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281 bytes added, 16:53, 21 February 2020
Commented out old ItemT. Will need to redesign.
|{{#ifeq: {{{TYPE|}}} | mining | Records the location of Metal that can be mined in {{{location}}}. | Records the location of a mineral deposit in or around {{{location}}}. }}
&bull; Value: {{{value|25}}}<br/> :&bull; Right Click to Check Survey}} -->
<!-- Below is everything that is not the Template:ItemT stuff for this template, i decided to include the ItemT template above so as to not be entering duplicate information into each mineral survey page and to hopefully make them more easily edited. -->
==How To Use==
{{#ifeq: {{{TYPE|}}} | mining |
* Mining Surveys are maps to a specific metal in a certain zone for use with [[Mining]].
<!--{{#ifeq: {{{TYPE|}}} | mining | Metal | Rock }}-->{{{Recipe|}}}:
==How To Obtain==
|speedbonus=[[Piece of Green Glass]], and more...
==Mining Survey==
:This template can also be used for a Mining Survey. Simply indclude the 'TYPE=mining' parameter
:the geoskill parameter will then refer to the Mining Level needed instead of the Geology Level needed.
|teacher=[[Jaime Fatholm]]
|rewards=[[Simple Metal Slab]], [[Good Basic Metal Slab]]
==mining survey==
|teacher=[[Jaime Fatholm]]
|rewards=[[Simple Metal Slab]], [[Good Basic Metal Slab]]
[[Category:Template guides]]