually consume the heart(s) <span style="color:red"><b>THIS MOD IS RETIRED. IF YOUR GEAR HAS IT, IT'LL BREAK SOON UNLESS YOU TRANSMUTE IT AWAY(DEPRECATED)</b></span> || None Uncommon || Head || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|*; Level 10:Heart's Power has a 5% chance to not actually consume the heart(s) <span style="color:red"><b>(DEPRECATED)</b></span>*; Level 20:Heart's Power has a 8% chance to not actually consume the heart(s) <span style="color:red"><b>(DEPRECATED)</b></span>*; Tier 1Level 30:Summoned Skeletal Mages deal +3 direct damage with each attack, but take 10Heart's Power has a 11% more damage from any slashing, piercing, or crushing attackschance to not actually consume the heart(s) <span style="color:red"><b>(DEPRECATED)</b></span>*; Tier 2Level 40:Summoned Skeletal Mages deal +5 direct damage with each attack, but take 20Heart's Power has a 14% more damage from any slashing, piercing, or crushing attackschance to not actually consume the heart(s) <span style="color:red"><b>(DEPRECATED)</b></span>*; Tier 3Level 50:Summoned Skeletal Mages deal +7 direct damage with each attack, but take 30Heart's Power has a 17% chance to not actually consume the heart(s) <span style="color:red"><b>(DEPRECATED)</b></span>*; Level 60:Heart's Power has a 20% more damage from any slashing, piercing, or crushing attackschance to not actually consume the heart(s) <span style="color:red"><b>(DEPRECATED)</b></span>*; Tier 4Level 70:Summoned Skeletal Mages deal +9 direct damage with each attack, but take 40Heart's Power has a 24% more damage from any slashing, piercing, or crushing attackschance to not actually consume the heart(s) <span style="color:red"><b>(DEPRECATED)</b></span>*; Tier 5Level 80:Summoned Skeletal Mages deal +11 direct damage with each attack, but take 50Heart's Power has a 28% more damage from any slashing, piercing, or crushing attackschance to not actually consume the heart(s) <span style="color:red"><b>(DEPRECATED)</b></span>*; Tier 6Level 90:Summoned Skeletal Mages deal +13 direct damage with each attack, but take 60Heart's Power has a 32% more damage from any slashing, piercing, or crushing attackschance to not actually consume the heart(s) <span style="color:red"><b>(DEPRECATED)</b></span>*; Tier 7Level 100:Summoned Skeletal Mages deal +13 direct damage with each attack, but take 60Heart's Power has a 36% more damage from any slashing, piercing, or crushing attackschance to not actually consume the heart(s) <span style="color:red"><b>(DEPRECATED)</b></span>|Expand}}
| || of Fragile Bones || <b>Tier 7Level 100</b> - Summoned Skeletal Archers and Mages deal +13 28% direct damage with each attack, but take 60+25% more damage from any slashing, piercing, or crushing attacks || Rare || Legs, Necklace || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|*; Tier 1Level 10:Summoned Skeletal Archers and Mages deal +3 6% direct damage with each attack, but take 10+7% more damage from any slashingcrushing attacks*; Level 20:Summoned Skeletal Archers and Mages deal +8% direct damage, piercingbut take +9% damage from crushing attacks*; Level 30:Summoned Skeletal Archers and Mages deal +10% direct damage, or but take +11% damage from crushing attacks*; Tier 2Level 40:Summoned Skeletal Archers and Mages deal +5 12% direct damage with each attack, but take 20+13% more damage from any slashingcrushing attacks*; Level 50:Summoned Skeletal Archers and Mages deal +14% direct damage, piercing, or but take +15% damage from crushing attacks*; Tier 3Level 60:Summoned Skeletal Archers and Mages deal +7 16% direct damage with each attack, but take 30+17% more damage from any slashing, piercing, or crushing attacks*; Tier 4Level 70:Summoned Skeletal Archers and Mages deal +9 19% direct damage with