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The '''[[Black Widow Spider''' ]] is an agile and strong [[Arthropod]], equipped with a poison rage attack.== Location ==
{{MOB Location
| location1 area= Serbule| desc1 location= Southeastern hills.| armor1 armor = 20| health1 health = 73| rage1 rage = 119}}{{MOB Location| location2 area= Serbule Hills Spider Cave| desc2 location= Deeper inside the tunnels of the cave| armor2 armor= 20| health2 health = 73| rage2 rage = 119}}{{MOB Location| location3 area= Serbule Hills| desc3 location= Scattered across the hills of the [[Serbule Hills]]| armor3 armor = 20| health3 health = 73| rage3 rage = 119}}{{MOB Location| location4 area= Serbule Crypt| desc4 location= Directly inside the graveyard entrance.| armor4 armor = X| health4 health = X| rage4 rage = X