: [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia_tools Wikipedia Tools]
==Where 2. Please briefly read [http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Talk_pages#Editing_conventions_on_talk_pages MediaWiki Help on Talk Pages]. '''Signatures, indents, and topics''' (headings) on '''User talk''' pages and '''Talk pages''' make it easier to see the flow of discussion and allows future editors who want to get up to Help==date on the history of an article to quickly do so. The following areas of * Consider '''watching''' talk pages (click the wiki need star) which you are participating in, as they will be highlighted in the most help[[Special:RecentChanges]]. You can also change your '''Preferences''' if you want to receive alternative notifications for watched pages. * Most users will want to place their personal '''User talk''' and '''User''' pages on their watchlist.
<div style="background:#f8f8f8;border:1px solid #ccc;padding:5px;">; Skills: Listing 3. Next, it will be helpful to familiarize yourself with some of the Advanced Abilities available from drops(recipes)/NPCs/etc: information to the right. This wiki uses the '''MediaWiki''' platform. If you have high level play experience::: ... overview of pros and cons (good abilitiesare new to MediaWiki, bad abilities):: ... relevant equipment/desirable augments some Help articles can be found on items (consider adding an example with [[Template:ItemT]]):: the sidebar... which other skills does it work well with? and why?
; Recipes: Tables of recipes available from various NPCs4. It is not necessary (and probably overkill) When creating pages, we would like to create new articles maintain some semblance between similar pages. You can check out the [[Project Gorgon Wiki:Formatting|formatting guidelines]] page for each recipesome advice. This page may be outdated, as the wiki search takes care however a '''Article guide pages''' section contains a list of finding any relevant articlevery useful templates that most new pages are built to follow. eg; If The best method is to find a player ingame types "/wiki orange" they will find any articles that mention orangessimilar page, including relevant recipes.:: A table and check the formatting of recipes (columns for price, favor, etc, is secondary. Leave them out if that page and the template the page is too much work, it can be added later)based on.
; Dungeons: Higher level dungeons are poorly documented atm::: Listing of foes, special foes, and harvestable nodes:: Describe Points of Interest in the dungeon:: Add articles for missing bosses:: Any particular general loot , quest loot that drops here?:: Consider adding a few images 5. You may want to highlight the sights in join a gallery tag (see [[Dungeon TemplateDiscord]]server to communicate with other Gorgon wiki editors.* Wiki-themed channels can be found in both '''Project: Gorgon (Official)''' and '''The Gorgon's Head Discord'''* Large group editing projects are usually organized through Discord.
; Missing images: Look at [[Special:WantedFiles]]5. Red links are usually missing imagesFinally, pick something to add. Click the "(1 link)" next to the red link, click You can choose from one of the page listed general categories below, then from or focus on contributing to anything that page click the image link in the article you would like to add a picturework on. Try * If you intend to optimize pictures make change that will impact many pages (rewriting a little bit in Photoshop by using "Save for Web" (JPEGtemplate, changing the layout of something). Size , it down is best to 300 pixels wide to reduce check with an experienced editor first!* Occasionally a new user will start a project, such as rewriting the ''Locations'' section of the file size''Creature Template'', as most articles will display a 300px thumbbefore realizing part of the way through that they have over 900 pages to manually change. Larger images can be used in In this situation, the user should have asked for help completing the Galleries at bottom of dungeon/zone articlesproject.</div>Many experienced editors are willing to help!
As the Wiki community grows we can discuss '''Active Bots in October 2024:''' TamiqBot. The majority of actions previously handled by bot accounts have been rewritten and automated by the [[User:FoxnEagle]]. '''TamiqBot''':- Creates new Item pages.:- Creates Loot subcategories.:- Updates ITEM infobox on Item pages.:- May update other parts of these articles in the relevant Item pages as required.'''ExtraBot''':- Creates or updates '''Recipes''' subpages for each Skill.:- Creates or updates '''Abilities''' subpages for each Skill.:- Creates or updates '''Stat Bonuses''' subpages for each Skill.:- Creates or updates '''Level up Rewards''' subpages for each Skill.:- Creates or updates '''Treasure Effects''' subpage for each Skill.:- Creates or updates '''Treasure Effects:By Slot''' subpages for each Skill.:- Creates or updates '''Treasure Effects:By Ability''' subpages for each Skill.:- Updates Work Orders subpage for '''Talk PagesIndustry'''. :- Updates '''Templates''' related to icons (GorgonzolaTemplate: I'm not 100% sure how notifications workItem icon, also the email seems brokenTemplate:Ability icon). :- Updates '''Synergy Levels''' page.'''AllyBot'''{{Quote|source=Additional details can be found at: [[User:Alleryn]]|Maintains:* For now I suggest to watch the templates item pages:** Recipes using given item as ingredient and Recipes producing given item** Quests that require a given item, and Quests that reward a given item** Npcs whose Favor is affected by gifting a given item** Abilities that consume given item as ammo* [[Hardcore_Mode#List_of_Items_Usable_Only_in_Hardcore_Mode]]* [[Gourmand/Edibles]], [[Gourmand/Meals]], [[Gourmand/Snacks]], [[Gourmand/Instant-Snacks]]* [[Template:Attribute icon]] and [[Template:Attribute label]]* The Xp tables (click the star iconpages in [[:Category:Xptable]]), so you can keep track of these in your Watchlist?AllyBot is on GitHub: https://github.com/alleryn/ProjectGorgonWiki-AllyBot}}'''KedochBot''':- Creates or Updates '''Quest''' pages.