each attack, but take 40+19% more damage from any slashing, piercing, or crushing attacks*; Tier 5Level 80:Summoned Skeletal Archers and Mages deal +11 22% direct damage with each attack, but take 50+21% more damage from any slashing, piercing, or crushing attacks*; Tier 6Level 90:Summoned Skeletal Archers and Mages deal +13 25% direct damage with each attack, but take 60+23% more damage from any slashing, piercing, or crushing attacks*; Tier 7Level 100:Summoned Skeletal Archers and Mages deal +13 28% direct damage with each attack, but take 60+25% more damage from any slashing, piercing, or crushing attacks|Expand}}
| || of Anti-Nature Unnatural Skeletons || <b>Tier 7Level 100</b> - All Summoned Skeletons Skeletal Archers and Mages deal +10 25% direct damage with each attack, but are instantly destroyed by ANY Nature attack take +50% damage from nature attacks || Rare || Head || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|*; Tier 1Level 10:All Summoned Skeletons Skeletal Archers and Mages deal +5% direct damage, but take +5% damage from nature attacks*; Level 20:Summoned Skeletal Archers and Mages deal +7% direct damage, but take +10% damage from nature attacks*; Level 30:Summoned Skeletal Archers and Mages deal +9% direct damage, but take +15% damage from nature attacks*; Level 40:Summoned Skeletal Archers and Mages deal +1 11% direct damage with each attack, but are instantly destroyed by ANY Nature attacktake +20% damage from nature attacks*; Tier 2Level 50:All Summoned Skeletons Skeletal Archers and Mages deal +2 13% direct damage with each attack, but are instantly destroyed by ANY Nature attacktake +25% damage from nature attacks*; Tier 3Level 60:All Summoned Skeletons Skeletal Archers and Mages deal +4 15% direct damage with each attack, but are instantly destroyed by ANY Nature attacktake +30% damage from nature attacks*; Tier 4Level 70:All Summoned Skeletons Skeletal Archers and Mages deal +6 17% direct damage with each attack, but are instantly destroyed by ANY Nature attacktake +35% damage from nature attacks*; Tier 5Level 80:All Summoned Skeletons Skeletal Archers and Mages deal +8 20% direct damage with each attack, but are instantly destroyed by ANY Nature attacktake +40% damage from nature attacks*; Tier 6Level 90:All Summoned Skeletons Skeletal Archers and Mages deal +10 22% direct damage with each attack, but are instantly destroyed by ANY Nature attacktake +45% damage from nature attacks*; Tier 7Level 100:All Summoned Skeletons Skeletal Archers and Mages deal +10 25% direct damage with each attack, but are instantly destroyed by ANY Nature attacktake +50% damage from nature attacks|Expand}}
| || of Strong Zombies || <b>Tier 14Level 100</b> - Raised Zombies deal +28 25% damage with each attack || Uncommon || Hands, Legs || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|*; Tier 1Level 5:Raised Zombies deal +2 6% damage with each attack*; Tier 2Level 10:Raised Zombies deal +4 7% damage with each attack*; Tier 3Level 15:Raised Zombies deal +6 8% damage with each attack*; Tier 4Level 20:Raised Zombies deal +8 9% damage with each attack*; Tier 5Level 25:Raised Zombies deal +10 % damage with each attack*; Tier 6Level 30:Raised Zombies deal +11% damage*; Level 35:Raised Zombies deal +12 % damage*; Level 40:Raised Zombies deal +13% damage with each attack*; Tier 7Level 45:Raised Zombies deal +14 % damage*; Level 50:Raised Zombies deal +15% damage with each attack*; Tier 8Level 55:Raised Zombies deal +16 % damage with each attack*; Tier 9Level 60:Raised Zombies deal +17% damage*; Level 65:Raised Zombies deal +18 % damage with each attack*; Tier 10Level 70:Raised Zombies deal +19% damage*; Level 75:Raised Zombies deal +20 % damage*; Level 80:Raised Zombies deal +21% damage with each attack*; Tier 11Level 85:Raised Zombies deal +22 % damage with each attack*; Tier 12Level 90:Raised Zombies deal +24 23% damage with each attack*; Tier 13Level 95:Raised Zombies deal +26 24% damage with each attack*; Tier 14Level 100:Raised Zombies deal +28 25% damage with each attack|Expand}}
