Updated to template.
| image = [[Image:Malnourished Wolf.png]]
| type = Canine
| health = 42
| armor = 23
| rage = 44
| effective = Poison, Trauma
The '''[[Malnourished Wolf''' ]] is a form of Wolf found on [[Anagoge Island]]. They are relatively weak compared to their other [[Canine]] brethren. ==Locations==; [[Anagoge Island]]: Found mostly on the south of the island.
{{MOB Location
| location1 = Anagoge Island
| desc1 = Found mostly around the southern slopes of the island.
| health1 = 42
| armor1 = 23
| rage1 = 44
==Combat Abilities==
* Slashing Damage
* Crushing Damage
* [[Image:Rage-icon-20px.gif|Rage]] Heavy Crushing Damage
==Reported Loot==
[[Category:Tutorial Cave Creatures]][[Category:Anagoge Creatures]]