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Srand Forum Posts

5,947 bytes added, 10:10, 7 May 2020
BC Golem Solo/Group Toggle: Added a few months of posts.
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==== Colorblind Mode ====
:There's no colorblind mode yet. I'm sorry. We are determined to add one, but for the moment it's lower than some other priorities.
:: 3/27/2020
==== Pets. Pets? Pets! ====
:I also would love more pets - it was one of the first things I asked Citan for! (I used to run Petopia, a WoW pet site. I had a slime!) Sadly other things have taken higher priority so far, but I am very much looking forward to playing with the AH pets eventually. Or at least plying Citan with 'helpful' suggestions while he tries to work on them.
:: 3/1/2020
==== Black Magic Code ====
:I can't claim to be the actual black magic coder in the family, though - that's Citan. My code work on PG has mostly been bug fixes and such on the client at this point. I've also been helping with other random grunt work - building some dungeons, mapping spawns, maps ... <shrug> I've done a lot of random stuff in my day - AC1 had such a shortage of staff when I was lead engineer there that all of us filled in for each other when we had to. (I made some quests I'm still vaguely proud of. I don't want to talk about the tsys boondoggle, though.) But I wouldn't call myself a designer either. I'm just a coder who is being forced ('forced') to do random grunt work because that's what's necessary right now.
:: 2/24/2020
==== Project Work ====
:While you could say that I did some writing in PG as well as previous games, it was entirely code. I am a coder. Sorry to disappoint!
:Edit: Although I am curious why you thought I did the writing.
:: 2/23/2020
==== Hair Colors ====
:Just to clarify, and extending the hair color example: the new color is permanent in the same way that the old color was permanent. It can still be changed with another potion. Permanent here means that it is not a 5-minute effect that wears off on its own. That sentence could be ambiguous, so I wanted to check that we're on the same page.
:: 2/22/2020
==== Horizon Terrain Bug ====
:If you are having trouble with the terrain in Rahu - if a blue thing is popping up through the ground in some places as you move - don't panic! We are working on this right now. In the meantime, we have a work-around:
:In Settings, under Graphics, at the very bottom of the list of regular settings is a toggle for "Show Advanced Options". Toggle "Enabled" on. This opens a long list of advanced settings that you can tweak. About halfway down the list is "Show Horizon Terrain". Toggle this setting on, and you will see a new toggle to Enable/Disable the horizon terrain. The default is "Enabled". Toggle that to "Disabled". You will no longer see distant horizon terrain - or the weird blue plane in Rahu.
:: 8/25/2019
==== Player Guides ====
:Just to clarify a bit:
:Guides are volunteers who have agreed to help answer other players' questions, and to help keep in-game chat a civil and friendly place. There is no requirement that they put in a certain number of hours; they are volunteers.
:Guides have very few special powers, and those are related specifically to their role. For example, they can turn their -GUIDE- tag on and off to indicate whether they are currently doing guide-y things. They can deploy limited short-term gags and bans if necessary to put out fires in chat. They do not have the power to spawn items or monsters, and they can't run what I will loosely call admin events.
:Internally, we think of events as being either player-driven - like the Poetry Jam - or admin-driven - like the recent lemon-themed events. We would love to see more player-driven events like the Poetry Jam! Guides can help players get events like this set up and rolling. Admin events are much more unwieldy. These events require a lot of work and a lot of high-level special commands, so not something guides will be able to do on their own. (Sorry, guides!)
:When we ask guides to do other things, we generally give them specific guide-only items - for example, the big pillars of light that guides can deploy to help players find them. And we give them access to some goodies like cauldrons to enliven player gatherings.
:If you are putting together a player-driven event - whether that is something big and recurring like the Poetry Jam, or just a little one-time thing like a character's birthday party - you can ask the guides if they can help make that happen. The guides won't magically make it happen for you, and there may not be any guides available - they are volunteers, after all.
:If you would like to give feedback on specific guide actions, please e-mail
:: 6/23/2019
==== Dangerous Weapons ====
:So yeah, the plan is to update the dangerous equipment with something that makes sense for the original purpose of helping level 40ish players improve their gear. That isn't an immediate priority, so it may be a bit before we get those changes in.
:And please keep in mind that if you aren't level 40ish when we get a better system in place, you may be disappointed with your updated equipment.
:: 4/18/2019
==== BC Golem Solo/Group Toggle ====
: I like that suggestion! And Citan tells me that something like this will probably be added eventually. But golems programs use very old tech and will need to be updated - along with much of BC - before much can be done with them.
==== Happy Anniversary, Memorable Day? ====
: I know, right? I figured even I can't forget this one. (Plus, it's oddly apt.)