Updated to lorebook.
{{QuoteLorebooks infobox| title = History of the Council, vol. 5| lochint= Found in a lighthouse on Anagoge Island| category= History|iconarea=book[[Anagoge Island]]|visibility= Hidden Until Found}}[[History of Alharth: The Council]] is a [[Lorebook]] found on [[Anagoge]].== Content ==: You leave leaf through the books for interesting tidbits:
:"The lead wizards from each school met in secret, calling themselves [[The Council of Thirteen]]. Had the gorgons found them, we would still be under the yoke of the [[Crone Hegemony]] to this day! But under the cloak of magical secrecty they organized a rebellion."
:"... [[Queen Hegata]] declared open war upon the upstart humans and called for aid from her allies. The Orcs followed her lead, but the Elves of [[Verta]] refused to honor their treaty, claiming that it was an internal matter. This created a schism between between the Elves and the Hags which is still evident to this day.
:"... When the crones were forced out of their beloved home in [[Ilmari]], they destroyed this Great Weather Machine so that the Council could not obtain it. Who can say if they knew what would happen as a result? Perhaps it was an accident. But in any case, [[Ilmari ]] was covered in horrific storms for the next 24 years. Its fertile soil was washed away and it became a barren desert. For hundreds of years it remained uninhabited, until the [[Rakshasa]] used it as the landing point for their invasion."
: This is too boring. You stop reading and focus on more pressing matters.