Added event parameter documentation.
{{ #if:{{{eventnpc|}}}|{{pipe}}- valign="top"
! style="background:#f2cda0f2a2a0; color:#000000; border-radius:2px; width:250px;" colspan="2" align="center" {{pipe}} Event NPC
|- valign="top"
| Template:NPC infobox =
| NPC Template =
| {{ #ifeq: {{{beastspeak}}} | Yes| [[Category:Talks to Animals]] }}{{ #if: {{{zone|}}} | [[Category:{{{zone}}} NPCs]] }}{{ #if: {{{skilltrainer|}}} | [[Category:Skill Trainer]] }}{{ #if: {{{anatomy|}}} | [[Category:{{{anatomy}}}]] }}{{ #if: {{{vendor|}}} | [[Category:Vendor]] }}{{ #if: {{{consignment|}}} | [[Category:Consignment]] }}{{ #if: {{{barter|}}} | [[Category:Bartering]] }}{{ #if: {{{augment|}}} | [[Category:Augmentation]] }}{{ #if: {{{storage|}}} | [[Category:Storage]] }}{{ #if: {{{town|}}} | [[Category:{{{town}}} NPCs]] }}{{ #if: {{{dungeon|}}} | [[Category:{{{dungeon}}} NPCs]] }}{{ #if: {{{eventnpc|}}} | [[Category:Event NPCs]] }}{{ #ifeq: {{{species}}} | Ranalon| [[Category:Ranalon]] }}{{ #ifeq: {{{species}}} | Myconian| [[Category:Myconian]] }}{{ #ifeq: {{{species}}} | Mantis| [[Category:Mantis]] }}}}
|image =
|caption =
|eventnpc =
|zone =
|town =
:Optional. Usually the description above the NPCs head.
:Optional. Only use if the NPC is a special NPC used during an Event. Answer '''Yes''' if they are. Leave blank if not.
:Required, will remain blank on page if a value is not entered. The zone or region where the NPC can be found.