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| title = Orcish Thaumaturge
| type = Orc
| health = 426
| armor = 302
| rage = 633
| effective = Nature
[[Orcish Thaumaturge]]s are [[Orc]]s trained in magical combat. They are capable of both melee and long-range attacks. Thaumaturges are often targeted by Prodigies and Adventurers searching for the [[Orcish Spell Pouch]]s they carry.
{{MOB Location
| location1 area= Kur Mountains| desc1 location = Encountered around both Orc Camps.| armor1 health= 302426| health1 armor = 426302| rage1 rage = 633}}{{MOB Location| location2 area = Gazluk| desc2 location = Patrolling [[Gazluk City]] and the surrounding area.| armor2 health = 10621551| health2 armor = 15511062| rage2 rage = 1632
== Combat Abilities ==