| || of Inciting Zombies || <b>Tier 14Level 100</b> - Raised Zombies deal +22 65 damage with each attack and taunt as if they did 360+200% more damage || Uncommon || Necklace, Legs || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|*; Level 5:Raised Zombies deal +8 damage and taunt as if they did +200% more damage*; Level 10:Raised Zombies deal +11 damage and taunt as if they did +200% more damage*; Tier 1Level 15:Raised Zombies deal +1 14 damage with each attack and taunt as if they did 100+200% more damage*; Level 20:Raised Zombies deal +17 damage and taunt as if they did +200% more damage*; Level 25:Raised Zombies deal +20 damage and taunt as if they did +200% more damage*; Level 30:Raised Zombies deal +23 damage and taunt as if they did +200% more damage*; Level 35:Raised Zombies deal +26 damage and taunt as if they did +200% more damage*; Tier 2Level 40:Raised Zombies deal +2 29 damage with each attack and taunt as if they did 120+200% more damage*; Tier 3Level 45:Raised Zombies deal +3 32 damage with each attack and taunt as if they did 140+200% more damage*; Tier 4Level 50:Raised Zombies deal +4 35 damage with each attack and taunt as if they did 160+200% more damage*; Tier 5Level 55:Raised Zombies deal +6 38 damage with each attack and taunt as if they did 180+200% more damage*; Tier 6Level 60:Raised Zombies deal +7 41 damage with each attack and taunt as if they did +200% more damage*; Tier 7Level 65:Raised Zombies deal +8 44 damage with each attack and taunt as if they did 220+200% more damage*; Tier 8Level 70:Raised Zombies deal +10 47 damage with each attack and taunt as if they did 240+200% more damage*; Tier 9Level 75:Raised Zombies deal +11 50 damage with each attack and taunt as if they did 260+200% more damage*; Tier 10Level 80:Raised Zombies deal +13 53 damage with each attack and taunt as if they did 280+200% more damage*; Tier 11Level 85:Raised Zombies deal +14 56 damage with each attack and taunt as if they did 300+200% more damage*; Tier 12Level 90:Raised Zombies deal +16 59 damage with each attack and taunt as if they did 320+200% more damage*; Tier 13Level 95:Raised Zombies deal +19 62 damage with each attack and taunt as if they did 340+200% more damage*; Tier 14Level 100:Raised Zombies deal +22 65 damage with each attack and taunt as if they did 360+200% more damage|Expand}}
| || of Fast Zombies || <b>Tier 7Level 100</b> - Raised Zombies move deal +12 faster 60 damage and deal speed is +7 damage with each attack 10 || Rare || Feet || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|*; Tier 1Level 10:Raised Zombies move deal +6 damage and speed is +2 faster and *; Level 20:Raised Zombies deal +1 12 damage with each attackand speed is +4*; Tier 2Level 30:Raised Zombies move deal +4 faster 18 damage and speed is +6*; Level 40:Raised Zombies deal +2 24 damage with each attackand speed is +8*; Tier 3Level 50:Raised Zombies move deal +6 faster 30 damage and speed is +10*; Level 60:Raised Zombies deal +3 36 damage with each attackand speed is +10*; Tier 4Level 70:Raised Zombies move deal +8 faster 42 damage and deal speed is +4 damage with each attack10*; Tier 5Level 80:Raised Zombies move deal +10 faster 48 damage and deal speed is +5 damage with each attack10*; Tier 6Level 90:Raised Zombies move deal +12 faster 54 damage and deal speed is +6 damage with each attack10*; Tier 7Level 100:Raised Zombies move deal +12 faster 60 damage and deal speed is +7 damage with each attack10|Expand}}