<div style="background:#f8f8f8;border:1px solid #ccc;padding:5px;"><DynamicPageList>category = Template guides</DynamicPageList></div> ==Formatting TemplatesSpoilers ==Although the Project Gorgon Wiki generally displays a large '''A Note About SPOILERS !''' on the homepage warning users they may find unmarked spoilers, we do use a spoiler system. For the most part, if you are typing up a full list particular type of formatting templatespage, refer to the template for that type of content to see [[:Category:Formatting templates]]what goes into a spoiler. (NPCs, Dungeons, Skills, Abilities). Below Many spoiler tags are the most common:also used to collapse large lists.
<div style="background:#f8f8f8;border:1px solid #ccc;padding:5px;">; [[Template:Quote]]: Quote official text (both ingame NPC talk and developer's posts)Outside of existing template-defined styles, is hard to provide a Yes/No list for what should or should not go in a spoiler.; [[Template:Hint]]: Hides light spoilers inside The location of a dungeon should not be a tooltipspoiler. This helps keep If the layout nice as these fit "inline". Keep these hints short because they appear as dungeon requires a tooltip. You can not use double quotes insidevery specific method to access, use single quotes 'like this'.; that information should probably be placed in a spoiler! The [[Template:SpoilerDark Chapel]]: Hide big spoilers in Eltibule is a collapsible blockgood example. Unfortunately we can The existence of the dungeon is not format a table inside those! Consider using lists (bullet lists, definition lists)spoiler.; [[Template:ItemT]]: This The puzzle-based method to access the dungeon is a fun template that gives the appearance of an in-game item descriptionspoiler. Its goal Project Gorgon is to liven up the pages with exploration based, so some visualsspoilers might damage potential discoveries players might make. As for all templatesIn general, its value is that we can change the appearance later for many pages just by editing the templaterecord everything, so but if the in-game appearance changetopic spoils a riddle, puzzle, that or is not a problem. <span style="color:red">Icons are not yet supported</span> until the Wiki has better Extensions installed (a default "empty" icon is used).; [[Template:MOB infobox]]: Create an attractive "info card" for enemies and bosses. This is another way to liven up the pages. The info card does not document everything as that something extremely hidden, it is in the body of the article. <span style="colo:red">TODO</span> More parameters will be added but are limited atm due best to lack of proper Wiki Extensionsspoiler tag it.</div>
: [* [http:Category:Zones//www.facebook.com/GorgonMMO Facebook page]]: [and [http:Category:Dungeons]]: [[:Category:Bosses]]: [[:Category:Elite]//www.facebook.com/GorgonMMO/photos_stream photo stream] (Elite Bossesconcepts and 3d renders): [* [http:Category:NPCs]]:: [[:Category:Serbule NPCs]]:: [[:Category:Eltibule NPCs]]:: [[:Category:Kur Mountains NPCs]]:: etc//www.eldergame.com/ eldergame.: [[:Category:Skills]]:: [[:Category:Beast Forms]]:: [[:Category:Combat Skills]]:: [[:Category:Other Skills]]:: [[:Category:Trade Skills]com]
→Bots: Updated Active Bot list.
{{TOCright}}{| style="margin:0 0 0.5em 1em; border:none; float:right; clear:right; text-align:left; width:280px230px;" cellpadding="1"
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==How do I edit?Welcome to the Wiki==This wiki uses Welcome to the '''MediaWiki''' platformProject Gorgon Wiki. If you are new found this page, it probably means you want to MediaWiki, see the Help articles on the sidebarcontribute.
==Talk PagesFirst Steps==To sign 1. After you create your account and login for the first time, setup your comments when editing a personal '''User''' and ''' User talk page, just click the ''' pages. Click on your username and "signatureTalk" icon in the rich text editorupper right corner (desktop view) to create those pages. Even if you leave them blank, or add <code><nowiki>--~~~~</nowiki></code>. See [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Help:Using_talk_pages#Indentation Help:Using talk pages] their existence makes it easier for how other users to respond contact you with questions or to someonerequest collaboration on a larger project.
