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Anagoge Records Facility

34 bytes removed, 18:19, 2 October 2017
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{{MAP infobox
| name = Anagoge Records Facility
| connects = [[Serbule]], [[South SerbuleHills]]
| pclevel = 5 <!-- approx main skill level to start the dungeon -->
| portaldesc = A tattered note on the door says "STUDENTS KEEP OUT"
==== 7. Entrance to new section (caves) ====
A large rock that was blocking a doorway towards the back of the Facility has been removed and a new area has opened. There's a lever ahead that will open another entry into the caves and eventual access to Serbule Hills if you wish. Although the entry will close, you can return to the Records Facility by pulling a lever in a small room to the right of the exit to Serbule Hills (see map). You can return to the caves, Record Facility and Anagoge Island by entering via Serbule Hills or by paying $300 via boat from the Serbule docks.

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