Added a conversation.
== Conversations ==
{{Spoiler| Approaching [[Sammie Grimspine]] as a Wolf |
How did you find me? What do you want? I can take you out. I'm not afraid of you!
; Uh, hello. I'm (name). I don't bite.
How did you know? How!? Do I smell in this form? I thought for sure I couldn't be smelled... fuck! What are you going to do?
; You're a werewolf too?
Yes, asshole. I'm a fucking werewolf. But I'm not going to succumb to blackmail. So go ahead and tell people. I don't care. I'll move away, but I won't pay!
; I'm not going to tell anyone. Let me help you.
Really? You won't tell? Thank you. So you just happened to stop by here? You didn't know I was a werewolf?
; I didn't know until you told me.
That's a relief. I wear a VERY expensive perfume that's supposed to hide my sent, even to other wolves.
I have to ask you a question though.
; What's the question?
How are you staying so calm, so in control? If I wolfed out right now, I'd go on a killing rampage!
; It just comes naturally to me. I'm fully in control.
You shit! I work so hard to keep my wolf inside! I mastered calligraphy just to help my meditation, just to keep from losing control. And most days I can barely stay dwarven. But on full moons, I have to lock myself up and pray I don't get free.
And you're telling me that you don't have any bloodlust problems? That's not fair!
; I agree that it's not fair. But it's true.
Well, can you teach me to have control as a werewolf? Please?
; I'm sorry. I don't think I'm skilled enough to teach you.
; I can try, but I don't have any training. It might go poorly...
: Oh, thank you! I desperately need your help. And don't worry about 'incidents.' I have a system of cages and safety doors in my house. That's why I never let anyone in.
;: That's good.
[[Category:NPCs]] [[Category:Serbule Hills NPCs]] [[Category:Dwarf]] [[Category:Skill Trainer]] [[Category:Vendor]] [[Category:Storage]]