Commented out old ItemT. Will need to redesign.
<includeonly><!--{{ItemT||thumb|Icon={{{diffIcon|{{BASEPAGENAME}}}}}|{{{name|{{BASEPAGENAME}}}}}|{{#ifeq: {{{TYPE|}}} | mining | Records the location of Metal that can be mined in {{{location}}}. | Records the location of a mineral deposit in or around {{{location}}}. }}|• Value: {{{value|25}}}<br/> • Right Click to Check Survey}} --><!-- Below is everything that is not the Template:ItemT stuff for this template, i decided to include the ItemT template above so as to not be entering duplicate information into each mineral survey page and to hopefully make them more easily edited. -->:==How To Use=={{#ifeq: {{{TYPE|}}} | mining |* Mining Surveys are maps to a specific metal in a certain zone for use with [[Mining]].* When a Mining Survey is created it will say in the description what metal it leads to. * When first used a highlight will appear on the map where the metal is located. When used again ''at the location indicated'' the player will retrieve the metal provided they have a high enough level in [[Mining]] and the mining survey will disappear. |* Mineral Surveys are maps to a specific mineral in a certain zonefor use with [[Geology]]. * When a Mineral Survey is created it will say in the description what mineral it leads to. * When first used they a highlight will highlight appear on the map where the mineral is located. When used again ''at the location indicated '' the player will retrieve the mineral provided they have a high enough level in [[Geology]] and the mineral survey will disappear.}}:<!--{{#ifeq: {{{TYPE|}}} | mining | Metal | Rock }}-->{{{Recipe|}}}:==How To Obtain==:Can be crafted through [[Surveying]] at level '''{{{level|??}}}'''. It is taught by {{{teacher|unknown}}}.::==Rewards==:The '''{{{name|{{BASEPAGENAME}}}}}''' requires {{#ifeq: {{{TYPE|}}} | mining | [[Mining]] | [[Geology]] }} level '''{{{geoskill|??}}}''' to use and may lead to:::{{{rewards|not yet documented}}}:'''Speed Bonus Rewards''':::{{{speedbonus|not yet documented}}}: <!-- this little ifeq just makes sure that this template is not accidentally categorizing anypage in the Template: namespace -->{{#ifeq: {{NAMESPACE}} | Template | | {{#ifeq: {{{TYPE|}}} | mining | [[Category:Items/MiningSurvey]] | [[Category:Items/MineralSurvey]] }}[[Category:Items/Document]] }} </includeonly> <!---below this is the templates actual wiki page and a demo of its use--><noinclude>__NOTOC__==Usage==:*This template was made to help format and populate the mineral survey pages. It should both make them easier to edit and easier to create any new ones in future. :===example of use for Serbule Blue Mineral Survey===:<pre>{{MineralSurvey|| name=Serbule Blue Mineral Survey |value=25|diffIcon=Serbule Blue Mineral Survey <!-- use if item icon name is different than the page name -->|location=Serbule|level=15|geoskill=8|teacher=[[Jaime Fatholm]]|rewards=[[Amethyst]], [[Blue Spinel]], [[Fluorite]], [[Lapis Lazuli]], [[Obsidian]]|speedbonus=[[Piece of Green Glass]], and more...}}</pre> ==Mining Survey==:This template can also be used for a Mining Survey. Simply indclude the 'TYPE=mining' parameter:the geoskill parameter will then refer to the Mining Level needed instead of the Geology Level needed. <pre>{{MineralSurvey|| name=Serbule Hills Simple Mining Survey|TYPE=mining|value=10|location=Serbule Hills|level=7|geoskill=1|teacher=[[Jaime Fatholm]]|rewards=[[Simple Metal Slab]], [[Basic Metal Slab]]}} </pre> ===The actual demo above as shown on wiki=== {{MineralSurvey|| name=Serbule Blue Mineral Survey |value=25|diffIcon=Serbule Blue Mineral Survey|location=Serbule|level=15|geoskill=8|teacher=[[Jaime Fatholm]]|rewards=[[Amethyst]], [[Blue Spinel]], [[Fluorite]], [[Lapis Lazuli]], [[Obsidian]]|speedbonus=[[Piece of Green Glass]], and more... }}: ==mining survey==:{{MineralSurvey|| name=Serbule Hills Simple Mining Survey|TYPE=mining|diffIcon=Serbule Hills Simple Mining Survey|value=10|location=Serbule Hills|level=7|geoskill=1|teacher=[[Jaime Fatholm]]|rewards=[[Simple Metal Slab]], [[Basic Metal Slab]]}}[[Category:Template guides]]</noinclude>