Updated to current version.
==Update Notes: May 28, 2020==
This update is heavy on UI improvements. There's also some new things to discover in Sun Vale (which we won't spoiler here since it's exploration content). Plus a broad assortment of other stuff... read on!
===(Hotfix Notes)===We fixed a couple of bugs in this update later the same day. The changes were:: - Fixed a bug that could break the targeting system when certain monsters were killed: - Fixed a bug which could prevent the Stable window from loading: - Removed the ability to analyze the genes of monsters (this wasn't supposed to be live yet, and will be reset when it does go live)
===General User Interface Changes===
We've made a lot of general tweaks and changes to the user interface in this update. Some are experimental while others are basically just bug-fixes.
===Particle-Spam Limiter===
To help cut down on "particle spam" in busy towns, there's now a rate-limiter on how many unimportant gameplay particle-effects will be displayed. The limit is determined by your graphics quality level, or you can manually set it in the Settings window: it's an advanced Graphics setting called '''"Max Low-Pri Particles Per Second".'''
What is a "low pri particle"? It's a particle-effect from a buff or ability that doesn't seem like it will directly affect you much: buffs and heals cast on other players (who aren't in your current group). Buffs and heals cast on you are never considered "low-pri", so even if you set the limiter to zero, you'll still see particles when people cast spells on you.
===Bee Hive Encounter Revisions===
The "poke the hive" group encounters in the fae realm [[Fae Realm]] have been revised to be much easier. We still recommend a group of 5-6 level 70+ players, although it is possible for a very coordinated (or very well-geared) small group to handle some of them.
These encounters are not well-tested. That's your job! We'd love your feedback on these encounters after you've tried them out a few times. Since we need detailed balancing feedback, you'll need to know how things are supposed to work. So the rest of this section is a spoiler!
We want these encounters to be frantic, and feel dangerous, but not feel insane. In other words, they should be fun. The hives nearest town are intended to be relatively easy, and the later ones should be more difficult. One of the biggest unknowns is how much time should elapse between each round of reinforcements. If your feedback indicates that certain hives are too hard, we can slow down the reinforcements, or reduce the number of enemies per round.
One other thing -:- the elites in these encounters now have a chance to drop [[Fairy Soul AnchorsAnchor]]s. They are rare and drop as a bonus item (meaning that they don't reduce the amount of "regular" loot received). Fairy Soul Anchors are useless to non-fae, and always will be, but they drop for players of all races to allow fairies a way to purchase them from other players.
===Monsters and Mantids===
After receiving your detailed feedback on this casino game (thank you!), we've revised it to have more choices, more build diversity, and a bit faster playing speed.
:- when your [[Gaming ]] skill is 15, you can now tip your game master. Game masters provide hastier service for big tippers.
:- when your M&M character reaches XP level 2, 3, and 5, you'll pick a Perk from a random selection of Perks. Perks are small buffs and benefits.
:- when your dice-roll ends in death, you no longer receive your tickets and rewards before the dice are finished rolling. Instead, press the "Continue" button to receive your rewards.
:- the ability Lurk deals -1 damage (at all tiers) to injured enemies
:- the code for the random-encounter system was rewritten in this update, and all the encounters were converted to a new system. It's possible there are bugs -:- if you find them, please report them!
:- there are some new random encounters, with more to come.
===Fairy Tweaks===
:- All beehives in the fae realm [[Fae Realm]] now have a quest available to fairies. (Previously, most of the hives were "coming soon".) Each hive can now be completed once every 5 days instead of every 1 day. The item rewards are also tweaked: they now sometimes give valuable items (such as royal jelly[[Royal Jelly]]) instead of fairy [[Fairy Soul AnchorsAnchor]]s, although the most common reward item is still a [[Fairy Soul Anchor]]. All 12 of the hive quests give 200 Fae racial XP upon completion.
:- Most items made of ice now melt less quickly. (Raw ice is about half as likely to melt each tick.)
:- Using the Fairy Wing Potion was much more tedious than intended because the potion chose randomly between 30+ different wings. There are now five different fairy wing potions, each covering only one or two styles of wing. This way, when you know which shape you want, you can more easily find it in the color you want by brewing the appropriate potion. These new recipes are unlocked by raising Fey racial skill[[Fae (Race Skill)]].
===Previews of Animal Husbandry===
We're working on a complex system for breeding and selling pet animals. It's not ready yet, so we've "turned it off" for this update. However, there are lots of little details (and bugs) that still made it into the update.
:- The Stable window has been rewritten in preparation for the upcoming [[Animal Husbandry ]] system. You'll notice that the new version indicates whether your pet is male or female. This will be important for breeding purposes, but won't have any other effect.
:- The Stable window will say that your pets are "Unregistered" -:- this can be ignored for now
:- The Item Info window has a new tab labeled "Preview". This will be how you examine a pet who's stored in a travel-cage item. For now, it does nothing.
<!-- The following line was removed when the hotfix happened.:- Due to a bug, it's possible to analyze the genes of some monsters and view their DNA. This is supposed to require a lot of training and expensive items, so we'll be resetting these Genetics skills back to 0 when we launch the husbandry system. Feel free to play with it, but remember it's in heavy development!-->
:- Some animals are currently using genetics internally. This includes cats, wasps, bees, deer, and a few others. These genes can affect the creatures' stats: they may have more or less max health than normal, or have evasion, toughness, etc. However, the genomes these animals are using are junk genes, intended only for testing.
:- Two types of creatures, deer and bees/wasps, not only use genetics internally, but externally as well: their genes affect their visual appearance. You'll notice that different individuals have unique colors, sizes, and (in the case of bees), deformities, particles, or other strangeness. Again, these animals' genomes aren't permanent, they're just for testing the system. (Especially the deer's appearance genes, which currently generate rainbow-colored deer.)
:- Some words of power that said they lasted 15 minutes only lasted 5 minutes
:- The crossbows "Hunting Crossbow" and "Double Crossbow" were incorrectly flagged as having a necromancy gem; the gem is now removed.
:- [[Archery ]] ability Snare Arrow's description indicated that it used 5 arrows, but only actually needed 1. The description was incorrect and has been fixed
:- Food item "Gobbledygook" was incorrectly marked as a meat dish
:- [[The "Bridge Bully]]" has been relocated to a more recognizable bridge:- [[Velkort]]'s pet flame now acts as a waste disposal service for the town of Serbule: you can discard junk in it.
:- Fixed bugs that could cause the wrong icon to be shown on the "casting" progress bar
:- Fixed exploitable bug: high-level [[Fairy Magic ]] abilities could be used even when paired with a very low-level skill (It didn't honor the max-25-level-difference cap between your active skills.)
:- Tamed Blinding Wasps' special abilities were both named "Wasp Ranged Debuff" -- one of them is now renamed "Wasp Burst Pierce". Behavior is unchanged, only the label was wrong
:- Fixed bugs where Objective Orienteering abilities could report "The quest objective is not anywhere in this zone" when they were, in fact, in the zone, just very far away. This bug could happen for quests in [[Sun Vale ]] or [[Ilmari Desert]].
:- Fixed a bug that caused Combos to be aborted when you triggered a Combat Refresh
:- Tweaked spawn range of motherlodes in Kur to prevent spawning off the map