==Article Guides (structure and consistency)Where to Help==Note The following areas of the wiki need the most help:; Creature Page Updates* Style: Most Creatures require updates to follow the [[Creature Template]]. Most pages have an outdated layout for the Miscellaneous section.* Content: The Reported Loot sections need additional information gathered from in-game!* Content: Images. Over 500 creatures still require quality, daytime, cropped screenshots to use in their infoboxes. You can find a list of wanted images at [[Special:WantedFiles]], or browse Anatomy category pages. Red links are usually missing images. Click the "(1 link)" next to the red link, click the page listed below, then from that page click the image link in the following article to add a picture. Try to optimize pictures a little bit in Photoshop by using "Save for Web" if your version offers it. Size it down to 400 pixels wide to reduce the file size, as most articles will display a 400px thumb.; Missing Monsters* There may be missing monsters on the wiki. Usually, these are not actual MediWiki templatesunique summons by bosses. They ; NPCs* Style: Many NPCs are using an example outdated layout for their Training section. The proper format can be found on the [[NPC Template]] page . * Content: Most NPCs are missing their Conversations section. ; Skills* Content: Most skill pages require a few sentences to be written introducing the skill, and require elaboration of Mechanics.** Mechanics for [[Druid]], [[Warden]], [[Priest]], and [[Beast Forms|Beast Form]] skills need content submitted by players who are proficient in which we can discuss what those skills.* Content: Most skill pages require an image for their infobox. This is recommended to be a quality image of something that represents the skill.; Dungeons* Content: Most dungeon pages require elaboration on Points of Interest. * Content: Most dungeon pages have a sparsely populated Harvestables section.* Content: Most dungeon pages are missing a screenshot of the in-game map, without any labels.* Content: Comments may be added to the introductory section of a dungeon page, describing why players explore the structure dungeon. Are they there to collect any particular loot? Is it usually because of a quest?* Content: Consider adding a few screenshots to highlight the sights in a gallery tag (see [[Dungeon Template]]).; Gameplay* Content: Pretty much all gameplay/mechanics articles should look likebe expanded upon. ; Wanted Pages* The Project Gorgon wiki automatically generates a list of pages it believes to be "wanted" at [[Special:WantedPages]]. While this list can be helpful at identifying actually missing pages, the inclusion of something on this list does not guarantee that a page is necessary.:*Items are added to the Wanted Pages list when a broken link is created on another content page. These Sometimes the link is created from a misspelled word! If so, fix the spelling mistake and do not create a page for the misspelled word. :*Intentionally deleted categories can sometimes appear on this list. As an example, the Wanted Pages list includes '''Category:Halloween 2017''' as a Wanted Page. This is a category which once existed on the wiki but was consolidated into a different category years ago. It still appears on the Wanted Pages list because of how the wiki system processes subcategories. :*If you believe a page or pages included on the Wanted Pages list should actually be used as created, please create it if you are able to submit the proper content for that page. If a Quest appears on the Wanted Pages list and you are not proficient at adding quest pages, it would be better to leave the page in the list than to create a half-correct page!; Mark pages for Deletion* If you come across an irrelevant or duplicate page and want to have it deleted, add the code <b><nowiki>[[Category:Candidates for deletion]]</nowiki></b> to the bottom of the page. One of the wiki administrators will be notified.== Bots==The Project Gorgon Wiki uses a guide variety of bots to create or update certain types of pages with content provided by the developers through the public CDN repository for creating new articlesProject: Gorgon. Users should be aware that some of their edits may be overwritten by a bot when it is activated.
==CategoriesSources for the Wiki==This section gives an overview Besides in-game content, a list of known sources that can be used to flesh out the common categorieswiki:
; Q. This wiki is too light/bright/does not look like a gaming wiki!
: A: This is completely unimportant during the alpha. This wiki is hosted by the developers themselves, on their own domain. This means in due time, they may very well decide to revamp the general appearance to something more exciting. They obviously have more important things to do during alpha. What matters now is providing quality content and help for the players. If you prefer, consider helping out the [http://project-gorgon.wikia.com/wiki/Project_Gorgon_Wiki Project: Gorgon Wikia site] instead.
; Q. The rich text editor is too basic/ the syntax is complicated.
: A: It is. Consider it a new skillset. With that said, keep in mind this is collaborative work. If you don't like formatting things, simply focus on quality content. Someone else who is more into the layout and formatting will simply go over and tidy up things.
{{Project Gorgon Wiki formatting guides nav}}