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[[Vervadium]] is a rare gem used in Level 70 crafting recipes, and may be used as a substitute for {{Item|Fluorite}}.
=== How to Obtain ===
*Found as a drop from low-level monsters and chests in the [[Labyrinth]].* [[Fluffikins]] gives 2x [[Vervadium]] in trade for 5x [[Glowy Yellow Crystal|Glowy Yellow Crystals]].:- He also rewards one [[Vervadium]] upon completion of the quest '[[Lumber for Campsite Repairs]]'.* [[Vervadium]] is a reward for some warden quests given by [[Lumpfuzz]] and [[Trekker]].* At {{favor|Like Family}} with the [[The Sand Seer|Sand Seer]], you may trade one [[Vervadium]] for two [[Winterprize]].
=== Gifting ===
=== Lore ===