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Battle Chemistry

4,594 bytes added, 10:54, 25 November 2024
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__NOTOC__{{Skill infobox|title = Battle Chemistry|image =[[File:Battle Chemistry (skill)DyeMonster.png|300px]]|caption = Using alchemical concoctions in the heat of battle. Not for the faint of heart, or the particularly sane, this combat style specializes in area-effects of all types. Advanced practitioners can also ingest their formulae directly to take on new combat personalities. Masters can even create homonculi to serve them in battle.jpg|thumbskilltype = Combat Skill|rightmaxlevel = 90 <!-- List without bonus levels -->|300pxreq = Alchemy 50|skilltrainers = [[Chemist]], [[Mox Warcut]], [[Bendith the Banished]]}}
Please check [[Game updates/2023-08-10]] for recent updates to the [[Battle Chemistry]] skill which may not be on this page yet!
== {{msg:BASEPAGENAME}} Overview==
'''Battle Chemistry''' (often abbreviated "'''BC'''") is a combat skill usable only by well-practiced [[Alchemy|Alchemists]]. '''Battle Chemistry''' is known for its solid aoe damage utilizing a wide variety of element types, as well as its utility abilities and programmable [[Golem Abilities|golem summons]].
=== In-Game Description ===
Using alchemical concoctions in the heat of battle. Not for the faint of heart, or the particularly sane, this combat style specializes in area-effects of all types. Advanced practitioners can also ingest their formulae directly to take on new combat personalities. Masters can even create homonculi to serve them in battle.
=== Training {{msg:BASEPAGENAME}}===Using various secondary skills<!-- A list of methods to learn and level the skill -->* A placeholder NPC in [[Rahu]] (named, appropriately, "[[Chemist]]") will teach you [[Battle Chemistry]] if you have at least level 50 [[Alchemy]]. He will also teach you most abilities up to level 50.* [[Mox Warcut]], an NPC in [[Gazluk]], will raise the Skill Cap to 60 and to 70.* [[Bendith the Banished]] in the [[Fae Realm]] unlocks 71-80.* [[Zealo]] can teach the "Extra Heart" mutation and "Healing Injection".* [[Yalox]] can teach the "Stretchy Spine" mutation 1-3. (This has since been replaced by a mod to "Extra Heart")* Levels 81-90 may be unlocked by gaining favor with a mysterious entity deep beneath [[Povus]]. == Connected Skills =='''Sub-Skills:'Battle Chemistry''* None'''Secondary Skills:''' creates * [[Alchemy]] - Without Alchemy, Battle Chemists would be unable to create their explosive concoctions as well as and mutagenic injectors injections. ===== Synergy Levels =====Bonus [[Synergy Levels]] for [[Battle Chemistry]] can be obtained from the following skills and levels::; [[Alchemy]]:: Level 25, Level 45:; [[Cooking]]:: Level 55:; [[Iocaine Resistance]]:: Level 30:; [[Sigil Scripting]]:: Level 25:; [[Mycology]]:: Level 30:; [[Pathology]]:: Level 30 == {{msg:BASEPAGENAME}} Basic Abilities==As you level {{msg:BASEPAGENAME}}, you will learn the following abilities:* Toxic Irritant* Toxin Bomb* Create Golem === {{msg:BASEPAGENAME}} Advanced Abilities===Upon reaching higher levels, experts of the {{msg:BASEPAGENAME}} Skill may learn the following abilities:(Under Construction)! == Cross Class Abilities ==A number of Battle Chemistry abilities require levels in a second skill to learn.; Mycotoxin Formula abilities require levels in [[Mycology]] to improve you learn.*Mycotoxin Formula 2 - Mycology 25*Mycotoxin Formula 3 - Mycology 30*Mycotoxin Formula 4 - Mycology 35*Mycotoxin Formula 5 - Mycology 40; Haste Concoction abilities require levels in [[Meditation]] to learn.* Haste Concoction 1 - Meditation <= 20* Haste Concoction 2 - Meditation 25* Haste Concoction 3 - Meditation 45; Acid Bomb abilities require levels in [[Fishing]] to learn.* Acid Bomb 2 - Fishing 25* Acid Bomb 4 - Fishing 35; Healing Mist abilities require levels in [[First Aid]] to learn.* Healing Mist 2 - First Aid <31* Healing Mist 4 - First Aid 30* Healing Mist 5 - First Aid 40; Knee Spikes abilities require levels in [[Unarmed]] to learn.; Extra Skin abilities require levels in [[Cooking]] to learn.; Extra Toes 3 abilities and lay waste require levels in [[Lore]] to groupslearn. It is also one of the costliest skills ; Extra Toes 5 - Unarmed 29; Freezing Mist abilities require levels in the game, with [[Fire MagicGardening]] close behindto learn.* Freezing Mist 5 - Gardening 40
The skill gives access to [[Golems]]{{:{{msg:BASEPAGENAME}}/Abilities}}
== {{msg:BASEPAGENAME}} Mechanics ===== Weapons ===[[Battle Chemistry]] users have access to two categories of weapons. Chemistry Beakers can be held in the main-hand, while Chemistry Flasks are used in the offhand.==== Main-hand Chemistry Beakers ====<dpl> category = Items/ChemistryBeaker reset = categories columns = 3 mode = userformat format = ,\n* {{Item|%PAGE%}},, allowcachedresults=true</dpl>==== Off-hand Chemistry Flasks ====<dpl> category = Items/ChemistryFlask reset = categories columns = 3 mode = userformat format = ,\n* {{Item|%PAGE%}},, allowcachedresults=true</dpl>===Equipment===* {{beltItem|Lucky Belt of The Alchemist}} ('''Battle Chemistry''', Mentalism)* {{beltItem|Lucky Belt of The Support Archer}} ('''Battle Chemistry''', Archery)* {{beltItem|Lucky Belt of The Master Exploder}} (Fire Magic, '''Battle Chemistry'''){{:{{msg:BASEPAGENAME}}/Treasure Effects}}{{:{{msg:BASEPAGENAME}}/Stat Bonuses}}{{:{{msg:BASEPAGENAME}}/Level Up Rewards}}
==AbilitiesBattle Chemistry Experience Table ==<!-- transcluding level up rewards or skill upgrades table as this is likely be auto-generated at some pt in {{Spoiler|Click Expand to view the future -->Experience Table for Battle Chemistry|{{:Xptables/TypicalCombatSkill}}}}== Trivia ==Out of the original combat skills, Battle Chemistry Abilities}}was the last to receive a level cap beyond 50!
When applying the buffs from Battle Chemistry on another person, if you switch skills, log out, or switch zones the buff will go away.
If the other person logs out or switches zones they will also lose the buff.
[[Category:Skills]][[Category:Combat Skills]]

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